Serving Lancaster City and County for more than a decade Income tax service At our offices: Two Locations 144 N. PRINCE ST. 344 W. KING ST. 397-7181 Lancaster FARMS THIS LITTLE PIG WENT TO MARKET RIDING ON A FARM CREDIT LOAN A dependable source of credit is essential to farm growth and operation. Farm Credit knows and understands the speciafneeds of the farmer because Farm Credit is far mer-owned. And, deals only in farm loans, Farm Credit is as near as your telephone.- Call today. Get a line on the best credit available for farm needs. Support The Lancaster Co. Swine Producers Annual Banquet «f your convenience —in the privacy of your home 1 Bom, T TAX SERVICE 299-3931 For Appointment Blue Ball Fire Hall Blue Ball March 23-6:30 P.M 411 W. ROSEVILLE RD., LANCASTER PH. 393-3921 K* *• K \% ,g By Doris Thomas , Extension Home Economist Use Chicken For Economical Meal Take a wish upon a wishbone. — who knows, your wish may come true. Whether or not it does, you will have at least had the satisfaction of a good chicken dinner, and a relatively reasonably priced meal at that. Here are some tips on caring for your chicken to assure the best chicken dinner yet: Chicken, like all poultry, is perishable, so care and cleanliness are a must in preparation, cooking and ser ving Keep frozen chicken hard frozen until time to thaw, and cook it promptly after thawing. Use fresh-chilled poultry within two days. Completely cook the chicken at one time. Never partially cook, then store, and finish cooking at a later date. If you have any leftover cooked PAYING TOO MUCH FOR LIFE INSURANCE? “A Shoppers Guide To Term Life Insurance", by Herbert S. Denenberg, Pennsylvania Insurance Commissioner recently published the following quote. ‘it Pays To Shop For Term Life Insurance - It’s Cost Varies By As Much As 140 percent For Substantially The Same Coverage”. "BE A GOOD STEWARD OF YOUR MONEY" Ask us which companies the shoppers guide lists as having the lowest rates. Call or write Bob Hossler R.D. 1, Manheim 665-3713 THE DOLLARS YOU SAVE MAY BE YOUR OWN VI Ladies, Have You Heard? chicken separate the broth, stuffing, and gravy, cover them and refrigerate. Use within a day or two. or freeze them for longer storage Looking for a new way to serve chicken Try this recipe for: Herb Roast Chicken 1 whole broiler-fryer chicken teaspoon salt 1 stalk celery 1 small onion, stuck with 2 cloves 1 sprig parsley 1 tablespoon softened butter or margarine 1 > teaspoon basil, rosemary, tarragon or thyme 1-4 pound white grapes, halved To Prepare: Sprinkle cavity with salt; place celery, onion and parsley inside Hook wing tip into back to hold neck skin, truss chicken. Blend butter and herbs. Brush over chicken Place on rack in small roasting pan. Bake * CREDIT AGWAY BUILDING, LEBANON PH. 273-4506 Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, March 17,1973 Dons Thomas in a moderate oven (375 degrees.) 30 minutes per pound; add grapes during last 10 minutes Food Buying Tip Here’s your weekly food buying tip from the U S. Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Marketing Service: If vou want a gourmet touch in a fruit or vegetable salad, you only have to include an avocado and vou’ve achieved it. This fine fruit available all year, is grown in California and Florida It varies greatly in shape, size and color, depending on type and variety two general types and a number of varieties of each are grown Most avocados tend to be pear shaped but some are almost spherical The most commonly available weigh under one-half pound Some have a rough or leatherv textured skin, others, a smooth skin Most frequently the skin color is some shade of green, but some turn maroon, brown, or purplish-black as (he fruit ripens Avocados are ready to eat when properly ripened becoming slightly soft When buying for immediate use. look for slightly soft fruit that yields to a gentle pressure on (he skin For use in a few days, select firm fruits that do not yield to the squeeze test and let (hem ripen at room temperatur lor three to five days Dark sunken spots in irregular patches or cracked or broken surfaces are signs of decay When preparing avocadoes, you can avoid the brownish color of the flesh when exposed to air. by placing it immediately after peeling in lemon juice until you’re ready to use it Neighbors «? “Good heavens how do you keep It all dusted?” 37 ifl »"V