—Lancaster Farming, Saturday. June 30. 1973 24 Newest Official Spokeswoman (Continued From Page 22) participates in youth group ac tivities and always likes to attend the two retreats held each year. A 1972 graduate of Elizabethtown High School, Raelene took the commercial Shop Zimmermans for your bulk food supplies Western Fruits We have been' having BING CHERRIES, and PLUMS at good prices and soon we hope to have boxes of Northwest APRICOTS for canning. Special box rates. Phone us for latest information on supply and price. New Jersey BLUEBERRIES in bulk will arrive soon after July 4th. GRANULATED SUGAR and RAW SUGAR in 100 lb bags. 30 qt. Styrofoam COOLER CHEST $J* 15 regularly $1.29 Foley Food Mill 2 qt. $ 4.98 3-Vi qt. $ 6.98 Big Line of WINDOW SHADES Extra wide widths in stock carried regularly. We will cut to size. Bring your roller widths between brackets. Save on bulk. Garden Seeds BEAN POLES Arbor Vitae, Juniper & Yew Trees. Reduction on FLOWER PLANTS Intercourse Community Sale Sat. afternoon July 7 & Aug. 4 Store Closed all day July 4th WE SUPPLY L. P. Gas And GULF heating Oils W. L. ZIMMERMAN & SONS Dial 717-768-8291 Open Thurs. & Fri. evenings Closed Wed. afternoons INTERCOURSE, PA. CUSTOM BUTCHERING Hogs Processed the old fashioned way. Sausage, pudding, scrapple. Hams and Bacon cured. WE ALSO SPECIALIZE IN U.S.D.A. GRADED SIDES AND QUARTERS. Call PAUL A. HESS One of Raelene’s favorite dairy products is homemade ice cream, and here she shows that she knows how to make it. course, and won an outstanding before then she is anxious to bookkeeping award. She was in attend the seminar held for all the Future Business Leaders of contestants. She said, “It will be America, and says she was a really helpful, because it will help “sports watcher, not a doer.” As for women’s lib, Raelene said, “I feel it is good to a certain extent. I don’t think a woman should be under the complete rule of a man, but if there are children I feel a woman’s place is in the home. I think there should be the same job opportunities as long as a woman does not neglect her family.” Raelene feels strongly that there will always be a dairy in dustry, and even though there is a crunch on farm land today, she said, “I think there are enough people who would fight to keep farmland in this county that there will always be dairy farms.” The Dairy Princess’s favorite dairy foods are homemade ice cream and milk shakes - “I can eat either just as easily.” Her hobbies are swimming and playing tennis. Raelene said she is “very much looking forward to the State Dairy Princess contest in Harrisburg in September.” But Dried beef and bologna 464-3711 or 464-3127 EFFECTIVE JUIY 1 INTEREST ON PASSBOOK ACCOUNTS WILL BE PAID FROM DAY OF DEPOSIT TO DAY OF WITHDRAWAL! ACCOUNTS INSURED TO *20,000 m New Holland Branch 100 E. Main St. Ph. 354-2131 For Dairy me get to know the other girls so I will be at ease at the state pageant. It will also help me leam more information about milk.” As for the future, Raelene plans to continue as a dental assistant. She said, “I really enjoy it because every day and every patient is different. It’s really interesting.” She also said, “I’ll never live in the city - it’s too confining!” Raelene won over the judges by answering the questions put to her calmly and confidently. The poise she showed on stage during the contest will be an asset as she speaks on behalf of Lancaster County’s $4B million dairy in- MYER'S METERED rr=JL~ QSgP GAS SERVICE, INC. PIG BROODERS CHICK BROODERS GAS SPACE HEATERS & FURNACES CHECK OUR PRICE ON AUTOMATIC BULK DELIVERY OF L.P. GAS WE HANDLE A COMPLETE LINE OF GAS AND ELECTRIC APPLIANCES Maytag - Caloric-Amana and Other Well Known Brands P.O. BOX 71 MANHEIM, PA. 17545 Telephone (717) 665-3588 PAYABLE QUARTERLY - 5% INTEREST I FIRST FEDERAT. ’avinps and Joan ass act atto n of Lancaster 25 North Duke St. Phone 393-0601 Industry dustry. She has a big job representing the county’s 2200 families and the 66,000 cows which produce that “most nearly perfect food,” but with her winning combination - of charm, wholesome good looks and a proven ability to express herself, she’s bound to boost the dairy industry at every opportunity. Roses may be handled more easily if the thorns are stripped from the stems. Thorns do not help in pre serving the flowers. ♦ * * Set the timer on the stove to 60 minutes as a reminder to move the hose when watering the garden or lawn. Sears Mall Park City PH: 299-3745