Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 19, 1973, Image 12

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    —Lancaster Farming,. Saturday, May, 19.1973
We print sale bills.
Call 394-3047 for price.
in the Kitchen
Can you or your family alone stop
the dram on the nation's energy
resources? Of course not. But if
each of PP&L's 865,000 custom
ers—residential, farm, commer
cial and industrial—makes a con
scious effort to use only the elec
tricity or gas, oil or coal we really
need, the total reduction could
have a dramatic effect on our
energy supplies. Below are just
three of the small ways all of us,
homemakers, husbands or chil-
dren, can make a big contribution
over-all to that saving, and save
money, too!
Whenever possible cook in the
oven rather than on the range
surface. The surface unit must
remain on constantly while the
oven, because of its insulation
and thermostat, is actually on
about a third of the time.
Coot hot food to room temper
ature before placing in refriger
ator or freezer.
If your hot water faucet drips
you're not only wasting water
but a lot of money for whatever
fuel is used to heat it.
Watch for others in our series of
watt-saving hints. They'll ease the
drain on your pocketbook and play
a small but mighty part in easing
the nation’s energy dram.
I From Local Ag Toachers
Feed Costs In Perspective
Planning this year’s crop
program will be more complex
economically than in the past few
years. The corn belt, Mississippi
and Ohio valleys are continuing
to have adverse weather con
ditions which are delaying the
planting of both corn and
soybeans. With the reminder of
high prices this past winter for
both sources of Total Digestible
Nutrients (TDN) and crude
protein it may be advisible to
reevaluate your cropping
program for this year to receive
the greatest profit.
* This past winter many farmers
who had to purchase shelled corn
ipm their local mills found that
the price had risen to n ap
proximately $3.80 per hundred
pounds. If we carry this one step
further and estimate that the
average farmer can produce 150
bushels of dried shelled corn per
acre or 8100 pounds per acre, his
crop would have a gross value of
If the same farmer can produce
five tons of good alfalfa hay per
acre which had a retail value last
year of approximately $BO.OO per
ton or $4.00 per hundred pounds.
Then the alfalfa crop would have
had a gross value of $400.00 per
acre. Considering the production
costs of each of these crops, it
may be advisible to carry some
alfalfa fields over another year.
This may be especially important
because of the conditions in the
Man for Counter Sales
Some Warehouse Work - Permanent Position
For Details Stop or Call
Central Tractor Parts
1590 Manheim Pike Lancaster, Pa.
Ph. 717-569-01 H
in Passing
James S. White
midwest where farmers are
having problems planting crops
as well as obtaining soybean
Feed prices are basically
determined by supply and
demand. But, in addition, it is
important to realize that the high
cost of alfalfa hay was not only
influenced by its availability, but
also by the high cost of soybean
oil meal and other protein sup
pliments. To better understand
this, let us determine what 100
pounds of protein would have cost
from each of these two feeds.
Soybean oil meal which contains
50 percent protein sold for ap
proximately $14.00 per hundred
pounds. From this source protein
would have cost $28.00 per
hundred pounds. From alfalfa
which contains about 16 percent
protein at $4.00 per hundred
pounds the cost' of protein would
have been $25.00. If we consider
these prices with com, which is
used as a source of energy, it
would have cost approximately
$43.00 per hundred pounds of
protein. With these facts in mind
it may be advisable to reevaluate
your entire program as well as
the use of non protein nitrogen
during the coming year.
James S. White
Teacher of Agriculture
Elizabethtown High School
PHONE 626-2191 or 394-3047
For high efficiency
at low cost
feed your cows
Checkerboard Daily
You can take advantage of present high milk prices by
getting your cows to produce at their bred-in ability—at a
low cost. Checkerboard Dairy is the milking ration for the
dairyman who wants a highly efficient, yet a low-cost
ration for his herd. Checkerboard Dairy has a balance of
vitamins, minerals and protein cows need for top per
formance. And it’s a complete milking ration, high in
molasses for added palatability and pelleted for easy
handling and feeding.
Put your herd on Checkerboard Dairy. See us today—and
let Checkerboard Dairy help your cows produce all the
milk that’s bred into them—and let you take advantage
of today’s good milk prices-
John J. Hess, 11, Inc.
Ph.‘ 442-4632
West Willow Formers
Assn., Inc.
Ph: 464-3431
- West Willow
Ira B. Landis
Ph: 665-3248
Box 276, Manheim RD3
Fix-Jt Tip
Drawers are most likely to
stick during warm weather.
Moist air causes wood to
swell. Slight sticking can be
eliminated by rubbing paraf
fin or a grease stick over the
If lubricant won’t do the
trick, then sand the sliding
parts until the drawer opens
and closes easily. Do not
take off too much because
the wood will shrink later on
and the drawer will wobble.
Do not force a drawer that
is stuck because it can be
damaged. If you can get it
slightly open and can make
enough room, place a lighted
bulb on an extension in the
drawer and make sure there
is nothing flammable it
might touch. Heat from the
bulb will shrink the wood in
several hours.
Jomes High & Sons
Ph: 354-0301
Wenger's Feed Mill Inc.
Ph: 367-llaa
John B. Kurtz
Ph: 354-*925i
R. D. 3, Ephrata