—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 22, 1973 22 Ringed Planet Saturn is unique among planets because it has a ring system. The diameter of the ring system, including Saturn itself, is about 170,000 miles, but the rings are less than 10 miles in depth. USED CORN PICKERS WENGER FARM MACHINERY Meal Planning Home Course With children back in school, you may need to take a new look at your meal planning. ( Plan every meal, especially breakfast, with quality in mind. Breakfast should include some protein food for several reasons, one being the staying power it provides so children do not get hungry by midmorning To help guide you in planning wholesome meals is a correspondence course from The Pennsylvania State University. Titled “Food Selection and Preparation” the course is designed to aid you in putting new interest and quality in your meals every day. ARE YOU INTERESTED IN SELLING YOUR FARM OR COUNTRY HOME? JOE I. CREWS, INC.Could Be The Answer. Why not call our active office today at "Sommerset House" New London, Pa. Ph. (215)869-2461 Member; National Association Real Estate Brokers, National Institute of Farm and Land Brokers, Mult.-Listing Service *™~JAMESWAY j '*'»> Ventilation 2 ii/JP B" Controls Environment ■ Automatically ? * Complete Intake-Exhaust System 1 * Draft-Free Conditions ■ i * Thermostat and Time Cnntrnk ? , GRUMEUI’S FARM SERVICE. I Robert Fulton Highway I Penn Phone 717-786-7318^ South Race St. Myerstown, Pa. Ph. 717-866-2138 Menus, receipes for tasty foods, and a complete analysis of foods essential to living and good health are included in the course. Other features are children’s diets, lunchbox foods, and food costs as compared to family income. To get your copy of the course, send $4.80 to Food Selection, Box 5000, University Park, Penn sylvania 16802. Make your check or money order payable to The Pennsylvania State University. All material for the course will be mailed promptly. You can study the lessons at your con venience and then file them for easy reference.