—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 15. 1973 2 Local Livestock Market, Auction News Lancaster Market Monday, Sept 10 Cattle Calves Hogs Sheep TODAY 643 122 653 179 LAST WEEK HOLIDAY LAST YEAR 720 234 815 335 CATTLE: Compared to last Wednesday, slaughter steers strong to 50 higher; with bulk of later trading mostly steady; cows 50-1.00 higher; bullocks 50- I.oohigher; bulls 1.00-1.50 higher. Supply included 717 in afternoon auction. SLAUGHTER STEERS: Load Prime 1250-1355 lb. 52.60-53.00; high Choice and Prime 1100-1350 lb. 51.25-52.35; Choice 950-1325 lb. 50.00-52.00, few 49.50-50.00; high Good and low Choice 49.00-50.50; Good 47.50-50.00; Standard and low Good 45.00-47.60, couple lots Standard 43.00Hi3.35. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Couple Choice 950 lb. 53.50. COWS: Utility high dressing Cutter 38.60-40.50; Cutter 35.50-38.25; Canner and low Cutter 33.00-35.50. BULLOCKS; Choice 950-1300 lb. 49.00-51.25, couple 51.50-51.60; Good 46.00-48.50. BULLS: Yield grade 1 1175-1600 lb. 47.00-50.00, several 50.00-53.75, three head 1590-1785 lb. 55.00- 55.10; yield grade 2 1000-1450 lb. 43.50-48.00. VEAL CALVES: Vealers 1.00- 2.00 lower; demand good for calves returned to farm. VEALERS: Prime 74.00-80.00; Choice-69.00-74 00; Good 63.00- 69.00, Standard 58.00-63.00. COWS: Utility and high 2.00 higher; ewes scarce. SPRING LAMBS: Choice 65-95 lb. 36.00-38.00, couple lots 39.00; Good 60-90 lb. 30.50-36.00. New Holland Dairy Cattle Wednesday, September 12 Reported receipts of 87 cows, 10 heifers; market stronger than last weeks market. Load Pennsylvania cows, fresh, 340 - 710; springers 530 - 780. Load Canadian and Franklin County cows, fresh, 500 - 730; springers 660 - 835. Load Vermont cows, fresh, 610 - 875. Load Wisconsin cows, fresh, 550 - 960. Locally consigned cows, 340 - 940. Springing heifers 375 - 575, TRY A CLASSIFIED LEBANON VALLEY LIVESTOCK MARKET, INC. 1 mile east of Fredericksburg along Route 222 PHONE JONESTOWN 865-2881 Sale every Tuesday at 1:30 P.M. starting with feeder cattle and pigs. Vintage Auction Tuesday, Sept. 11 Cattle Calves Sheep TODAY 1059 820 42 LAST WEEK 798 679 45 LAST YEAR 1014 881 28 CATTLE: Compared to last Tuesday, slaughter steers 50-1.50 lower, with high Choice and Prime mainly 1.00-1.50 lower; cows 50-1.00 higher, instances 1.50 higher; bullocks 3.00-5.00 higher; bulls 2.00-5.00 higher. SLAUGHTER STEERS: High Choice and Prime 1100- 1300 lb. 50.50-52.85, 1300-1450 lb. 49.50-51.00; Choice 950-1450 lb. 49.25-52.00, several mainly yield grade 2 950-1250 lb. 52.50-53.10; high Good and low Choice 48.85- 50.50; Good, including several Holsteins, 46.85-50.25; Standard and low Good 44.50-47.00. COWS: Utility and high dressing Cutter 37.00-38.75, several 39.50-41.00; Cutter 35.00- 38.00; Canner and low Cutter 33.00-35.75. BULLOCKS; Choice 900-1300 lb. 49.00-51.10, few 51.75-52.25; Good 45.00-48.50. BULLS: Yield grade 11100-1500 lb. 46.00-51.50, few 52.35-53.25, with a couple 54.85-55.10; couple 1855-1905 lb. 45.50-48.85; yield grade 2 1000-1450 lb. 44.00-46.00, few 42.75-44.00. VEAL CALVES: Vealers slow, Standard to - Prime 1.00-3.00 lower, Utility 5.00-10.00 lower. Demand fair for calves returned to farm. VEALERS: Prime 72.50-76.50; Choice 67.00-72.50; Good 62.00- 67.00; Standard 57.00-63.00; Utility 90-115 lb. 48.00-55.50, 70-90 lb. 32.00-42.00, one lot 61 lb. 25.00. RETURNED TO FARM: Bulk 85-110 lb. Holstein heifers 69.00- 75.00, couple lots 110-120 lb. 65.00; bulk 100-120 lb. bull calves 65.00- 72.50, couple lots 102-112 lb. 77.00- 79.00; couple lots Utility 90-112 lb. 58.50-60.00. SHEEP: Insufficient volume of any one class for a market test. Growing Degree Days, Rainfall A report from Penn State of weekly crop and weather roundups with a report on weather conditions for the week ending September 10. In Lancaster, the average temperature for the week was 72 degrees, 4 degrees above the normal average for the time of year; weekly high was 91 degrees, low 44 degrees. Growing degree days from April 1 for crops that start at 50- degrees totaled 2791, or 138 more than normal in an average year. Rainfall for the week totaled .22 inch ; rainfall from April 1 totaled 19.33 inches, or -3.22 inches less than normal. AUCTIONS makes the difference in marketing livestock! New Holland makes the difference in auctions! MONDAY 10 -30A.M FAT HOGS and SHOATS 2.30 P.M. FAT STEERS, BULLS, COWS & VEAL HORSE SALE— MONDAY at 10:00 A.M. DAIRY SALE WEDNESDAY at 12:30 P.M. FAT STEERS, BULLS, COWS & VEAL —THURSDAY at 12 30 P.M. NEW HOLLAND SALES STABLES INC. New Fenna. Abram W, Diffenbach, Manager Phone: 717-354-2194 Lancaster Auction Wednesday, September 12 Cattle Calves Hogs Sheep Today 679 75 350 14 Last Week 589 123 638 80 Last Year 840 117 285 25 This Week’s Auction 708 114 366 52 Last Week’s Auction 629 139 750 164 CATTLE: Compared to Monday, slaughter steers 50-1.00 lower, with Choice and Prime over 1250 lb. fully 2.00 lower; cows steady to 50 higher; bulls mostly steady; bullocks 50-1.00 higher. SLAUGHTER STEERS: High Choice and Prime 1100-1360 lb. 49.50-50.85, one eight-head lot Prime 1475 lb. 47.75; Choice 950- 1200 lb. 49.25-50.85, few head mainly yield grade 2 51.00-51.85; Choice 1200-1400 lb. 48.50-50.50, Choice 1335-1425 lb. yield grade 3- 5 47.35-48.25; high Good and low Choice 1000-1250 lb. 49.00-49.50; Standard and low Good 44.00- 45.50. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS Choice 700-975 lb. 48.00-49.75. COWS: Utility and high dressing Cutter 38.00-40.50, few 40.75-42.00; Cutter 36.00-39.00; Canner and low Cutter 34,50- 36.00. BULLOCKS: Choice 950-1300 lb. 50.00-53.00, individual Prime 53.50; Good 47.00-49.50. BULLS: Yield grade 11100-1600 lb. 47.00-50.00, few 50.35-51.00, couple 1670-1695 lb. 49.85-53.10; yield grade 2 1000 -1400 lb. 45.00- 47.75, couple 1600-1880, lb. 44,35- 44.85, individual 2605 lb. 50.10; low dressing yield grade 2 44.00- 45.50. VEAL CALVES: Vealers uneven, Choice and Prime mostly steady, Standard and Good 2.00- 5.00 lower. VEALERS: Prime 74.00-78.50, around 15 head 80.00-85.00; Choice 68.00-74.50; Good 58.00- 65.00; Standard 54.00-60.00. SHEEP: Spring lambs mostly steady; ewes steady. SPRING LAMBS: Good 65-75 lb. 30.50. SLAUGHTER EWES: Utility and Good 10.00-15.50. Regional Hay Prices Monday, September 10,1973 (All hay No. 2 and better prices paid by dealers at the farm price per ton.) Hay & Straw slow, hay steady to weak, straw steady to strong. Alfalfa 45.00-60,00 Mixed Hay 30.00-55.00 Timothy Hay 30.00-40.00 Straw 25.00-32.00 Mulch 10.00-20.00 New Holland Auction Thursday. September 13 Slaughter Steers Slaughter Heifers Bulls COWS Total Cattle CATTLE: 1089. Compared to last Thursday slaughter steers uneven, Good to Prime' 50-1.00 lower, instances 2.00 lower on Choice and Prime over 1300 lb. Standard and low Good steady to 50 higher. Cows 50-1.00 lower, instances 1.50 lower; bullocks mostly steady instances 1.00 higher on early sales; bulls uneven most sales fully steady although some late sales fully 2.00 lower. Supply included 33 percent cows and 23 percent bulls. SLAUGHTER STEERS: High Choice and Prime 1050-1250 lb. 50.10-51.00; 1300-1400 lb. 48.50- 49.10; Choice 950-1200 lb. 49.25- 51.60, several mainly yield grade 2 52.10-53.60; Choice 1200-1350 lb. 48.50- high Good and low Choice 47.50-49.50; Good 46.50- 49.50; Standard and low Good 44.50- COWS: Utility and high dressing Cutter 38.00-40.25, several 40.75-41.75, couple 42.00- 42.60; Cutter 36.00-38.75; Canner and low Cutter 33.00-36.00. BULLOCKS: Choice 950-1350 lb. 49.00-51.50, few early 52.00- 53.35; Good 45.50-48.75, few late sales 44.50-45.50. BULLS: Yield grade 11000-1650 lb. 45.75-50.75, few 51.00-52.50, couple 53.00-53.35; yield grade 2 950-1450 lb. 43.00-46.00, several late 41.75-43.00. VEAL CALVES: 522. Vealers strong to 1.00 higher, instances 3.00 higher on Prime. Good demand for calves returned to farm. VEALERS: Prime 76.00-79,00, few 81.00-84.00; Choice 70.00- 77.00; Good 64.00-69.00; Standard 59.00-65.00; Utility 90-120 lb. 50.00- 58.00, few 65-90 lb. 45.00-50.00, SHEEP: 19. Few head Choice 70-90 lb. spring slaughter lambs fully steady at 35.00-38.00. Monday, Sept. 10,1973 Calf Receipts - 103. Choice and Prime 73-78; Standard 60-66.50; Good and Low Choice 67-72.50; Common 40- 59.50. Monday, Sept. 10,1973 13 loads of hay and 3 loads of straw sold as follows; (prices per ton) Alfalfa, one load at 63.00; Timothy, 2 loads 33.00 and 40.00; Mixed hay 40.00-67.00; Clover, one load at 49.00; Straw, 3 loads 33.00-54.00; Corn, 10 loads 53.00- 80.00. VINTAGE SALES STABLES, Inc. PARADISE, PENNA. BULLS, STEERS, BUTCHER COWS, LAMBS AND VEAL CALVES SOLD ON COMMISSION SALE EVERY TUESDAY 12 NOON HOG SALES ~ Every Saturday At 9:00 A.M. Every Wednesday At 9:00 A.M. For Marketing Information Phone Area Code 717-442-4181 Box 100 Paradise, Pa. 10 mi. East of Lancaster on Rt. 30 Composite Report Friday Weekly, September 14 Cattle Calves This Week 3800 1600 Last Week 3535 1644 Last Year 4210 1869 CATTLE: Compared to last week’s close Slaughter Steers uneven, Good to Prime 50-1.00 lower, instances 2.00 lower on Choice and Prime over 1250 lb. Standard and Low Good mostly steady, instances 50 higher. Cows steady, instances 1.00 lower. Bullocks strong to 1.00 higher. Some sales at midweek as much as 5.00 higher. Bulls steady, in stances 1.00 higher. Supply in cluded an estimated 35 percent Slaughter Steers, 40 percent Cows and Bulls with the balance mainly Feeder Steers. SLAUGHTER STEERS: High Choice and Prime 1050-1250 lb. 50.00- few sales early part of week 51.50-53.00. 1250-1400 lb. 48.50- One 8 head lot 1475 lb. 47.75. Choice 950-1200 lb. 49.25- 50.50. Several mainly yield grade 2 52.00-53.60. Choice 1200-1400 lb. 48.50- Couple lots Choice 1325-1425 lb. yield grade 3-5 47.35- 48.25. High Good and Low Choice 47.50- Good 46.50-49.50. Standard and Low Good 44.00- 47.00. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Choice 700-975 lb. 48.00-49.75, couple on Monday 53.50. COWS: Utility and High Dressing Cutter 38.00-40.50, several 40.75-41.75, with a couple 42.00- Cutter 36.00-39.00, Canner and Low Cutter 33.00- 36.00. BULLOCKS: Choice- 950-1300 lb. 49.00-51.50, few 52.00-53.35, individual Prime 53.50, Good 45.00- 474 10 250 355 1089 BULLS: Yield Grade 1, 1000- 1650 lb. 45.75-50.75, few 51.00- 52.50, couple 53.00-53.35. Yield Grade 2, 950-1400 lb. 43.00-46.50, few Low Dressing yield Grade 2, 41.75-43.00. VEAL CALVES: Vealers uneven Choice to Prime strong to 1.00 higher, Standard and Good steady, instances 3.00 lower. Utility 5.00-10.00 lower. Demand fair for calves returned to farm. VEALERS; Prime 74.00-79.00, few 80.00-85.00, Choice 68.00-76.00, Good 62.00-69.00, Standard 57.00- 65.00, Utility 90-115 lb. 48.00-55.50, 70-90 lb. 32.00-42.00. One lot 61 lb. 25.00. COMPLETE LIVESTOCK BUfING SERVICE Specializing in order buying of Stockers & Feeders Frank Dusslnger livestock order buyer Phone: (717)397-7539 MARTIN LIVESTOCK Washington Boro, Pa. 17582 Office Phone (717 ) 872-5491 John Bowman _ Phone:(7l7) 653-5728