e “A fiery temper never helps to make a warm friendship.” ORDER YOUR PATZ YOU'LL NEED TILL FALL NOW Price goes up April Ist. A small Down Payment holds order. SAVE MONEY We have 2 green painted overhead bunk feeders, all brand new at a Big Saving, because it was repocessed. MARVIN J. HORST Dairy Equipment and Ammana Appliances R. D. No. 1 (Iona) Lebanon, Pa. Located on Route 897 between Schaef ferstown and Lebanon, over 30 years in business at same place. »<£*■ ’*V n > - 41 W' The largest sculpture art forgery ever detected was an eight-foot-tall reproduction of a five-inch Greek bronze statuette of a warrior, which was in the New York Metro politan Museum of Art for 40 years before being proved false in 1961. EQUIPMENT Coll 717-272-0071 ■ - \> rt > xw Art Forgery Management Changes Announced By L. M. Sheaffer Company Glenn H. Herr Schweiker Critical Of Big Subsidies U.S Senator Richard S, Sch weiker said last week he favors “weeding out” excessive farm subsidies to large corporate farms “I though the whole idea of the farm (subsidy) program was to help the small individual far mer,” Schweiker said. “Instead, we are continuing to subsidize some big farms with over $20,000 a year in payments ” Schweiker said he opposed cutting back programs affecting small farmers such as disaster loan, Rursl Electrification and conservation programs while keeping big corporate farm programs going. “I think this is all wrong,” he said. Schweiker made the remarks on his monthly Pennsylvania radio and television report. He was interviewed by Washington correspondents Milt Jaques of the PITTSBURGH POST GAZETTE and John Farmer of y v . « g-'i Can Help You ; Protect Your Estate r» y -■vV : ' s Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 17,1973 Raymond W. Sheaffer the PHILADELPHIA BULLETIN On other subjects, Schweiker said - Federal Budget: “I favor setting an overall spending ceiling, but I think it is a Congressional responsibility Federal Programs; “1 think we should weed out ineffective federal programs, strengthen those that need it, and redefine our obj actives ” Congress: “I see in the Senate and the House a newer, younger crop of committed people, far more issue-oriented and far more concerned about government than before.” Trade; “The end-of-the year imblance of trade payments was $6 2 billion. The whole import problem is going to hurt us decidedly unless we move ef fectively into it.” Defense: “I think we should have a Deputy Secretary of Defense Trust Officers of The First National Bank of Strasburg can help you to protect your estate Courteous individual attention by highly trained Friendly First personnel can give you confidence that your family will receive the maximum benefit from your assets, including insurance, real estate and investments Plan your estate with the guidance of the Trust Officers at The First National Bank of Strasburg, the Friendly Lancaster County Bank where You are Always First 'flu First (Bank or|j SinaAlnuu^. >TRASBURU EAST KING STREET Wl 687 7617 Donald E Horn, general manager of Pennfield Cor poration’s Egg Division, recently announced two management changes in that division, here Ray Sheaffer has been named processing manager In this position, he is responsible for all delivery and trucking for the division He also has operational management duties for one of Pennfield’s two processing plants The plant supervisor, James Harter, will report directly to him Sheaffer will, in addition to his new managerial responsibilities continue as customer service representative A graduate of Nichols Business Administration School in Massachusetts, Sheaffer holds a bachelors degree in business administration The young man lives in Ephrata Glenn H Herr, production manager of Pennfield Farms, part of Pennfield Corporation’s Egg Division, has been assigned the additional managerial duties of processing for the second of the division’s two processing plants The plant supervisor, James Westwood, reports to Herr Both men will report to Horn Food additives play an im portant role in our nations’ food supply In order to feed our present population it would be difficult to do so without most additives Catherine B. Love, Extension consumer education specialist at Pennsylvania State University, reports that many foods would lose flavor texture, color, and keeping quality Foods would probably also cost more for Evaluation to objectively evaluate weapons systems, and eliminate overlap between the services ” LANCASTER 397 4733 Need For Food Additives I LOW STREET 464 3421 21