—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 10. 1973 4 Poultry Market Reports Delmarva Wednesday, February 7 BROILER-FRYER MARKET Ready to cook movement very active at sharply higher prices in most quarters. Slaughter schedules about steady. Less than truck lot prices Vis to 1c higher on both plant and US. Grade A. Live supplies short of needs. Undertone very firm. Negotiated trucklot prices 2-3 lb. ready to cook broiler-fryers for delivery next week US Grade A TFEWR, Plant Grade 34-35. Pool trucklot prices for Thursday arrival U.S Grade A 35-38, mostly 35-35%; Plant Grade 34- 36, mostly 34-34V2 Eastern Pa. and N. J. Wednesday, February 7 LIVE POULTRY Prices steady on light type hens Demand fair for ample offerings. Processors generally working at or near capacity. Offerings of heavy hens about adequate for extended needs. Prices paid at farm Light type hens 6-9'/ 2 , mostly 9-9V2 in Pa., mostly 8-9 in N J Heavy type hens TFEWR THE OLD AH* FEB. 12-18 No winter has yet failed to end. Replace missing tools and implements now . Lincoln’s Birthday Feh 12 Full Snow Moon Feb 17 . Hartford, Conn saw daytime stars Feb. 12, 1831 . . Average length of days for \\ eek, 10 hours, 3 r > minutes Lots of crows around now Valentine’s Day Feb 14 Geese are laying . . . US S Maine blown up in Havana Feb 15,1898 ... First ship through Suez Feb 17, 1867 Chaims are nonsense, non sense is charminß- Old Farmer’s Riddle: What’s the worse weather for rats and mice 9 (Answer below ) Ask the Old Farmer: Have you ever heard of “apple tree” sailors and do you know what they were and why they were so-called 9 J B S., Norfolk, Conn Yes, to both Deep-water sailors sneered nt the coast ers because they did business in shoal uatei They did not navigate in the proper sense and were said to smell their way fiom port to port along the const. In tlnch oi stormy weather they were said to hold a course by keeping within the smell of the npph fives ashore It might he added that there was a ccitnin amount of hath in tins The “land smell” tap be defected foi miles at sea and many a canny coaster took advantage of the fact Home Hint- Ntutlltwork should Ik ironed on the side Hot mils wont <nck plisUr Mrs, \imjru with plnsttr to lengthen setting: time RidtUr att'y/ir) Wht n its jaminjr cats ind dogs OLD FARMER’S WEATHER FORECASTS New England: Heavy ram to start, changing to light snow, 4-6' snow in mountains, ram mixed with snow latter part, 16-20" snow m mountains Greater New York-New Jersey: Week begins cloudy and not ver\ cold, then light rain and colder latter part of week; ram and snow mixed tor weekend Middle Atlantic Coastal: Light rain at first, then clear and cool by midweek; snow flumes latter part, then showers and warmer Southeast Coastal-Piedmont: Week begins generally clear and cool, then rain by midweek, end of week clear and warm Florida: Ram and coolei to start, possible frost in north by midweek, generally clear and warm latter part Upstate & Western N.Y.-Toronfo & Montreal: Snow, 2-4" by midweek, light snow for lest of week Greater Ohio Vallej: Week hem ns with light snow and colder, then mostly clear, end of week warn in west, snow in east Deep South; Cloud\ and cold at first, then scatteied showers; cleanup and warmei lattci pait, then cloudy Chicago and Southern Great Lakes: Flurries to start, then 4-fi" snow in east, end of week generally clear and mild, light snow in east Northern Great Plains-Grcat Lakes: Light snow and mild thioughoul week, hut 1-1 latter part, weekend deal and mild Central Great Plains: Rain to start possiblv mixed with snow, then clear and warm, dairies latter part, then clear and unseasonably warm Texas-Oklahoma: Cloudy and mild at first, then clearing, end of week doudv and hot, then showers Rocky Mountain Region: A beautiful week, clear and milder e\crv day Southwest Desert: Clear to start, then increasing cloudiness and warmer, ram latter part, then cool Pacific Northwest; Clear and warm with highs in 50s; end of week cloudj with ram, then cold California: Most of week clear and mild; cloudy with rain for weekend (All Kit his Him vtd \ inkco Inc DuMin, N H 03444) Weekly New York Egg Market (From Monday, February sth to Friday, February 9) Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. WHITE Fey. Ex. Large 49 Large 49 Mediums 46 Pullets 42 Peewees 30 BROWN Fey. Large 49 Mediums Unquoted Pullets Unquoted Peewees Unquoted Standards Checks Long Tone - Mediums still unsettled, balance steadier. Demand for breaking stock very spotty. Fogelsville Tuesday, January 30 Heavy type hens 7-1716, mostly 15-17, Pullets 29-33, mostly 30-32; Roasters 29V 2 -32>/ 2 , mostly 30-32, Ducks 29M.-31, Drakes 42-52, 47 47 45 45 47 47 45 45 44 44 42 42 42 42 39 39 30 30 29 29 47 47 47 42 42 39 39 30 30 29% 44 30Vi> 30V 2 Rabbits 65-73Vz, mostly 70-71; Guineas 50-60; Pigeons (per pr.) 1.52-4 00%. Total coops sold 319. Auction every Tuesday. Poultry received Monday 7 P.M to 10 30 P.M , Tuesday 7 A.M. to 12 Noon Sale at 11 30 A.M. Directions - Take Rt. 22 thruway Exit at Fogelsville Exit North on stoplight in Fogelsville Turn left, proceed 1 mile Oklahoma City Thursday, February 8 Estimated Receipts Same Day Last Week 8,318 Same Day Last Year 11,580 Active, compared to late last week Feeder cattle and calves 50c to 1.00 higher, some offerings 1 50-2 00 higher, Majority receipts high Good and Choice 400-800 pound steers and 350-650 pound heifers; Moderate at tendance buyers Sales as of 12-30 P.M. Feeder Steers - Choice, few Prime 300-400 pound 57.00-62 30, small lot 335 pound at 68 25, 400- 50054 50-61 50, 500-600 53 25-57 00, 600-700 49 00-54 80, small lot and part load 602 pound 55 80-56 00, 700-800 48 00-53 00, small lot 726 pound at 53 75 , 800-975 44 25- 48 50, Mixed Good and Choice 300-500 pound 52 00-56.25, 500-700 45 75-52 50, few 700-904 pound 42 00-45 75 Holstein Steers Good 548-668 pound 42 75-44 40, small lot 628 pound at 44 40; 700-1014 39 25- 42 90 Feeder Heifers Choice, few Prime 300-400 pound 47 50-55.00, small lots and few part loads 325- 385 pound 56 00-59.00 , 400-500 45 75-51 50, 500-600 43.50-48 00, part load 509 pound at 48 90, 600- 700 42 75-45 75, two small lots 723- 733 pound 42 80-42 95, Mixed Good and Choice 300-500 pound 44 00-46 50, few 500-656 pound 41 50-43 00 Factories in Space Believed Possible The possibilities of carry ing out manufacturing proc esses aboard space laborato ries show considerable promise for the future, ac cording to L R McCreight of General Electric Co.’s Space Sciences Laboratory, Philadelphia. Pa. He said that the manufac tme of “more perfect crystal eleclionic material compo nents” and “pure biologicals” is a possibility Crystal germination of substances for use in elec tronic and computer technol ogy could be done at cost sav ings in zero-gravity space, Mr McCreight said. Thursday, February 8 Cattle weekly; receipts this week 8100; Last week 4962; Receipts Last Year 5213. (As compared to last weeks close) slaughter steers ended 1 50-1.75 higher. Slaughter heifers were mostly 2.00 higher. Cows 1 50-2.00, instances 2.50 higher. Few bulls strong to 50 higher. Receipts mainly Choice slaughter steers and heifers with several loads Choice and Prime. Receipts about 80 percent steers; 15 percent heifers and 5 percent cows. Fri, Slaughter Steers: (On Wed nesday) High Choice and Prime 1150-1250 pounds 3-4, 43.75-44.00. Choice 1000-1150 2-4, 43.00-44.00; Concrete Solution Found for Fly Ash Fly ash, a residue produced by the burning of finely pul verized coal in large power plants, is now collected by means of electrostatic precip itators, and is being used as a cement extender in ready mix-concrete and concrete block. A year-long program in volving the removal, classi fication and sale by AMAX Fly Ash Corporation, At lanta, Ga., from the Georgia Power Company has demon strated how fly ash can be profitably utilized. During the first year more than 60,000 tons of fly ash were recovered and shipped. According to the AMAX spokesman the addition of fly ash “produces a stronger and more durable and imperme able concrete product. Fur ther it reduces raw material costs.” 6,800 ONCE ACROSS THE HELD DOES IT Smoketown, Pd. Peoria Cattle 1150-1325 42.75-43.75. Mixed Good and Choice 950-1225 pounds 42.00- 43.00. Good 39.75-42.00. Slaughter Heifers: (On Wed nesday) High Choice and Prime 900-1000 pounds 34, 43.0043.50. One load at latter price. Mixed Choice and Prime 925-1025 pounds 24, 42.5043.00. Choice 825-1050 pounds 24, 42.0042.75. Mixed Good and Choice 750-925 pounds 39.5042.00. Good 38.00- 39.50. Cows: Commercial 25.50-29.00. Utility 28.50-31.00. High yielding Utility 31.00-32.00; some 32.50. Cutter 25.00-29.00. Canner 21.00- 25.00. Bulls: Utility and Commercial 31.00-35.00; individual Good 36.00. v ' •sfjsfs > x®ffisss®fl ; sffflsisaas Lancaster Farming Lancaster County’s Own Farm Weekly P.O. Box 266 - Lititz, Pa. 17543 Office; 22 E. Main St., Lititz, Pa. 17543 Record-Express Office Bldg. Phone: Lancaster 717-394-3047 or Lititz 717-626-2191 Richard E. Wanner, Editor Subscription price: $2 per year in Lancaster County: $3 elsewhere Established November 4, 1955 Published every Saturday by Lancaster Farming, Lititz, Pa. Second Class Postage paid at Lititz, Pa. 17543 Members of Newspaper Farm Editors Assn., Pa. Newspaper Publishers Association, and National Newspaper Association. m. Ph. 397-3539
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