Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 16, 1973, Image 13
ill 1 t» r » State Grange Leadership Conference June 26-28 Modern trends will be very much in evidence at the 50th leadership training school of the Pennsylvania State Grange to be held at Gettysburg College June 26, 27 and 28. The new role of women in today’s society will be em phasized in second-day workshop sessions. One topic will be aimed at helping women get involved in community affairs. Another will the pnrz ■barn cleaner RUGGED, I DE 'ENDABLE! under all operating conditions See your PATZ Dealer today CALL 717-272-0871 MARVIN J. HORST Dairy Equipment and Ammana Appliances R.D. No. 1 (Iona) Lebanon, Pa. Located on Route 897 between Schaefferstown and Lebanon, over 30 years in business at same place. deal with safety factors in the use of travel trailers. Highlighting the closing session will be a banquet at which Dr. Arvids Ziedonis Jr., will be the speaker. Dr. Ziedonis, a native of Latvia, is an associate professor of foreign languages and director of Russian studies at Muhlenberg College. His subject will be “Challenges and Opportunities,” A. Wayne Readinger, state master, pointed out that the training school has unusual significance this year as a feature of the centennial moneY srreiCHer No-Service-Charge Checking The money in your Friendly First Checking Account goes so much further because you never pay a service charge. Regardless of how little you keep in your account, there’s no charge for the deposits you make or the checks you write. You can forget worrying about how much will be deducted for service when you get your statement. NO-SERVICE-CHARGE CHECKING at the Friendly First is another way of getting the most for your money where banking is always the most ’specially in courtesy and friendliness. Why not stop in today and open a money-stretcher checking ac count at the Friendly First. Let’s shake hands on it! Mke First (Elfmk oft Stn^Abuftg, the bank with no-service-charge checking accounts! STRASBURG EAST KING STREET WILLOW STREET 687-7617 LANCASTER 464-3421 397-4733 MEMBER FDIC celebration of the Grange. “As we prepare for a new century of service,” he said, “it is par ticularly important to train our leaders to meet the problems and needs of America in the future.” Several hundred represen tatives of 619 subordinate granges and 56 Pomona, or county granges in Pennsylvania are expected to attend, according to Readinger who is a resident of Fleetwood, Berks county. The deadline for registration is June 16 (today), Readinger said. The program- will be coor- lTndcS Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 16,1973 — dinated by four state department heads; Miss Mildred M. Shultz, Somerset, lecturers; Mrs. Ross Metz, Allensville, womens ac tivities; Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Schlegel, Fleetwood RD3, youth activities, and Mrs. Alan Merkel, Kutztown RD3, junior Granges. Mem-Maids Reorganize The Lampeter-Strasburg Merri Maids 4-H Club held its organizational meeting last Monday at the Martin Mylin Junior High School. The following officers were elected: Sue Groff, president; Treva Lefever, vice-president; Joyce Houser, secretary, and Sue Witmer, treasurer. The song and game leaders are Sandy Weaver and Julia Bare. News reporter is Kathy Henkel. Club meetings will be held June 11, 18, July 2,9, and 16 July 23 will be Round-Up. The new County Council representatives are Sue Groff and Kim Hess. The leaders reminded the members that anyone wishing to join could do so at the June 11 meeting. Kathy Henkel News Reporter Noblest Knight Sir Galahad was the noblest knight of King Ar thur’s Round Table, and the leader in the search for the Holy Grail the cup which Christ was supposed to have used during the Last Sup per. Penn Willow Club Safety Program The Penn Willow 4-H Club held its monthly meeting last week at the Conestoga Elementary School. Barbara Reily led the Club in the 4-H pledge and the Pledge of Allegiance. There were 58 4-Hers and five leaders present. The meeting was then turned over to the Conestoga Volunteer Fire Company, Conestoga Ambulance Association and the Penn sylvania State Police. Carl Kudia from the Conestoga Volunteer Fire Company spoke on the safety of the home from fire. Trooper Eckenrode showed the club a movie on Bicycle Safety, and Kenneth Lefever from the Ambulance Association spoke about First Aid at an ac cident and artificial respiration. On Saturday June 9th the club held a hoagie sale. The club sold over 600 hoagies. The next meeting will be a splash party at the Conestoga Pool at 8:30 p m. on July 13, 1973. News Reporter Ronald Walton Bitler Named To Leadership Council A Lancaster County 4-H member, David Bitler, Peach Bottom, has been selected from teen leaders across the state to serve as a 4-H Leadership Council representative at this year’s 4-H Leadership Congress held at Penn State University, June 25-28th. David, who attended last year’s Congress, will supervise program activities along with 59 other state council members In Lancaster County, David has been an active member of the Lancaster County 4-H Guernsey Club for five years and an active County Council representative. 13