Crouse Cows Cited Milk and butterfat production levels established by Registered Holstein cows in the herd of Galen W. Crouse, Len Lyn Farms, Stevens RDI, have been reported by Holstein-Friesian Association of America. Cows recognized in the Crouse herd for their exceptional food producing ability are: Len-Lyn Maxim Glamour, age 2 years eight months, 18,430 pounds of milk, 715 pounds butterfat with 3.9 percent test in MAKE MORE MONEY WITH FERMENTABLE FEEDS No 101 Corn Silage No. G 55 Hi-Moisture Grains No 202 Legumes No H 44 Haylage No 303 Grasses No. LH77 Dry Hay You saw the proof at the Ag. Progress Show For product or information call: 717-569-6042 717-733-4302 717-252-3114 .215-932-3307 New Gleaner Combine Regardless of the acreage you farm, there's a Gleaner combine to match your fields and your needs. We offer you a gleaming good choice of eight big " acre-hungry" Gleaner models, including both gram and corn-soybean specials for the new Model L and Model M combines as well as the farmer-proven Model F and Model K combines that suit any size farm Gleaner combines now come with an impressive array of exclusive features in addition to pushbutton harvesting ease and control.. . including two-stage thresh ing, three-stage separation and two-stage cleaning. Come in now and check out the 50th anniversary Gleaner combine features each 50 years of experience better. We're gonna open A Nissley Farm Service Boro Pa ALLIS-CHALMERS 305 days; Len-Lyn Skokie Masterpiece, 5-10, 18,840 pounds milk, 677 pounds fat, 3.6 percent test, 323 days; Len-Lyn Inka Rachael, 9-9, 18,520 pounds milk, 665 pounds fat, 3.6 percent test, 305 days. D-T-Y Reflector Olive, 4-2, 17,920 pounds milk, 655 pounds fat, 3.7 percent fat, 305 days; Len- Lyn Model June Adorable, 4-3, 12,510 pounds milk, 596 pounds fat, 4.8 percent test, 305 days. BHM Form Equipment, Inc. Annville R D 1. Pa Roy H. Buch, Inc. Rphrata RD 2 -I.* I ( I I i t »• i ♦ • JAViV/,V»ViV»V«V«V»V* iV«% vri V»V* »ViVr« V*ViV«V»Vi $ From Local Ag Teachers: Pcquea Valley Agriculture Department Now that a new school year has begun, it offers one an op portunity to reflect on last years activities and express hopes and ideas for the future. The beginning of last year saw the construction of two portable plastic greenhouses for both Agriculture and Biology Departments The Chapter later sold over 230 tomato plants plus various other garden vegetables to offset construction costs. A variety of learning ex periences developed in the agriculture classroom through use of films, guest speakers, field trips and various class projects. And what of the Pequea Valley FFA Chapter? This past year saw the acquisition of an FFA Van courtesy of Shirk Chevrolet, Paradise and will be used for all FFA functions. Other highlights included the Holiday Citrus Fruit New Gleaner Combine your eyes! Grumelli Farm Service Quarrvville Pa L. H. Brubaker Pa Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 22,1973 —1 Thoughts in Passing Sale in which Pequea Valley, the smallest Chapter in the county, outsold all other Chapters. The Donkey-Basketball Game, FFA Vinyl Has Appeal As Upholstery Fabric Vinyl, once an ugly duckling so far as furniture upholstery was concerned, has grown into a beautiful covering with almost universal appeal. Forget any early associations you might have had with vinyl as a covering used on movie house seats or on cheap dinette cushions, says Mrs. Helen Puskar, Extension home fur nishings specialist at The Penn sylvania State University. Vinyl is now available in four different types and in countless colors and designs And on the practical side, it’s easy to clean and very durable. Expanded vinyl is laminated to a knit or woven backing The fabric serves to soften the vinyl and makes it more flexible. Some expanded vinyls have a layer of cushioning for extra luxury Mrs Puskar says if you like fine glove leather, but can’t afford it for upholstering, expanded vinyl will serve the purpose at far less cost. Supported vinyl is laminated to PREPARE NOW FOR FALL SEEDING BY USING CONESTOGA BRAND FERTILIZERS COMMERCIAL OR BULK BLENDS. ACCORDING TO SOIL TEST RECOMMENDATIONS RAISE SILAGE TO 13 PERCENT CRUDE PROTEIN WITH OUR MO-PRO 90 PHONE US FOR YOUR SEED ORDERS. Penrad Barley-Arthur Wheat-WL 303 Alfalfa Timothy Lancaster Bone Fertilizer Co., Inc. Quarryville Oxford 717-786-7348 215-932-8323 Parent-Son Banquet, Chapter swimming party, hayride and Turkey Shoot are all annual events which were once again a rousing success. The Chapter put on two TV programs on the “Noonday on 8” program as well as an FFA Week radio program on WHEX. What about the year ahead? The enrollment in Agriculture at Pequea Valley increased to 61 students, up from last years 44. Plans are now being made to attend the National FFA Con vention in Kansas City, Mo. during October 13-20 Five members along with the Chapter Advisor and his wife will be going. A variety of new and exciting courses are being planned for this year. Included are: a com prehensive look at Farm Management, Tractor and Machinery Maintenance, Small Gasoline Engines and Forestry. a strong, heavy fabric backing for heavy duty upholstery use. Breathable vinyl is of fine quality with fabric backing. It has tiny air openings for porosity and is not hot and sticky to sit upon. Unsupported vinyl used mostly for inexpensive cushions, is without backing and is less durable than other types. Some vinyls look like familiar upholstery fabrics. Others imitate smooth textured leather and suede. Still others look like what one would expect a plastic to look-smooth, shiny and sleek Mrs. Puskar advises that when shopping for upholstery materials find out if the covering is colorfast to light. You can’t tell about colorfastness by ap pearance. Ask for such in formation and look for in formation labels TRY A CLASSIFIED AD 5 X'<
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