Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, May 12, 1973, Image 2
—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 1-2,1973 2 Local Livestock Market, Auction News Lancaster Market Monday, May 7 Cattle Calves Hogs Sheep Today 933 112 734 157 Last Week 933 127 1004 185 Last Year 875 169 1076 74 CATTLE: Compared with lasi Wednesday slaughter steers 50- 75, instances I.oohigher; cows 50- LOO lower; bulls unevenly steady. Supply included 871 in afternoon auction. SLAUGHTER STEERS; High Choice and Prime 1030-1450 lb. 47.35-48.85, two lots 1250-1320 lb. 49.00; Choice 950-1450 lb. 45.35- 47.60; high Good and low Choice 44.50-45.75, few 46.00; Good 950- 1300 lb. 42.35-45.60, 1300-1600 lb 41.60-43.85; Standard and lov Good 40.75-43.00. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Choice 750-1000 lb. 42.50-44.50; Good 39.85-43.25. COWS: Utility and high dressing cutter 35.00-37.50, few 38.00-38.25; Cutter 33.50-36.00; few low Cutter 33.00-33,50. BULLS: cnoice 43.50-45.60, few 46.00-46.25; Good 41.00-43.75; Utility and Commercial 41.50- 45.50; few Cutter and low Utility 39.50-41.50. VEAL CALVES: Prime fully 1.00 higher, other grades fully steady. VEALERS; Prime 71.00-73.00, few 74.00; Choice 64.50-69.00; Good 58.00-66.50; Standard 50.00- 55.00. SHEEP: Spring lambs 50-1.00 higher. SPRING LAMBS: Choice 55-85 lb. 42.00-43.00, few Prime 43.00- 45.00. Local Grain Thursday, May 10 These prices are made up of the average prices quoted by five participating local feed and grain concerns. It should be noted, however, that not every dealer handles each commodity. All prices are per bushel except for ear com which is per ton. The average local grain prices quoted Thursday, May 5, 1973, are as follows: Bid+ Offer ed+ 44.66 51.00 Ear Com Shelled Cora 1.85 2.11 Oats, Local .89 1.10 Oats, Western 1.26 1.39 1.43 1.83 Barley 2.13 Wheat +Bid is the price the dealer will buy from the farmer delivered to the mill. Offered is the price the dealer will sell for at his mill. LEBANON VALLEY LIVESTOCK MARKET. INC. 1 mile east of Fredericksburg along Route 222 PHONE JONESTOWN 865-2881 Sale every Tuesday at 1:30 P.M. starting with feeder cattle and pigs. Vintage Auction Tuesday, May 8 Cattle Calves 911 425 35 Today Last Week Last Year CATTLE: Compared to last Tuesday slaughter steers mostly steady, cows fully steady; bulls steady to 50 lower. SLAUGHTER STEERS: High Choice and Prime 1000-1400 lb. 47.25-48.75, individual Prime 1350 lb. 49.00; Choice 950-1400 lb. 45.35- 47.85; High Good and low Choice 44.00-46.00; Good 42.25-45.00; Standard and low Good 41.00- 43.60, few Standard 40.25-41.00. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Few high Good and Choice 705-875 lb. 41.60-43.60. COWS: Utility and high Dressing Cutter 35.50-37.75, few 37.75-38.75, couple 39.25-39.35; Cutter 34.00-36.75; Canner and low Cutter 32.00-34.50; few 31.00- 32.00. BULLS: Choice 44.00-46.75, few 47.25-48.35, individual 1180 . lb. 51.25; Good 41.50-44.00; Utility and Commercial 41.75-44.50, few 44.50-45.00. VEAL CALVES: Choice and Prime fully steady, other grades 2.00- higher. Good demand for calves returned to farm. VEALERS: Prime 71.00-74.00, few 75.00-77.00; Choice 68.00- 72.00; Good 60.00-68.00; Standard 56.00- RETURNED TO FARM;"BuIk 80-125 lb. Holstein Heifers 87.00- 98.00; Utility 70-100 lb. Holstein Heifers 70.00-83.00; Bulk 100-125 lb. bull calves 80.00-86.00, three lots 102-112 lb. 92.00-94.00; Utility 75-125 lb. 55.00-68.00. SHEEP: Spring lambs mostly steady. SPRING LAMBS: Few Choice and Prime 35-70 lb. 56.00-67.00; Good and Choice 46.00-56.00. New Holland Horse Auction Monday, May 7 Reported receipts of 480 head of horses, mules and ponies; market steady to strong. Riding horses 175-560; pony mares 25 - 60; driving horses 200 - 510; geldings 20 - 55. Lightweight killers 10 - 15; heavyweight killers 17 -18. Regional Hay Prices Monday, May V, 1973 (All hay No. 2 and better prices paid by dealers at the farm price per ton.) Hay and Straw slow and steady. Alfalfa Mixed hay 2.32 Timothy hay Straw Mulch VINTAGE SALES STABLES, Inc. PARADISE, PENNA. BULLS, STEERS, BUTCHER COWS, LAMBS AND VEAL CALVES V SOLD ON COMMISSION SALE EVERY TUESDAY 12 NOON v HOG SALES Every Saturday At 9:00 A.M. v Every Wednesday At 9:00 A.M. a . _ _ . S For Marketing Information Phone Area Code 717-442-4181 Box 100 , Paradise, Pa. 10 mi East of Lancaster on Rt. 30 Kenneth E. Hershey, Sales Manager Wednesday, May 9 Cattle Calves Hogs Sheep Today 842 51 497 25 Last Week 1379 76 289 70 Last Year 1301 87 322 49 CATTLE: Compared with Monday slaughter steers uneven,- steady to 50 lower, instances 1.00 lower; cows string to 50 higher; bulls mostly 50 higher, some 1.00 higher. Supply included 901 in afternoon auction. SLAUGHTER STEERS: High Choice and Prime 1050-1450 lb. 46.75-47.75, few 46.25-46.75; Choice 950-1450 lb. 44.75-47.35, mostly 45.00-47.00; high Good and low Choice .44.00-45.75; Good 42.25-45.25; Standard and low Good 40.50-42.75. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Choice 770-975 lb. 42.85-44.60. COWS: Utility and high dressing Cutter 35.50-38.00, few 38.00-38.60; Cutter 34.00-36.50; Canner and low Cutter 32.50- 34.50. 942 453 39 1087 495 64 BULLS: Choice 44.00-47.00, few 47.10-48.85, individual 1355 lb. 50.50; Good 42.00-44.50; Utility and Commercial 42.00-46.60; Cutter and low Utility 40.00-42.50. FEEDER STEERS: (Private treaty sales) Choice and Prime 6901 b. 59.00,790-830 lb. 53.25-54.00, 935 lb. 48.50; mixed Good and Choice 750 lb. 49.50. VEAL CALVES: Vealers 1.00- 2.00 higher. VEALERS: Prime 72.00-76.00; Choice 65.50-71.00; Good 59.00- 67.50; Standard 52.00-57.50. SHEEP: Spring lambs steady to strong. t SPRING LAMBS: Choice 35-55 lb. 55.00-60.00, few 75-82 lb. 41.50- 44.00. Reported receipts of 72 cows, 4 heifers, 11 bulls; market steady to strong and active. Holsteins 450 -1025. Heifers 250 - 560. Bulls 400 - 520. Friday, May 7 71 loads hay, including: Few loads Alfalfa 44.00 - 68.00; three loads Alfalfa 91.00 - 100.00; Timothy 35.00 - 44.00; Mixed hay 30.00 - 51.00, few loads 90.00; two loads Clover 42.00 and 76.00; one load Orchard Grass 41.00. 21 loads straw 32.00 - 44.00. 6 loads corn - 58.00. Peoria Cattle 50.00- 40.00- few to 55.00 30.00- 25.00- 15.00- Thursday, May 10 Market not available at time of publication due to technical difficulties. Lancaster Auction New Holland Dairy Cattle Green Dragon Hay New Holland Auction Thursday, May 10 Cattle Calves Sheep Today 943 323 16 Last Week 1165 367 12 Last Year 682 235 29 CATTLE: Compared to last Thursday slaughter steers strong - to 50 higher; cows mostly 1.00 higher; bulls 50-1.00 higher, many at the full advance. SLAUGHTER STEERS: High Choice and Prime 1050-1400 lb. 46.00- few 48.00-48.35; Choice 950-1450 lb. 45.00-47.00, few 47.10-47.25; high Good and low Choice 44.25-45,75; Good 42.00- 44.60; Standard and low Good 40.00- SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Choice 825-1000 lb. 43.00-45.25. " COWS: Utility and high dressing Cutter 36.50-38.75, several 38.85- 39.25, few 39.50-39.85; Cutter 35.00- Canner and low Cutter 33,00-35.00. BULLS: Choice 44.00-46.25, few 46.25-47.50; Good 41.00-44.75; Utility and Commercial 42.00- 45.50, few 45.60-47.50; Cutter and low Utility 40.25-41.75. VEAL CALVES: Vealers steady to 1.00 higher. Demand fairly good for calves returned to farms. VEALERS; Prime 74.00-78.00, few 79.00-81.00, individual 82.50; Choice 68.00-74.00; Good 58.00- 67.00; standard 52.00-58.00; Utility 44.00-52.00. SLAUGHTER CALVES: Choice 375-450 lb. 54.00-60.00. RETURNED TO FARM: Bulk 90- 120 lb. bulls 65.00-80.00, several 80.00-88.00; bulk 90-125 lb. Holstein Heifers 72.00-90.00. SHEEP: Insufficient volume for market test Monday, May 7 Calf Receipts 78. Choice and Prime 70-72; Standard 55-60; Good and Low Choice 60-68; Common 45-55. Back-to-Farm Calves 75-95 Monday, May 7 35 loads of hay and 13 loads of straw sold as follows (prices per ton): Alfalfa, few loads 57.00-90.00; Timothy 32.00-46.00; Mixed hay 30.50-57.00, few 70.00-72.50; Clover, 2 loads 41.00 and 70.00; Straw 33.00-44.00; Corn, 1 load at 26.00. Farm Machinery is Dangerous With spring fanning underway, operators of farm machinery are tempted time and again to give children a ride on the tractor or other farm machinery. But don’t, even though it may cause them to be unhappy for a short time. Such machinery is too dangerous for small children to play around or ride on. Extension agricultural engineers at The Pennsylvania State University warn that the same precautions should be observed when working with lawn mowers and garden trac- Jors. AUCTIONS makes the difference in marketing livestock! New Holland makes the difference in auctions! MONDAY 10:30 A.M. —FAT HOGSand SHOATS 2:30 P.M. FAT STEERS, BULLS, COWS & VEAL HORSE SALE —MONDAY at 10:00 A.M. DAIRY SALE WEDNESDAY at 12:30 P.M. FAT STEERS, BULLS, COWS & VEAL—THURSDAY at 12:30 P.M. NEW HOLLAND SALES STABLES INC. New. Holland, Penna. Abram W. Diffenbach, Manager Phone: 717^354-2194 --'f i - * * Composite Report Friday Weekly, May 11 Cattle Calves This Week 3629 - 911 Last Week 4643 1024 Last Year 4635 991 CATTLE: Slaughter steers closings steady to 50 higher than' late last week after losing part of Monday’s advance; cows 50*1.00 . higher, late week sales at full advance; bulls 50-1.00 higher, instances 2.00 higher. Supply included an estimated 45 per cent slaughter steers, 20 per cent cows and 15 per cent bulls with the balance mainly feeder steers. SLAUGHTER STEERS: High Choice and Prime 1050-1450 lb. 46.75-48.85, few 49.00 on Monday, few late sales 46.00-46.75; Choice 950-1450 lb. 45.00-47.85, few 44.75- 45.00; high Good and low Choice 44.00-45.75; Good 42.00-45.50; Standard and low Good 40.00- 43.60. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Choice - 705-1000 lb. 42.50-45.25; Good 38.25-42.75. COWS; Utility and high dressing Cutter 35.00-38.75, late sales mostly 36.50-38.75, severaT3B.Bs - few 39.50-39.85; Cutter 33.50-37.50, late -35.00-37.50; Canner and low Cutter 32.00- 35.00. BULLS: Choice 43.50-47.00, few - 47.10-48.85, couple head 1180-1355 lb. 50.50-51.25; Good 41.50-44.75; Utility and Commercial 41.50- 46.60, few 46.60-47.50; Canner and low Cutter 39.50-42.50. FEEDER STEERS: (Private treaty sales) Choice and Prime 690 lb. 59.00; 790-830 lb. 53.25- 54.00,' 935 lb. 48.50; mixed Good and Choice 750 lb. 49.50. " VEAL CALVES: Vealers 1.00- 3.00 higher. Demand fairly good for calves returned to farm.' VEALERS: Prime 71.00-78.00, few 79.00-81.00, individual 82.50; Choice 64.50-74.00, mostly 68.00- 73.00; Good 58.00-68.00; Standard 50.00- mostly 52.00-58.00; Utility 44.00-52.00. RETURNED TO FARM: Bulk 80- 125,1 b. Holstein Heifers'72.oo - Bulk .90-125 lb. bull calves 65.00- three lots 102-112 lb. 92.00- Oklahoma City Thursday, May 10 Market not available at time of publication due to technical difficulties. COMPLETE LIVESTOCK BUYING SERVICE Specializing in order buying of Stockers & Feeders .Frank Dussinger livestock order buyer Phone: (717)397-7539 MARTINLIVESTOCK Washington Boro, Pa. 17382 Office Phone (717) 872-5491 John Bowman Phone: (717) 653*5728,