L V 34—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 17. 1973 I Farm Women Societies I I i Society 1 The Society of Farm Women 1 met at its recent meeting at the home of Mrs. Neil Clark voted to give $lO to Cerebral Palsy and $25 to Teen Challenge. At the business meeting con ducted by -Mrs. Paul Kurtz, president, reports were given by these women in addition to Mrs. Kurtz; Mrs Graybill Hollinger and Mrs Henry Shreiner. Mrs. Elmer Hershey, of the Sunshine Committee, presented a silver tray to Mrs. Hollinger, who had served as the society president the past two years Mrs Nissley Rohrer, Lititz RD3, presented a craft demon stration at the meeting Thirty members and guests were in attendance Roll call was answered with members giving their favorite hobby Mrs CV. Smith presented the devotions Mrs Daniel Brubaker served as the song leader and Mrs Roy Brubaker was the accompanist. Miss Rachel Bollinger was co hostess A dinner meeting, with the husbands as guests, will be held by the society at the Brownstown Restaurant at 6 30 pm Satur day, Mar J Jacob Toews and daughter Peggy, Lititz RD3, will present a program on their trip around the world Reservations for this dinner must be made by Saturday, Feb 24 Mrs Simon Snyder will present the devotions Roll call will be answered by members relating trip they most enjoyed Society 2 Farm Women Farm Women Society 2 met at the home of Mrs Rufus Waltz, Manheim RD4, with Mrs Nathan NEW MUELLER BULK MILK TANKS USED BUIK TANKS 400 gal. Dari-Kool 300 gal. ESCO 400 Gal. Girton 12 can Star Cooler 12 can Stauffer 0 can used Cooler Ifl can used Cooler Used 1 HP. Lehigh Com pressor USED 30 h.p. Deutz DIESELS 12 H.P. Lister Strainers - Pails Wash Vats Glass Lined Water Heaters Full Line of Milk House Equipment SPECIALIST IN DIESEL REPAIR & SERVICE NEW LISTER DIESELS SEE US FOR SPECIAL PRICE ON INSTALLATION HAVE YOUR ELEC TRICAL SYSTEM CHECKED ON OUR NEW SUN TESTING EQUIPMENT FOR 6-8-12 VOLT SYSTEMS, IN CLUDING BATTERY, ALTERNATOR, GENERATOR, REGULATORS, ETC. WEEN ROAD REPAIR Box 67, Intercourse, Pa. 17547 24 Hour Service Phone 717-768-8408 from 7:00a.m tos:oop.m JohnD Weaver 656-9982 aftei 5:00p.m. or Answering Service 354-5181 Oberholtzer as co-hostess. There were 22 members and five visitors present Mrs. Fred Hahn led the devotions. The president, Mrs. Jay Witmer conducted the business session and gave a report of the executive board meeting. She announced the Spring Rally to be held May 16 at the Johnstown Civic Center and will be hosted by the Cambria County Society. A donation was given to the Cerebral Palsy and the Ways and Means committee announced they will conduct a food stand at the farm sale of Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Becker Saturday, Mar. 24 The Society voted on the Welsh Mountain Clinic as the county project A birthday party will be held at the Mt Hope Dunkard Brethren Home Tuesday, Apr. 3 for the HERE V* CORN V 2642 119 day maturity A Champion. Short-stalked, upright leaf, with a really high yield and potential. Moderately high population V 2592 1,8 day maturity By demand. A special hybrid for the East, large-eared, excellent stalk, and fast drying. V 2552 1,3 day maturity This is a high population hybrid. Pour on the fertilizer, early tasseling and silking a high yielder. V 2402 - 102 day maturity The big yielder. Tough to beat anywhere. Indiana reports over 200 bushels yield. Earlv plant hybrid. V 2332 - 94 day maturity Tremendous yield potential. Early, Fast drying. High yielder. Picks and shells beautifully. CONTACT REIST SEED CO. Mt.Joy.Pa. Phone 653-4121 [SINCE 1925] guests who have birthdays during March and April. The society presidents were urged to encourage the members to write to CBS to voice their opposition to the showing of X rated movies on late night TV. A demonstration on coating candies was given by Glenn Davidson of Lititz. The next meeting will be held Saturday, Mar. 10 when the members will entertain their husbands at a banquet at the Palmyra Dutch Diner. Society 9 Farm Women Society 9 finalized plans for a work day to make bed pads for the Cancer Society during a recent meeting at the home of Mrs. Warren Boyer, Millersville RDI. Mrs. Russell Raush and Mrs. Jacob (Continued on Page 35) n >#M Watch ’em go for...PURINA! Horses really go for Purina. Now you can chbose from two great Purina horse feeds—new Purina Horse Chow Checkers with built-in Jiay or Purina Omolene, a favorite of horsemen for almost 50 years. Purina Horse Chow Checkers are a revolutionary idea in feeding horses. The hay is built in, eliminating the fuss and muss of hay. For those who prefer to feed hay there’s the horsemen’s standby—Purina Omolene. We offer both of these re search-developed Purina horse feeds in handy 50-lb. bags at our store with the Checkerboard Sign. John J. Hess, 11, Inc. Ph: 442-4632 Paradise West Willow Farmers Assn., Inc. Ph: 464-3431 West Willow Ira B. Landis Ph: 665-3248 Box 276, Manheim RDo James High & Sons Ph: 354-0301 Gordonville Wenger's Feed Mill Inc. t% II Ph: 367-1195 Rheems John B. Kurtz Ph: 354-9251 R. D. 3, Ephrata W*» «u