Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 19, 1973, Image 6

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    —Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 19, 1973
Hill your corn . . . Kit Carson died May 27, 1868 . . . Last
quarter of the Moon May 25 . . . Average length of days for
the week, 14 hours, 55 minutes . . . Two bridges opened this
week, the Brooklyn on May 24, 1883 and the Golden Gate on
May 27, 1937 . . . Trees finish annual growth now . . . Babe
Ruth’s 714th and last home run in Pittsburgh May 25, 1935
. . . Ben Franklin invented bifocals May 23,1785 ... A bright
eye indicates curiosity; a black eye too much.
Old Fanner’s Riddle: Why is a canal a good place to keep
money? (Answer below.)
the basement is dry, but this
heirloom is still a mystery. Can you help? J.T.R., Falmouth’,
Such things have been used for various purposes for genera
tions. People used them to pick up things that fell in wells,
such as pine cones. We have also seen a man reach down with
such an implement and pour out a feed of shelled com to his
pig, which was in the ham-cellar, maybe six or eight feet
below. It saved him steps. But we doubt if the thing had
anything to do with the cellar of the house.
Horn* Hints: Put a hook near the link and hang your rings when
washing dishes . . Fresh garlic juice rubbed on face will clear up pimples
. . . Riddle answer Because there are banks on both sides and locks every
so often.
New England: Intermittent rain all week; temperatures cool
at first, then warmer latter part.
Greater New York-New Jersey: Rain to start, then partially
clear and warm by midweek; end of week rainy and cool.
Middle Atlantic Coastal: Week begins clear and warm, then
light rain and cool by midweek; rain latter part.
Southeast Coastal-Piedmont: Clear and hot at first, then rain
by midweek; end of week cloudy.
Florida: Clear and warm to start, then increasing cloudiness;
rain latter part.
Upstate & Western N.Y.-Toronto & Montreal: Rain through
midweek, then clear and warm; rain and cool for weekend.
Greater Ohio Valley: Rain with warm temperatures most of
week; partial clearing latter part.
Deep South: Cloudy and hot at first, then rain and cool; rain
continues to end of week.
Chicago and Southern Great Lakes: Most of week rainy and
warm; clear latter part but rain on weekend.
Northern Great Plains-Great Lakes: Clear and mild to start,
then rain by midweek; latter part clear and mild, then rain
on weekend.
Central Great Plains: Week begins clear and hot, then light
rain and cooler; heavy rain end of week.
Texas-Oklahoma: Cloudy . and hot through midweek, then
heavy rain; cool latter part.
Rocky Mountain Region: Cloudy at first, then rain and cool;
end of week clear and warm.
Southwest Desert: Clear all week; cool to start then hot by
Pacific Northwest: Week begins clear, then very warm tem
peratures by midweek; cloudy and cool with light rain latter
California: Most of week clear and hot; showers over weekend.
(All Rights Reserved. Yankee, Inc., Dublin, N.H. 03444)
Phone 717-367-1211
365 W. Bainbnage Street
Elizabethtown, Pa. 17022
MAY 21-27, 1973
Apple blossom time now.
Ask the Old Farmer: A realtot
was showing us the cellar of
a lovely old cottage. He as
sured us it was the dryeSt
basement in town. But we
observed an interesting piece
of equipment, a 2-gallon
bucket attached to an 8-foot
pole. We bought the house,
Monk Parakeets
Sought in State
Pennsylvania game protectors
are canvassing the state in an
effort to determine the extent of
establishment of the monk
parakeet in the commonwealth.
The handsome and charming
monk parakeet, which is a
pigeon-sized parrot, has escaped
or been liberated from life as a
pet and is beginning to establish
itself in cities, suburbs and
The monk parakeet, abundant
in South America, is one of the
most destructive birds in the
Western Hemisphere. It has a
much higher potential for
nusiance and damage than such
imported pests as the starling
and English sparrow. And it is
quite prolific; a single pair of
monk parakeets can raise 40
young in a single season.
The birds have caused serious
problems in England and
Argentina. Flocks of these pests
can destroy as much as 45 per
cent of crops of corn, sunflowers,
millet or fruit.
They often are quite aggressive
toward other birds and can even
intimidate dogs and cats. They
threaten, if they become
established in Pennsylvania, to
wipe out several desirable
species of birds.
The U. S. Fish 'and Wildlife
Service, alarmed over the
possibility of establishment' of
monk parakeets in this country,
is recommending a ban on im
portation of the birds, and would
like to eliminate them wherever
they can be found.
Monk parakeets are about a
foot long, similar to the mourning
dove in size. They have a
greenish-gray back, with a lemon
yellow belly. The breast and
Exclusive hydraulic
bale loading
Hydra-Load Ejector is
simple, smooth, and quiet
Two V-belts from the baler flywheel
drive a pump in the Ejector’s
hydraulic system. Oil is diverted
to a hydraulic cylinder Which lifts
the throwing pan to deliver bales to
the wagon. There are very few
moving parts.
A relief valve provides overload
Adamstown, Pa. 215-484-439 J
The Buck
forethroat are quaker gray, with
darker feather edges. Wings are
blue gray and the tail is bluish
green, long and pointed. The feet
are dark colored, and both sexes
are colored alike. More iden
tifiable characteristics include a
large hooked beak and strong
resemblance to a parrot.
Grosbeaks, which have heavy
beaks like a cardinal, are
smaller, but are often mis
identified as parakeets.
Laree. permanent parakeet
protection. Maintenance is low.
Dial-a-distance control lets you
throw bales to the back of long
wagons or barely over the front.
Side-to-side tilt lets you hit the
corners of the wagon, too.
Stop in and look over the 336
Baler and Hydra-Load Ejector.
New Holland
West Chester 696-2990
nests, constructed of twigs and
branches, are used as apartment
houses. They contain many
chambers used by many pairs of
birds for rearing their young or
for an overnight sleep. The nests
are continually being enlarged,
and sometimes get so heavy that
they break the branches that hold
Monk parakeets are unwary
and nonmigratory, though flocks
move considerable distances to
raid crops. They are gregarious
throughout the year, flocks of 15
to 50 normally traveling in a loose
aggregation. Their flight is swift
-usually about 30 feet high~and
wingbeats are rapid.
Anyone spotting a monk
parakeet is requested to notify a
Pennsylvania game protector