Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 16, 1973, Image 10
10—fcanoaster Farming; Saturday,' JUne' 16,1973 Summer's golden glow brings to people of all ages a heady sense of freedom and joy of being alive. It's a time for watermelon and ice cream, sunbathing and baseball games, a time to slowly savor and enjoy to the fullest. Summer is “get-away-from-it all-and-take-a-vacation time,” and it begins June 21. This most favorite of seasons holds a treasure of memories for each of us. Who will ever forget things like the day they first learned how to swim, or those scrumptious picnics which tempted even Community Soapbox As an advertisement by one newspaper chain has pointed out, the editorial pages of a newspaper are a kind of community soapbox. The advertisement notes that, . .last year alone over 80,000.. .readers in 16 states and Guam wrote to our editors. . .We're helping our communities grow by listening to them. And we’re growing in the process, and will as long as we deserve to. What our readers think does make a dif ference.” Over the years, this “community soapbox" has served as a place where people could sound off on current events, MILNOR, N.D., SARGENT COUNTY TELLER: “With the price of beef at the level it is today, most of us don’t dare pay much attention to steaks but we thought you might be interested in knowing the life span of an average steak. The average life span of a steak is about 32 months. It breaks down like this: gestation period of nine months, then 18 months growing up with mother and on the range, and finally five months in the feedlot. Under Secretary of Agriculture J. Phil Campbell said con sumers must realize how long the biological process is and how long it takes before their own demand can be reflected back through the marketing system to the cattleman. ‘Unfortunately,’ he added, ‘in these days of instant coffee and instant mashed potatoes, there's no such thing as an instant increase in beef supplies.’ Maybe this has something to do with the cost of beef.” TURLOCK, CALIF., JOURNAL: “Judging by the loud hollering along the Potomac, most Congressmen literally believe in Artemus Ward's famous quip: ‘Let us all be happy and live within our means, even if we have to borrow money to do it with.”’ CARSON CITY, MICH., GAZETTE: “Where else could we live, outside this United States, where the government pays some farmers not to produce and some unspoused women. . .to reproduce." PITTSBURGH, PA., BROOKLINE JOURNAL: “One of the most serious problems facing American business is productivity--how to increase the output of goods or services without a corresponding increase in the cost of materials or labor... .the mechanisms for increasing produc tivity already exist. . . .What seems to be lacking, it was pointed out, is a national will to continue to truly progress. Pride of workmanship is a fading ideal. People seem content with the status quo. Leadership is the vital missing ingredient .. And.. that leadership should start with the White House, since the federal government generates 20 percent of the Gross National Product, and carry all the way through to ‘the baker and the candlestick maker.’” BREDA, lOWA, NEWS' “The happiest people are not necessarily those who The Summer Season Grassroots Opinion * the strictest of dieters? Yes, summer Is an unforgettable blend of work, play and laughter whose magical spirit has been sought by poets for cen turies. Perhaps Winifred Welles has captured it best: "Once, on a cliff, I saw perfection happen. The full, gold moon was balanced on the sea, Just as the red sun rested on the moor. The summer evening ripened and fell open; And people walking through that fruit’s rich core, Were sud denly what they were meant to be.” relay information and philosophize. We cannot be blamed if we are a bit jealous in guarding our free press. Through it the voice of the people may be heard, and lawmakers at every level of government are forced to sit up and take note. Those who doubt the power of this guardian of good government and con stitutional freedoms need only ask a dic tator how much he thinks he could have achieved had he not slapped a muzzle on his country's press. The answer would doubtless be, "Very little.” receive the largest salaries or the most public acclaim. A feeling of wholesome and enviable well-being is to be found among millions of plain people who are giving to their daily tasks their best effort, and are meeting their obligations to their families and their neighborhoods squarely and honestly.” SHELBY, N.C., CLEVELAND TIMES: “Here's a good incentive for keeping that.. .resolution to clean out your office files: (The Weyerhaeuser Company of Federal Way, Wash., held an OUT (Oust Unneeded Trivia) Day recently. Company employees threw out an amazing 422 tons of paperwork and junk. In the process, the company reclaimed 22,880 square feet of floor space and cleared out the equivalent of 1,050 four-drawer file cabinets. Figuring the cost of file cabinets at around $l5O each, they saved $157,500 in future file cabinet purchases alone. That should be incentive enough for anybody.” MOVILLE, lOWA, RECORD: “As January . (closed it brought an end to a number of federal and state tax reports that need to) be filled out and funds sent to state and federal agencies. If the tax bite gets much worse... it will soon be more advantageous to give your income to the government and keep what you normally would send in for taxes. Just to be relieved of the expense of filling out all the necessary forms would mean quite a savings for the average business owner.” PERRY, FLA., NEWS-HERALD- “We all want prices to come down, but we’re not so ready to have controls put on wages and incomes. If we are to stop inflation, control must begin at home-with the best kind of control there is, self-control." SNOSHONE, IDAHO, LINCOLN COUNTY JOURNAL “If we, as electors, sit at home on election day, surrounded by the niceties of life, and fail to go to the polls we will have delegated to others, by our disinterest, the right to select the paths we should trod and we will have forfeited the right to decry our destiny." "There is none so blind as they that won't see ’’--Jonathan Swift. I i I £ I | NOW IS I THE TIME . . . Max Smith County Agr. Agent Telephone 394-6851 TO PRACTICE FARM POND SAFETY...The recent hot weather made the farm pond one of the favorite places on many farms; swimming is one of the most popular summertime sports and the ponds are very attractive to water-lovers. However, there are risks presented when the ponds are used by bathers. Farm pond owners should be sure to have insurance to cover these risks and any emergency. In addition, safety equipment should be at the pond site in order to rescue a swimmer in trouble. Wooden boards, floats, wooden ladders, ropes, and inflated in ner-tubes can be very useful. There are many other water safety measures that should be followed. Pond owners are urged to be protected and be prepared. TO CONTROL POND WEEDS AND ALGAE...This is a chore needing more attention on many farms at this time of the year. However, before any chemical treatment is made permission must be granted from the Penn sylvania Fish Commission to treat the pond water. Application blanks for this permit are available from the Fish Com mission or from our Extension Office. Algae is a common problem and is often caused by water being too shallow or water being too clear. Weeds will grow from the bottom of the pond in some cases and are very difficult to eliminate. Again, permission is DO YOU MEAN IT? Lesson for June 17,1973 Background Scripture: Exodus 20-7; Matthow 5-33-37; 6-1-6; 7:21-23; 21:21-32; Mark 7:5-8 Devotional Hooding: Isaiah 1:10-17. Which of these would you con sider to be violators of the Third Commandment? Jack, frustrated by an unpre dictable fuel pump on his car, lets loose with a string of high powered profanity. Sue, without quite realizing it, has gotten into the habit of punc tuating all her ex clamations with “0 my God!” Betty recites the words of the Lord's Prayer, but Rev. Althouse her mind is far away on other things Ed delights in using the words, “nigger,” “Jew-boy,” and “wop,” because it never fails to shock or impress his listeners. Carl voices his vows of church membership, giving little thought to what he is promising. Edna is a woman who finds it difficult to tell the unvarnished truth, preferring instead to bend it and shape it to her needs. The name in vain The Third Commandment tells us, “You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in Vain ...” (Exodus 20:7). This was an im portant commandment because the Hebrews believed that a per son’s name was an essential part needed from the Fish Com mission before any chemical treatment is attempted. Fer tilizer may be applied to the pond to keep a cloudy color to the water but should not be applied when the pond is full of weeds. TO MANAGE ALFALFA PROPERLY...We have been observing some very nice fields of alfalfa seeded during late March and April; these have good growth and seem about ready to blossom; we urge growers to permit these new stands to get into the 20 to 30 per cent blossom stage before cut ting. Also, be liberal with the phosphorus and potash fertilizers this first year. With all stands of alfalfa it is suggested that one of the later cuttings be permitted to get into the 75 percent blossom stage before harvesting; this should give strength to the roots and lengthen the life of the stand. During the past ten days a number of growers have brought alfalfa plants to the office looking pale in color and some dead leaf areas. We have diagnosed this problem to be excess wet weather this spring and some frost damage that was done around the middle of May. Dry weather and good growing conditions should correct this problem. TO PREPARE GRAIN BINS...Feed prices continue to be one of the major inputs into all livestock and poultry operations. The harvesting of all of the grain now in the field should be the goal of every barley and wheat producer; after it is harvested, it should be properly stored for sale or local use. The grain bins should be cleaned out and sprayed for the elimination of grain insects. of their personality. To dishonour a person’s name, meant to dis honour the whole person. Furthermore it was believed that the name carried with it the powers of the gods or the spirits. People would use the names of certain deities to manipulate their powers The name, therefore, is not to be used dishonestly or in sincerely. To use God’s name profanely is obviously a violation of the commandment. The name should claim as much respect from us as God himself. Furthermore, it is obvious that we ought not to use God’s name in a common or thoughtless way. To thoughtlessly u c e the name over and over again is to show a certain disrespect or contempt for God Do not swear at all Jesus was concerned that God’s name should not be abused in another way: “Again you have heard that it was said to the men of old, “You shall not swear falsely . . .’ But I say to you, ‘Do not swear at all’ ” (Matthew 5.33) Jesus did not want men to use the name of God to compel the truth from others. What is needed, Jesus is saying, is not better oaths, but more honesty. We would not need to preface our remarks with “God knows . . and “As God is my wit ness” and “I swear to God .. if there was a higher level of hon esty both with ourselves and others. So it is with God, too. It matters little how often we say his name, if we are not sincere. As the Isaiah said, “This people honors me with their lips, but their heart is far from me . . And Jesus warned: “Not every one who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord, shall enter the kingdom ...” If we use God’s name, implied or expressed, let’s make sure we really mean it. *