Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 16, 1973, Image 1
Periodicals Division W 209 r c VOL 18 No. 30 Kendrik M. “Kink” Souders, right, beams after accepting the Pennsylvania Poultry Federation’s Allied Industryman of the Year Award on Wednesday night. With Pa. Poultry Federation Honors Souders, Ulrich Vision and years of hard work have earned for Kendrick M. “Kink” Souders the Penn sylvania Poultry Federation’s Allied Industryman of the Year award. Souders, a Chester Rural Life Expert Says Family Farm Might Need Assist “If we had put as much brainpower and effort into making small farms work, the family farm today would be a thriving enterprise But that’s not the case The family farm is in trouble,” Dr Charles Loomis told a small gathering Thursday night at the Lancaster County Farm and Home Center Loomis had been invited to the Center to present a public affairs lecture and seminar on “Agriculture and Social Change”. He is Anderson Professor of Sociology at the University of Houston, in Houston, Texas He is a native of Colorado, and is a former professor of sociology and an thropology at Michigan State University. “American agriculture is developing along the same lines as Russian agriculture,” Loomis said. “Our farms are getting bigger. The question is, are they getting better?” Loomis pointed out that this country’s founding fathers had regarded the small, independent property owner as one of the very cornerstones of freedom. From America’s earliest years, the County egg marketer, accepted the award Wednesday night at the federation’s annual meeting in Harrisburg. At the same meeting, Harry R. Ulrich, Hummelstown RD2, family farm has represented an ideal way of life to a majority of people. In rural areas, Loomis pointed out, surveys have shown that most people still favor the family farm over the large corporate operation Loomis maintains that a family farm can stay small and still stay profitable He feels that farming enterprises are different from other businesses, where bigness is usually a better avenue to profitability. “While a family farm operation can provide a good living for a family, I think we can justify the preservation of these farms on other than economic grounds,” Loomis asserted “The family farm is an excellent place to raise children If we want to have strong families in this country, we may have to change our society’s values to a system where family farming is en couraged, rather than discouraged, as it is now.” Loomis said he feels the family farm will survive, but it will need the protection of the government, and family farmers will have to become better managers. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 16, 1973 Souders are his wife and Eugene Bailey, who presented the award on behalf of the federation. earned the federation’s Poultryman of the Year honor. For the past 40 years, Souders has been general manager of Producer’s Pride, Inc., an egg marketing firm in Coatesville. He pioneered the concept of marketing eggs in producer packed cartons of one dozen. He sold his idea to retailers in Philadelphia only after walking many miles and having many doors closed in his face. Souders is a member of the Pennsylvania Egg Marketing Association, the Pennsylvania Poultry Federation and Nor theastern Egg and Poultry Producers Council He has served as a member of the Pennsylvania Department of (Continued On Page 30) Farm Calendar Saturday, June 16 6:30 p.m - Lebanon County Dairy Princess Festival and Contest, Lebanon Expo Fair Grounds 6.30 p.m - Ephrata Young Farmers Strawberry Social, John R Zimmerman farm. Sunday,June 17 Father’s Day 12:30 p.m - Manheim Young Farmer Family Picnic, Hess’s Grove. Reciprocal Meat Conference, Penn State University, June 17-20. 7 a.m. - 3 p.m. ~ Cumberland County Wool Pool, Carlisle Fair Ground. Friday, June 22 7 a.m. - 12 Noon - Cumberland County Wool Pool, Carlisle Fair Ground. Saturday, June 23 Lancaster County Dairy Princess Pageant. Thursday,June 21 Wentink Tells PEMA, . . Service is Key To Survival for Pa, Poultrymen “Pennsylvania’s independent poultrymen can survive, but they’ll have to become better marketers, and they’ll have to provide more service to their customers,” Hendrik “Henk” Wentmk told a meeting of the Pennsylvania Egg Marketing Association last Friday night in Harrisburg. Wentink is assistant to the president of Pennfield Corporation, and president of the Northeastern Poultry Producers Council. “There is no substitute for the ambition and zeal of individual entrepeneurs, risking their own capital,” Wentink continued. “But both the independent producers and the independent marketers will have to change. They’ll have to do a better job of coordinating their efforts, and they might not be as independent as they were before.” Wentink said he feels that chain store buyers are switching away from wanting to buy exclusively from large producer-packers. This bodes well for the in dependents, he noted, but it’ll call for changes that will have to start with the marketers. “You marketers will have to become packer-brokers, and you’ll have to take a leadership role in working with your producers. You might have to help your producers with their feed purchases, breed selection and bird management. If you can PennAg Slates Grain Meetings Responding to a mounting concern by agribusiness mem bers to another spiral of in creasing feed ingredient prices, PennAg Industries Association, Ephrata, will sponsor a special educational program for its members entitled, “How to Stay Alive in Today’s Markets”, Thursday, June 28 from 2-00 to 4:15 P.M in the Sheraton- Conestoga Motor Inn, Lancaster, Penn The Association’s regular Gram Meeting will be held in the evening Dr Carleton Dennis, Vice- President for Planning, Agway, Inc. will be the principal speaker An economist, Dr Dennis resides in Syracuse, N. Y. He will in teract with a panel of agribusiness leaders involved in day-to-day operations, as well as the audience. Members of the panel include Melvin Wenger, President, Wenger’s Feed Mill, Rheems (feed processor), Dr. Richard Peacock, Nutritionist, Pennfield Corporation, Lancaster, and Ed Lovatt, President, Lovatt & Co., Ambler (grain merchant). The $2 00 Per Year get the confidence of your shippers, if you can assure them of a good profit, you can be as strong as any producer-packer that comes along Maybe even stronger, because everybody would be his own financial risk taker ” Wentink commented that there is a lot of competition for the egg market in the Northeast, most of it coming from egg producers in the Midwest and the Southeast “We’re closer to the buyers” he said, “but nobody has a God given right to any market If we (Continued On Page 30) Hendrink Wentink panel will be moderated by the association’s president, Eugene E Eby, H R Wentzel Sons, Newport A recent round of skyrocketing grain and ingredient prices has prompted PennAg spokesmen to urge an impartial investigation of market speculation A three or four-fold increase in the price of an important ingredient such as soybean meal is bound to be reflected in higher food prices a few months hence if not an outright shortage If a food shortage is allowed to develop because of inaction, the result will dwarf the present concern (Continued On Page 30) | June I Is Dairy I I Month I