Hog Prices Lancaster Market Monday, Sept. 17 Barrows and gilts 1.00-2.00 lower; sows scarce. BARROWS AND GILTS: US 1 200-240 lb. 47.50-48.00 couple lots early 48.50; US 1-2 200-240 lb. 46.75-47.50; US 2-3 190-255 lb. 46.00-46.50. Vintage Auction Saturday, Sept. 15 HOGS 680, compared with last Saturday’s market. Barrows and Gilts: Mostly $3.50 higher. US No. 1-2 200-235 lbs. 47.85- 48.50, lot 48.85; US No. 1-3 195-235 lbs. 47.35-47.85; US No. 2-3 190-240 lbs. 46.85-47.50; Few US No. 2-4 250-255 lbs. 46.00; US No. 2-4 120- 180 lbs. 41.00-46.50 Sows: US No. 1-3 355-505 lbs. 41.50-43.75 Few Boars: 39.0041.75 Wednesday, Sept. 19 HOGS 350, compared with last Wednesday’s market. Barrows and Gilts: Mostly isl lower. US No. 1-2 200-235 lbs. 46.50- 47.50; US No. 1-3 200-250 lbs. 45.00- 46.00 Sows: US No. 1-3 300-550 lbs. 40.25-41.75 Boars: 40.00-41.00 Lancaster Auction Wednesday, Sept. 19 Barrows and gilts steady to weak. BARROWS AND GILTS: US 1 220-230 lb. 47.75-48.00; US 1-2 200- 240 lb. 46.50-46.60; US 2-3 200-240 lb. 46.00-46.50; US 3-4 240-260 lb. 45.50-46.00. St. Lnnis Auction HOGS 5500. Barrows and gilts 25 to mostly 50 lower. US 1-3 200-250 lb. 44.00-44.25; arouhd 300 head 44.50 nv NA Farmline uinH Motors SINGLE-PHASE—’A to 10 H. P. Capacitor Start CONTINUOUS DUTY BALL BEARING OPEN OR TOTALLY ENCLOSED Specially Designed to Produce Operating Characteristics to Fulfill Farm Requirements ' for Hard-Starting, Long-Life, Rugged Use Motors. IN STOCK NOW HIGH STARTING TORQUE FOR COMPRESSORS BARN CLEANERS GRINDERS SILO UNLOADERS OR ANY OTHER OPERATION THAT STARTS UNDER LOAD. Quantity Discounts ■O ELECTROMEC Kr"*! electromechanical service ,U *|s a): |j"* ROUTE 222. EPHRATA. PA. 17522 HU! PHONE (717) 733-7911 ELECTRIC MOTOR • GENERATOR • POWER-TOOL SPECIALISTS New Holland Auction Monday, Sept. 17 HOGS 996, compared with last Monday’s market. Barrows and Gilts: Strong to $2 lower. US No. 1-2 200-230 lbs. 46.50- 47.50; US No. 1-3 200-230 lbs. 45.50- 46.25; US No. 2-3 240-260 lbs. 45.50- 46.00; US No. 2-4180-200 lbs. 44.00- 46.00 Sows US No. 1-3 300-575 lbs. 38.00-42.00 Boars: 38.00-41.00 Peoria Auction HOGS 40($0 Barrows and gilts mostly 2.00 lower. US 1-2 200-240 lb. 43.00-43.50; US 1-3 200-260 lb. 42.50-43.00 Indianapolis Auction Hogs 1500. Barrows and gilts 1.00-150 lower. US 1-2 200-230 lb. 44.00-44.25. 32 head 44.50; US 1-3 195-240 lb. 43.50-44.00 Lebanon Valley Auction Tuesday, September 18 444 Head of Hogs Barrows and gilts $1 higher. U.S. 1-3 200 - 240 46.35 - 46.75 ; 2-3 220 - 250 46.10 - 46.50; 2-4 145 -175 38.75 - 43.00. Sows: U.S. 1-3 350 - 500 pounds 43.00 - 44.75. Boars: Couple at 38.00. 35 Head of Feeder Pigs U.S. 1-3 20 - 35 pounds 15.00 - 21.00 per head. I In 1846, California's flag of inda pandanca was mads in part with a piaca of rad flannal from a wom an's patticoatl Lebanon Valley Auction Tuesday, September 18 412 Head of Cattle Compared with last weeks market, slaughter steers $3 to $4 lower. Slaughter cows mostly steady to $1.75 lower. STEERS: Choice 1000 - 1300 pound slaughter steers 45.00 - 48.00; Good 44.50 - 46.00; Stan dard 43.25 - 45.00; Utility 40.25 - 43.00. HEIFERS: Good and Choice (few) 44.00 - 46.50. COWS: Utility and High Dressing Cutter 37.75 - 40.00; Cutters 35.75 - 37.85; Corners 33.50 - 36.50; Shells down to 29.00. BULLOCKS: Good (few) bullocks 46.75 - 49.75; Standard (few) 44.75 - 46.75; Utility 42.60 - 44.60. BULLS: Yield Grade 1-2 1000 - 1400 pounds (few) 42.00 - 46.10, individual at 51.60. 249 Head of Veal Calves Prime (individual) at 74.50; Choice (few) 68.50 - 72.50; Good (few) 67.00 - 70.00; Standard (few) 60.00 - 64.00; Utility 90 -120 pounds 51.00 - 57.00; 70 - 85 45.00 - 50.00/ FARM CALVES: Holstein Bulls 70-85 pounds 52.00 - 59.00; 90 - 130 pounds 58.00 - 72.00; Holstein Heifers 90 - 130 73.00 - 85.00. 17 Head of Sheep Choice (few) 85 - 110 pound spring slaughter lambs 33.00 - 35.00. Omaha Cattle Thursday, September 20 Compared with last week’s close: closing prices slaughter steers 4.50-5.50 lower, some 1250- 1350 pounds grade 4-5 6.00-7.00 off. Heifers closed 6.00:7.00 lower. Cows were 4.00-5.00 lower and bulls 2.00-3.00 lower. Small supply yearling feeders steady early with fleshy two-way steers closing 3.00-4.00 lower. Four day receipts 19,500 as compared 13,600 previous week and 17,600 a year ago. Slaughter steers approximately 36 percent. Heifers 37 percent cows 12 per cent and feeders 11 percent. Large percentage Choice steers and heifers with considerable volume high-Choice and Prime with average weight of steers for three days at 1146 pounds heaviest since last week of December 1972. Most severe price break in recent memory enforced on slaughter steers and heifers as prices plunged downward in reflection of in creased marketings, which in cluded many heavier weight cattle, and a rapidly declining carcass trade. Late, trading particularly dull as most in terests had accumulated adequate inventories for im mediate requirements are were not interested in acquiring large numbers in view of factors with best steers demand for available supply 1000-1150 pounds grade 2- 3. STEERS: Moderate volume high-Choice and Prime 1048-1198 pounds 3-4 47.00-47.50 on opening session. At midweek, same grade 1043-1255 44.50-45.00 and four loads 1317 pounds 4-5 42.00. On Thursday, high-Choice and Prime 1100-1150 3-4 43.75-44.00. Choice 1000-1250 2-4 42.00 n Choice 1000-1250 2-4 42.00-43.50. Mixed Good and Choice 975-1200 41 00-42.00. Good 39.00-41.00. Standard and low-Good 37.50- 39.00 Average cost slaughter steers for three days 45.10 average weight 1146 pounds as compared ’B.ll and 1117 pounds previous week and 34.76 and 1111 pounds a year ago. HEIFERS; High-Choice and Prime 887-1127 pounds 3-5 46.00- 46 50 early Closing sales high- Choice and Prime 950-1025 3-4 4100-41.75. Choice 900-1100 3-5 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 22,1973 Futures Trading (Closing bids as of Thursday, September 20th) Chicago Chicago New York Cattle Hogs Maine Potatoes October November December January ’74 February 45.55 42.72 March April May June July August October Trend _ Cattle are Lower, Hogs are Lower, Potatoes are Higher and Eggs are Mixed. a-asked b-bid n-normal Markets provided by Commodity Dept., Reynolds Securities, Inc. Peoria Cattle Thursday. September 20 Receipts This Week 5100, Compared to Last Week 3400, and to Last Year 43. Compared with last weeks close, slaughter steers 3.00-6.00, instances 7.50 lower on weights over 1200 pounds. Slaughter heifers 2.00-5.00 lower. Cows 1.00- 3.00 lower. Bulls weak to 2.00 lower. Supply about 70 percent slaughter steers, 20 percent slaughter heifers and the balance mostly cows. Steer supply mostly choice 1050-1150 pounds with about 20 loads weighing 1250-1450 pounds: heifer supply mostly choice 800-900 pounds. SLAUGHTER STEERS: Five loads Choice and Prime 1300-1340 pounds 3-4, 45.00-45.75, late load 1250 pounds 42.50. Choice and Prime 1300-1450 4-5 Tuesday, 43.00-43.50; closing 37.50-40.00. Choice 900-1200 2-4, 44.50-48.00; closing 44.50-46.50 with package Choice 850-1000 39.00-40.00. Standard and low-Good 37.50- 39.00. COWS: Utility and Commerical 32.50- Canner and Cutter 29.50- mixed Cutter and low- Utility 32.75-33.00. Shelly Canner 27.50- BULLS: Yield grade 1-2 1400- 2000 pounds 40.00-43.00, few yield grade 1 44.00-45.00. " FEEDERS; Prices on feeder yearlings steady early; however, late sales fleshy two-way steers 3.00-4.00 lower. Outshipments of 1800 head compared 500 previous week. STEERS: Three loads Choice and Prime 480-520 pounds 63.50, loade 705 pounds 62.00 and load Choice 675 pounds 52.00. Five load Choice 859-1031 46.75-47.25 early, high-Good and Choice 931-1069 45.25-46.50. Two loads Choice 967 pounds 43.50 late. Two loads low- Good 1050-1075 Holsteins 43.35 early. HEIFERS: Three loads Choice and Prime 540-652 pounds 57.50- 60.00. Load Choice 506 pounds 55.00, small lots mixed Good and Choice 776-887 42.50-44.50. U. S. Inspected Livestock Slaughter Estimated Daily Livestock Slaughter Under Fcd^ l lnspe^J” n CATTLE HOGS infctr 490.000 1,269,000 162,000 476.000 975,000 153,000 507.000 1,271,000 171,000 Week-to-date Same Period Last Week Same Period Last Year 40.82' 39.25 42.40 41.12 46.05 41.60 7.20 51.00 46.12 42.00 41.90 45.67 41.40 45.30 40.00 Monday 49.00. Mixed Good and Choice 900-1300 43.50-45.00. Good 42.50-43.50. Standard and Good Holsteins late 42.25-42.50 SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Load Choice and Prinfe early, 1025 pounds 3-5, 45.25;' late, couple loads Choice and Prime 950-1050 4-5, 43.00-43.50. Choice 800-1100 2-4, 43.50-45.00. Load Monday 950 pounds 3-4, 46.50 and couple loads 46.00. Mixed Good and Choice 800-1050 42.50-43.50. Good 41.00-42.50. COWS: Utility and Commercial 33.00-36.00, mostly 33.00-35.50. Cutter 32.00-34.00. Canner 30.00- 32.00. BULLS: Yield Grade 1-2, 1100- 1700 pounds 40.00-46.00. Closing 40.00-44.00; few early 47.00. Oklahoma City Estimated Receipts 11,200 Same Day Last Week 5,732 Same Day Last Year 9,733 Slow, feeder cattle and calves now 1.00-3.00 lower; all weights and grades sharing in the decline; fairly large attendance buyers; majority receipts Good and Choice 300-850 pound steers and 300-650 pound heifers. FEEDER STEERS: Choice 300-400 pound 64.75-68.00, part load 325 pound at 74.00; part load 296 pound at 79.00; 400-500 61.75- 65.75, part load 433 pound at 69.30; 500-600 57.00-59.50, part load 505 pound at 61.40; 600-700 53.00-56,20; 700-800 49.25-50.10, part load 803 pound 52.40 early in the morning; mixed Good and Choice 338-500 56.00-60.00; 51.75- 57.75; 500-700 45.75-52.00; 700-800 45.50-49.00. FEEDER HEIFERS: Choice 300-370 pound 55.00-57.75, two part loads 265-285 60.25-62.50; 400-500 51.50-56.10 ; 500-600 48.75-51.55; 600-650 45.75-48.70; mixed Good and Choice 300-500 47.00-53.75; 500-660 43.25-48.25; Good 473-640 41.00-45.25 Chicago Fresh Eggs 61.50 5.53 61.45 60.40 55.25 53.90 6.85 53.25 8.13 Thursday, September 20 3
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