—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 2. 1973 2 Local Livestock Lancaster Market Monday, May 28 Cattle Calves Hogs Sheep Today 507 41 627 70 Last Week 138 2 44 2 Last Year 250 97 918 58 CATTLE: Supply includes load mixed Choice and Prime 1170 lb. slaughter steers fully steady at 48.00. Balance of supply mainly feeder steers. No reported sales. FEEDER STEERS: Five loads Choice and Prime 700-725 lb. 54.00; one lot Good 950 lb. 45.00. VEAL CALVES: Vealers 1.00- 2.00 higher. Good demand for calves returned to farm. VEALERS: Prime 72.00-74.00; Choice 67.00-71.00; Good 60.00- 67 00. SHEEP: Spring lambs steady to 1.00 lower. Ewes absent. SPRING LAMBS: Choice 65-95 lb. 38.00-40.00, couple small lots 41.00; Good 36.00-38.00. Lebanon Valley Auction Tuesday, May 29 337 Head of Cattle Compared with last weeks market, slaughter steers about steady Slaughter cows steady to 50 cents higher. Slaughter bulls steady to 25 cents higher. STEERS: High Choice (in dividual ) at 47.35; Choice 1000 - 1300 pounds 45.35 - 46 60; Good 43 50-45.75; Standard 42.00-43.00. HEIFERS: Choice slaughter heifers (couple) 43.85 - 45.00; one Good 42 50; Standard (few) 41.10-42.00. COWS: U tility and High Dressing Cutter 37.75 - 39.60; Cutters 35.25 - 38 10; Canners 33.00 - 35.00, Shells down to 30.00. BULLS: Good 44.00 - 45.75, individual at 47.00; Utility and Commercial 42 10 - 46 35. 202 Head of Veal Calves Choice and Prime (few) 70.00 - 75 00 FARM CALVES: Holstein Bulls 90 -190 pounds 75.00 -97 00; Holstein heifers 90 - 160 pounds 85 00 - 109 00 25 Head of Sheep Good and Choice 50 - 75 pound feeder lambs (few) 40.00 - 49.00; slaughter ewes (few) 9 00 - 16 00 Electrical Storms and Boating If you enjoy boating you also need to be a weatherwatcher, reminds Joseph R Cardenuto, Extension recreation specialist at The Pennsylvania State University It’s especially im portant to keep off the water during thunderstorms since the boat is the highest point on the water and a likely place for lightning to strike LEBANON VALLEY LIVESTOCK MARKET. INC. 1 mile east of Fredericksburg along Route 222 PHONE JONESTOWN 865-2881 Sale every Tuesday at 1:30 P.M. starting with feeder cattle and pigs. Vintage Auction Tuesday, May 29 Cattle Calves Sheep 1145 425 78 Today Last Week Last Year 825 384 113 1205 476 262 CATTLE: Compared to last Tuesday slaughter steers mostly 50 higher, instances 1.00 higher; cows uneven, Utility strong to 50 higher, Canner and Cutter steady to 25 lower, bulls steady to weak. Supply included 18 per cent cows. SLAUGHTER STEERS: High Choice and Prime 1050-1350 lb. 47.35-48.85, four head 49.00-49.10; Choice 950-1400 lb. 45.85-48.00, few Choice yield grade 2 48.10-48.50; load Choice 1420-1520 lb. 45.50- 46.75; high Good and low Choice 45.00-46.50; Good 42.50-46.00; Standard and low Good 40.00- 43.25. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Couple Choice 880-930 lb. 43.10- 43.50, lot Good 680 lb. 41.50. COWS: Utility and high dressing Cutter 37.25-39.00, few 39.10-39.85; Cutter 35.25-37.75; Canner and low Cutter 33.00- 35.25. BULLS: Choice 44.00-45.25, couple 46.75-47.25; Good 42.00- 44.00; Utility and Commercial 40.50-44.50, couple 47.25-48.35. VEAL CALVES: Vealers strong to 1.00 higher, good demand for calves returned to farm. VEALERS: Prime 74.00-77.50; Choice 70.00-75.00; Good' 65.00- 71.50; Standard 55.00-61.50; Utility 80-115 lb. 52.00-57.50, couple lots 60-75 lb. 42.00-45.00. RETURNED TO FARM: Bulk 90-125 lb. Holstein Heifers 97.00- 106.50, Utility 90-110 lb. Holstein Heifers 74.00-90.00; Bulk 90-132 lb. bull calves 92.50-100.00; Utility 80- 125 lb. bull calves 64.00-82.00. SHEEP: Spring lambs fully steady. SPRING LAMBS: Choice 55-90 lb. 37.00-44.00, few 50-80 lb. 44.50- 47.00. New Holland Dairy Cattle Wednesday, May 30 Reported receipts of 137 cows, 23 heifers; market lower than last weeks market. Load New York State springers, 545 - 650. Load Pennsylvania cows, fresh, 475 - 760; springers, 610 - 780 Load Franklin County cows, fresh, 470 - 635; springers, 790- 900 Load New York State cows, fresh, 445 - 550, springers, 525 - 600 Load Vermont cows, fresh, 440 - 765 Locally consigned cows, 390 - 760 Springing Heifers, 470 - 620 AUCTIONS makes the difference in marketing livestock! NCW Holland makes the difference in auctions! MONDAY 10 30 A M - FAT HOGS and SHOATS 2 30 P M FAT STEERS, BULLS, COWS & VEAL HORSE SALE MONDAY at 10:00 A.M DAIRY SALE WEDNESDAY at 12 • 30 P.M FAT STEERS, BULLS, COWS & VEAL THURSDAY at 12 30 P.M. NEW HOLLAND SALES STABLES INC. New Holland, Penna. Abram W. Diffenbach, Manager Phone: 717-354-2194 .. V t.VI V > 7 \ r / 7 » » > » > » Market, Auction News Lancaster Auction Wednesday, May 30 Cattle Calves Hogs Sheep Today 1167 107 428 49 Last Week 822 39 438 72 Last Year 1433 159 518 84 This Week’s Auc tion 1201 110 404 51 Last Week’s Auc tion 795 34 432 74 CATTLE: Compared to last Wednesday slaughter steers 50-75 higher, instances 1.00 higher on Prime; cows mostly steady; bulls steady to 50 lower. SLAUGHTER STEERS: High Choice and Prime 1100-1325 lb. 47.60-48.85, one tenhead lot 1227 lb. 49.25; Choice 950-1450 lb. 45.75- 48.00. load Choice and Prime 1460-1500 lb. 45.3845.60; high Good and low Choice 45.5046.60; Good 42.7545.75; Standard and low Good 41.1043.00. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Choice 750-975 lb. 42.8544.75, couple 45.5046.75; Good 40.25- 43.00. COWS; Utility and high dressing Cutter 36.25-38.50, few 38.75-39.60; Cutter 35.25-37.75; Canner and low Cutter 33.50- 35.00. BULLS: Choice 43.75-46.75; Good 41.00-43.00; Utility and Commercial 42.50-46.00, few 46.2547.85. VEAL CALVES: Compared to Tuesday vealers strong to 2.00 higher. VEALERS: Prime 72.00-76.00, couple 77.00; Choice 69 50-72.50; Good 60.00-69.50. SHEEP: Spring lambs steady to strong. SPRING LAMBS; Choice 80-90 lb. 40.50-42.00. New Holland Horse Auction Monday, May 28 Reported receipts of 641 head of horses, mules and ponies; market steady with last weeks market. Load lowa riding horses, 135 - 305. Load Ohio riding horses and driving horses; driving horses, 180 - 290; riding horses, 115 - 260. Load North Carolina riding horses and work horses; work horses 235 - 250; riding horses, 110 - 260. Load Kansas riding horses, 170 - 340. Load Tennessee riding horses, 175 - 350. Load Virginia work horses and riding horses; riding horses, 175 - 330; work horses, 275 - 380. Local work horses 350 - 410; mules 140-230; driving horses 175 - 575; riding horses 150 - 230; better horses 260 410 Killers: lightweight 14 - 15, heavyweight 16 - 19. Mare ponies 15-40; colts 6 -15; geldings 15-35, larger ponies 50 - 70. New Holland Auction Thursday, May 31 Cattle Calves Sheep Today 603 377 24 Last Week 944 521 8 Last Year 1377 439 30 CATTLE: Compared to last Thursday slaughter steers strong to 75 higher; cows mostly steady, although Utility steady to 50 lower; bulls 50-1.00 lower. Supply included 23 per cent cows. SLAUGHTER STEERS: High Choice and Prime 1050-1325 lb. 47.50-48.60, few 48.75-49.00; Choice 950-1400 lb. 46.0048.00; high Good and low Choice 45.00- 47.25; Good 43.5046.25; Standard and low Good 40.0043.50. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS; Few Choice 825-870 lb. 42.5044.25. COWS: Cutter and Utility 35.50- 38.00, few 38.00-38.50; Canner and low Cutter 32.25-35.25. BULLS: Choice 44.00-45.25, couple 45.5046.75; Good 41.50- 44.00, Utility and Commercial 41.0044.50, couple 46.5046.75. VEAL CALVES: Vealers strong to 2.00 higher. Demand fair for calves returned to farm. VEALERS: Prime 75.50-78.00, few 79.00-81.50; Choice 70.00- 75.00; Good 63.00-70.00; Standard 54.00- few Utility 65-90 lb. 42.00- RETURNED TO FARM: Bulk 90-125 lb. holstein heifers 77.50- 90.00, few 91.00-96.00; Bulk 90-125 lb. bull calves 75.00-87.00; Utility 85-120 lb. bulls and heifers 57.00- 65.00, SHEEP: Insufficient volume to fully test market trends. SPRING LAMBS: Choice and Prime 40-60 lb. 50.00-59.00, 60-90 lb. 45.50-48.00. SLAUGHTER EWES: Utility 16.50-19.00. Monday, May 28 Calf Receipts 57. Choice and Prime 68-75; Standard 50-63.50; Good and Low Choice 64-67.50; Common 40-50; Back to farm calves 75-1.00. Monday, May 28 34 loads of hay and 13 loads of straw sold as follows; (prices per ton) Alfalfa 2 loads 61 and 64; Timothy 39-65; Mixed Hay 35-69; Straw 32-43; Corn 7 loads 55-64. Growing Degree Days, Rainfall A report from Penn State of weekly crop and weather roundups with a report on weather conditions for the week ending May 28. In Lancaster, the average temperature for the week was 55 degrees, -10 degrees under the normal average for the time of year Growing degree days for crops that start at 50-degrees totaled 325 degrees, or -36 less than normal in an average year. Rainfall for the week totaled 2.47 inches; rainfall from April 1 totaled 10.18 inches, or 3 04 inches more than normal. VINTAGE SALES STABLES, Inc. PARADISE, PENNA. BULLS, STEERS, BUTCHER COWS, LAMBS AND VEAL CALVES SOLD ON COMMISSION SALE EVERY TUESDAY 12 NOON HOG SALES Every Saturday At 9:00 A.M. Every Wednesday At 9:00 A.M. For Marketing Information Phone Area Code 717-442-4181 Box 100 Paradise, Pa. 10 mi. East of Lancaster on Rt. 30 Kenneth E. Hershey, Sales Manager Composite Report Friday Weekly, June 1 Cattle Calves This Week 3700 950 Last Week 5041 1075 Last Year 4448 1180 CATTLE: Slaughter steers 50- LOO higher; cows mostly steady, although Utility steady to 56 lower; bulls 50-1.00 lower. Supply included an estimated 40 per cent slaughter steers, 20 per cent cows, 20 per cent bulls, with the balance mainly feeder steers. SLAUGHTER STEERS: High Choice and Prime 1050-1350 lb. 47.35-48.85, few head 49.00-49.25- Choice 950-1450 lb. 45.75-48.00, few Choice yield grade 2 48.10-48.50, load Choice and Prime 1450-1500 lb. 45.35-45.60; High Good and low Choice 45.00-47.25; Good 42.50- 46.00; Standard and low Good 40.00-43.50. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Choice 750-975 lb. 42.50-44.75, couple 45.50-46.75; Good 40.25- 43.00. COWS: Utility and high dressing Cutter 36.25-38.50, few early part of the week 38.75-39.85; Cutter 35.25-37.75; Canner and low Cutter 32.25-35.25. BULLS: Choice 43.75-46.75, couple 46.75-47.25; Good 41.00- 44.00; Utility and Commercial 40 50-45.00, few 45.50-46.75, with a couple 47.00-47.85. VEAL CALVES: Vealers strong to 2.00 higher. Demand fiar for calves returned to farm. VEALERS; Prime 74.00-78.00, few 79.00-81.50; Choice 69.00- 75.00; Good 65.00-71.50; Standard 54.00-63.0; Utility 80-115 lb'. 52.00- 57.50, few 60-85 lb. 42.00-50.00. RETURNED TO FARM: Bulk 90-125 lb. holstein heifers 95.00- 106.50; Utility 90-110 lb. holstein heifers 74.00-90.00; bulk 90-132 lb. bull calves 85.00-100.00; Utility 80- 125 lb. bull calves 64.00-82.00. Green Dragon Hay Friday, May 25 41 loads hay, including; Few loads Alfalfa, 57.00 - 75.00; few loads Timothy, 39.00 - 60.00; Mixed hay, 35.00 - 87.00; two loads Orchard Grass, 47.00 and 57.00. 25 loads straw, 30.00 - 41.00. 10 loads corn, 55.00 - 64.00. One load soybeans, 8.25 per bushel. COMPLETE LIVESTOCK BUYING SERVICE Specializing in order buying of Stockers & Feeders Frank Dussinger livestock order buyer Ph0ne:(717)397-7539 MARTIN LIVESTOCK Washington Boro, Pa. 17582 Office Phone (717) 872-5491 John Bowman _ Ph0ne:(717)653-5728.
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