Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 19, 1973, Image 8
—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 19, 1973 8 Milk Price Questions & Answers (Editor's Note: The American Dairy ‘ Association recently publicized a series of questions and answers on milk price and the dairy price support program. The material was prepared by Truman Graf, an extension dairy economist from the University of Wisconsin. The report is reprinted here.) Question: Why is there a dairy price support program when farm milk prices are at an all time high - some 30 cents per hundred weight above “sup ports”? Answer: As a protection against disastrous declines in the future - in the past year, dairy con centrate feed costs went up 21 percent while farm milk prices increased only 6 percent. Unless the dairy farmer has some price protection, rapidly rising production costs could hurt him badly and jeopardize needed milk production in the future. Fur thermore,'milk prices are low, not high - at average U.S. wages, it now takes 9.9 minutes to earn enough money to buy a half gallon of milk, compared to 15.4 minutes in 1953. Question: What is the present milk price support situation? Answer: The announced support level for manufacturing milk of average butterfat test for the next year (April 1, 1973 - March 31, 1974 is 75 percent of parity - $5.29 per hundredweight. (This is about $5.15 per hundredweight for milk testing 3.5 percent butterfat). This is an increase of $.36 per hundredweight over the previous support level of $4.93 per hundredweight for milk of average butterfat test, which applied for the period April, 1971 - March, 1973; and which was 82 percent of parity when established in 1971. On this basis, 75 percent of parity then Would have been only $4.51 per hun dredweight. Since “parity” measures “purchasing power” to farmers, the $.78 per hun dredweight increase to maintain a 75 percent support level (5.29 - $4.51) indicates the tremendous increase in production costs farmers have sustained in the past 2 years. The actual increase in supports was, of course, only $.36 per hundredweight, but this was because supports were reduced from the previous 82 percent of parity to 75 percent of parity. Under the law, milk must be supported at from 75 percent to 90 percent of parity. Question; How is the $5.29 per hundredweight support level for manufacturing milk ac complished? Answer: By the Commodity Credit Corporation (USDA) of fering to buy cheddar cheese at 62 cents per pound, skim milk spray powder at 37.5 cents peri pound, and butter at 60.92 cents per pound (at Chicago). This is an increase of 7 1 /* cents per pound in the buying price for cheese, 5.8 cents per pound for skim milk powder, and a decrease of 6% cents per pound for butter. Question: How could the butter purchase price be decreased and still achieve an increase of $.36 per hundredweight in support prices for milk, and why was the butter purchase price decreased? Answer: The skim milk powder purchase price was increased enough to offset the butter price decrease. Butter prices were decreased to make butter prices more competitive with margarine prices, and hopefully help butter reclaim some of its lost market. Butter consumption has fallen over 12 pounds per person per year since 1940, and is now only 4.2 pounds. Question: Will the USDA “sup port” price for butter, skim milk powder, and cheese cause any problems for the dairy industry? Answer: Yes, if farm milk prices fall back to the support level of $5.29 per hundredweight for milk of average butterfat test, and the I XX my crops self- JL X propelled with Uni. And at real savings. I run about 100 acres of corn through my Uni-Sheller; the rest through my Uni-Picker. My soybeans, well, 1 get them with my Uni-Combine. I also do a lot of cus tom work. Oliver Johnson, Grain Farmer CAN DO machines f rom the CAN DO pco})le. A. L. HERR&BRO. Quarryville KINZER EQUIP. CO Kinzer LONGENECKER FARM SUPPLY Rheems ' USDA starts buying these 62 cents per pound for cheddai products to support milk prices to cheese, 37.5 cents per pound foi farmers. skim milk powder, and 60.9: At the USDA purchase prices of canyou? CHAS. J. McCOMSEY &SONS Hickory Hill, Pa. LANDIS BROS., INC, Lancaster (Continued On Page 9) That’s how grain farmers feel about Uni. They like what it does. Spending on their needs, it lets them plant nd harvest self-propelled, make haylage and silage self-propelled, make ear corn feed, even remove snow quick and easy self-propelled. j 1 g!S*u. If you haven’t seen Uni lately, stop in. It’s the coining thing and we’re trading big. STOLTZFUS FARM SERVICE Cochranville, Pa. ROYH. BUCK, INC. Ephrata, R.D.2 N.G. HEIJSHEY & SON Manheim