18—Lancaster Farming. Saturday, Ma; TUESDAY. MAY 15 A YES VOTE OH mm RESOLUTION HUMBER ONE WILL HELP SAVE PENNSYLVANIA'S CLEAN ANB BREEN BPEN SPACES ANB FARM LANR. YOUR KIDS WHI THANK YOU. The heavyweight tractor lightweight price Don t spend more than you have to This 8 hp compact tractor by Gilson is priced $lOO below comparable models Compare features and you 11 find Grlson on top too Like electric start a Briggs & Stratton power plant built-in headlights chrome hub caps, disc brake and smooth hydro performance traction drive And more Be a little frugal Test drive a Gilson OJtt A great machine to have in your corner Stauffer —R‘.pr2‘Kßt‘EanrPa- 215-445-6175 12. 1973 ' REPAIR SERVICE 'iV „ ti* ( »/ '•V «f