READ LANCASTER FARMING FOR FULL MARKET REPORTS leNCER’S special All wire and post ordered before 3-10-73 will carry a 10 percent discount for April delivery. On orders of 6 or more rolls and extra $l.OO a roll Bonus. KEYSTONE RED BRAND WIRE Ruthless Barb *19.50 roll Economy Barb *lB.OO roll 1047 - 6-11 Page Wire *58.50 roll 939 - 6-11 Page Wire *53.50 s 939 - 12-11 Page Wire *40.75s 6V2 ft. Steel Post *1.60 6V2 ft. 4" Round Wood *1.65 614 ft. Pointed Wood *1.50 Corner Braces Complete *10.50 FOR PROMPT YEAR ROUND SERVICE Robert M. Stoltzfus 215-593-5982 Frey Bros. 717-786-2146 ' u t ’ ''l "Si' ■* ’ '•s v' A A " j>v * * w'>/ 'c,*' "!„, '" ( >i#^ V This planter saves money on seedcorn Ungraded seedcorn often costs less than sized seed —and your planter will handle ungraded kernels accurately and efficiently if it’s a John Deere Plateless. These planters provide the close population control you demand, and they do away with the nuisance of trying to find just the right plates. They come in a full range of sizes for wide'Or narrow rows. Stop in soon for complete information on John Deere Plateless Planters. WENGER IMPLEMENT, INC. The Buck 2844141 A. B. C. GROFF, INC. New Holland V v LANDS BROS. INC. 393-3006 Elm M. S. YEARSLEY & SONS Westchester 696-2990 3544191 V. Society 3 Farm Women Society 3 met Saturday, February 17 at the home of Mrs. Willie Stober, Adamstown. The meeting was conducted by Mrs. Clarence Stauffer. Devotions by Mrs. Stober precceded a moment of silent prayer in memory of member Mrs. Samuel Mohler. Mrs. Stauffer gave a report of the Lancaster County Board meeting with Spring Rally for Farm Women to be held at Johnstown May 16. Farm Women from Michigan will tour Lancaster County May 2. Society 3 will host four of the women. The Society voted in favor of the Welsh Mountain Mission as the County Project. A con tribution of $5O was given to the Ephrata Recreation Center. Society 3 will be entertained by Society 19 at 7 p.m. May 11 at the Coca Cola Building on Manheim Pike. Marc de Ray Von Zuydewyn from Norway, who is staying at the Stober home, played piano selections. Scott Stober showed slides on his stay in the Netherlands. The next meeting will be March 17 in the Salem Lutheran Church, Ephrata, with Mrs. Edward West serving as hostess. Society 8 Farm Women Society 8 met Saturday, February 17 at the home of Mrs. Martin K. Miller, 426 Donegal Springs Road, Mount Joy. Thirty-four members and three visitors were present. The meeting was in charge of Miss Anna Mae Eby, president. Devotions were in charge of Mrs. Elias Musser.The report of the -secretary was given by Miss * s & -> S '■ s v >v V £% EDWIN HURST INC. Adamstown, Pa. 215-484-4391 SHOTZBERGER J S Farm \}%- ' - A. 665-2141 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 24,1973 Women Societies I Mary Grace Martin and treasurers report by Mrs. Sylvester Shuman. Miss Joan Lucas, assistant Lancaster County - home economist, was guest speaker. Her topic was Fun-Do Fondues. She advised the women as to which type and quality of vessels to use for best results while they prepare the different types of fondue and gave many pointers for proper procedure as various sauces are prepared. Several of her recipes were prepared and used as aprt of the refreshments. Tomato-Cheese Fondue was made and used with cubes of French bread and Chocolate Fondue for the dipping of cherries, banana slices, apple cubes and bitesize cubes of Pound Cake. Mrs. Hazel Hawthorne sang several selections during moments of informal time. Miss Ruth Eby gave remaining reports of the Convention at Harrisburg. The date for the bus trip to the Philadelphia Flower Show has been changed to March 15. The bus will leave from St. Marks Methodist Church, Mount Joy, at 7 a.m. Time will be given for shopping at Wanamakers. Returning time is 5 p.m. Several slides were shown by Martin Millers which he had taken during an Anniversary meeting at Hostetter’s several months ago. Hostesses for the afternoon were Mrs. Clinton Eby, Miss Mary Grace Martin, Mary Shaeffer and Mrs. Martin K. Miller. The next meeting will be held at 2 p.m. March 17 at the Lutheran Church in Maytown. Mrs. Charles Felty, 144 E. Charlotte St., Millersville, will speak and show slides of her trip to Spain. Aerial Ladder Equipped FARM PAINTING We Spray it on and Brush It In! FOR FREE ESTIMATES CALL COLLECT 717-393-6530 OR WRITE HENRY K. FISHER 2322 Old Phila. Pike Lancaster, Pa. 17602 Society 14 Farm Women Society 14 met recently at the Coca Cola Bottling Company, 1428 Manheim Pike Mrs. Ira Kreider led the group in devotions. Mrs. Kreider was assisted by Mrs. Howard Combs, Mrs. Henry Rohrer and Mrs. Charles Meloy. Mrs. Ira Herr, president, conducted the business meeting. Mrs. Norman Shenk, guest speaker, said you can be very creative with your own hands. She conducted a Decoupage Workshop. The next meeting will be held at 1:30 p.m. March 14 at the home of Mrs. Raymond Barge, 400 Susan Avenue, Strasburg Society 18 Farm Women Society 18 met Saturday, February 17 at the home of Mrs. Edward Wissler, Landisville. Devotions were given by Mrs. Harold D. Kimmel. Mrs. Philip E. Bedient spoke to the group on “Night Ministry.” The business session was conducted by the president, Mrs. David E. Buckwalter. Members voted to support the Welsh Mountain Medical Center through the county’s annual project Announcement was made of the upcoming pizza sale in April. A contribution of $lO was voted for the Cerebral Palsy Fund. Members were urged to write personal letters to CBS con cerning proposed X-rated movies to be aired in the near future. A new member, Mrs. Tobias Leaman, was installed by Mrs. John N. Hess, State second vice president. Society 18 will entertain Society 2 on March 17 at the Lititz Church of the Brethren. (Continued on Page 30) 29