Falls Top Accident List CHICAGO Falls arc among the most common acci dents in agriculture, yet they are perhaps the most difficult cause of injuries to guard against, according to the Farm Department of the National Safety Council. Nearly one-third of all re ported injuries in a study of farm and ranch accidents in ten states were the result of TRUCKS FOR SALE -1968 Ford 10 wheel dump 1969 Ford 10 wheel dump 1969 Int. 10 wheel dump 1968 Int. Tri-axle dump 1966 G M.C. Tri-axle dump (2) 1964 Ford 10 wheel dump 1963 Chevy 10 wheel dump Mack 10 wheel dump 1956 Reo 10 wheel dump 1960 Chevy single axle dump 1962 Ford single axle dump 1968 Ford WlOOO Truck-tractor 1955 Mack truck tractor 1961 G.M.C. truck tractor 1958 Mack truck tractor 1970 Int. C4070A truck tractor 1966 Ford 750 twin screw cab and chassis (automatic) 1967 Ford 700 cab and chassis 1968 G M.C. 5500 cab and chassis (diesel) 1970 Ford Louisville (you must see to appreciate) 1965 Ford single axle dump 1965 G.M.C. 4000 Flat bed 1970 Ford 10 wheel dump 1963 G.M.C. 10 wheel dump (2) 1972 Int. Transtar - 318 engines - excellent 1963 Int. single axle dump (5) 38 ft. Flat trailers. 35 ft Flat trailer 1959 Ford Single Axle Dump 1968 Ford Tilt Bed & Winch 2-3-4 Axle Tag-a-long Trailers Excellent Selection and Still more Coming. WENGER’S FARM MACHINERY, INC. So. Race St. Myerstown, Pa. Ph. 717-866-2138 When weeds threaten soybeans, hit ’em fast withTenorarf When broadleaf weeds come through your prepiant or preemergence herbicide, you can still come back and knock them out with Tenoran. No time to lose, though. Weeds have to be under two inches high. So watch for weeds coming through, and as soon as you see them, spray Tenoran. Fly it on to save time, or to treat fields too wet to get into. Ask us about Tenoran. Be ready for those weed escapes. Smokelown, Po. 397-3539 Tenoran* trademark o( CIBA-GEIGY (or chloroxuron falls. An in-depth investigation of 955 of these accidents by the National Safety Council showed that the majority of those injured (863) were mem bers of the farm family, and more than half of the accidents attributed to falls occurred on the-job. In a detailed study of 86 homestead falls, the Safety Council found that 76 percent of the falls resulted in serious injury, and that 50 percent of the victims were admitted to the hospital while 33 percent required hospital emergency room treatment. The investi gation further revealed that the yard and the kitchen were the NINE REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD CONSIDER DELAWARE FUND 1A diversified portfolio MW Automatic reinvestment to reduce of any dividends or capital investment risks gains without a sales charge Full-time i professional management since 1937 An opportunity for # B your dollars to grow 4 As little as $25 opens an account Choice of a voluntary systematic investment r B plan or lump-sum payments at your convenience Call or write your Local Representative scenes of nearly 40 percent of all accidents, and in more than half of all the cases reviewed the victim was simply walking —not climbing up ladders or running down stairs. The best weapon against ac cidental falls is alertness, ac cording to the Safety Council. In addition to being alert and aware of the potential for a trip or slip, the Council points out that your chances of falling are increased by illness, haste, fa tigue, emotional upset, alcohol and drugs. There are several common hazards around the farm or ranch that one must watch for to aid in the prevention of ac- Plans and services include ijf reduced sales charges for volume purchases, automatic bank-draft investing and systematic withdrawal plans 8 Exchange privileges with other funds in the Delaware Group Am Prototype corporate and self-employed investment plans la Pennsylvania: Free of personal property taxes. Robert Hossler RDI, Manheim, Pa. 665-3713 Gentleman Please mail me a Delaware Fund Prospectus without obligation. lame iddress ity/sUts/zip ——————«J Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 16,1973 cidental falls. Among these are: —Cluttered work areas and passageways. —Slippery surfaces resulting from ice, mud, water spills, oil, etc, —Broken flooring and loose rugs. —Ladders in a poor state of repair, In combating injuries due to falls, the Council reminds farmers to: —Keep stairs repaired and lighted. —Provide sturdy hand rails. —Do not carry a load that blocks your vision. —Set ladders on firm foot ing. Follow 4 to 1 rule for straight ladders —set base one foot out from building or tree for every four feet up. —Keep materials and tools well secured and within easy reach. —Wear shoes with non-skid soles and heels. —Do not work up high when the weather is windy or stormy. —Do not work in a high place when you are ill, tired, or taking strong medicines. —Allow no one to ride on the draw bar or towed machin ery. —Stay clear of running ma chinery so that an accidental slip or stumble won’t throw you Cancer Society “Carnival Kits" Available Summer time is carnival time! That’s the word from the American Cancer Society, which is currently offering free “car nival kits” to young people who might like to arrange a carnival for the ACS. According to the Lancaster County Unit of the ACS. the complete “how-to-do-it” kit is available from the office, telling young people and their parents bow they can easily conduct a benefit cancer carnival. The free kit contains posters, instructions and supplies to stage a local, neighborhood program to raise money for the American Cancer Society Persons interested in con ducting a carnival may obtain a free kit by writing to or telephoning Mrs Charlotte J Reinhold, Field Representative, at the Cancer Society’s office, 625 Manor Street, Lancaster TRY A CLASSIFIED into moving parts Falls and injuries can be pre vented, but it is up to the indi vidual to always be alert, be cause accidental tumbles can happen without warning at any time or at an) place 9
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