Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, February 10, 1973, Image 19
Judging for the annual Lan caster County FFA project record book was completed by a group of county vo-ag teachers on February 1 at Lampeter- Strasburg High School. Winners in the various categories were: Occupational Experience: Gold-Hobert McMillion, Solanco; Lamar Long, Garden Spot; George Hostetler, E-town; Scott Steffy, Garden Spot; Dennis Nolt, Garden Spot. Silver-Ken Mull, Garden Spot; E. Clair Martin, Garden Spot; Wesley Gerber, E-town; Tom Denlinger, Pequea Valley; Richard Groff, Ephrata. Bronze-Dale Weber, Ephrata; ORDER YOUR SPRING FARM SEEDS NOW MANY FARM SllD IYIMS ARI IN SHORT SUPPLY Cert. Iroquois Alfalfa Cert. Pennscott Red Clover Cert. Saranac Alfalfa Cert. Ladino Clover Cert. Cayuga Alfalfa Cert. Garry Oats Cert. W-L305 Alfalfa Cert. Russel Oats Cert. Vernal Alfalfa Cert. Clintland Oats Cert. Buffalo Alfalfa Erie Spring Barley Grasses Maine Grown Certified Seed Potatoes DeKalb Corn Sodax SMOKETOWN Phone Lane. 397-3539 BETTER FEEDS for cows pay off handsomely to dairymen The best feeds you can buy for your cows are the best invest ment that you can make! FLORIN FEEDS have been tried, tested and proven suc- cessful as a means of increas ing milk production and main taining good health. You’ll ap preciate the difference they’ll make ... in the size of your milk checks!. L^njy WOLGEMUTH BROS., me MOUNT JOY, PENNA. FFA Project Books Judged Jim Zimmerman, Garden Spot; Jerry Long, Garden Spot; Honorable Mention-Robert Strauss, Ephrata; Lewis Roether, Brownstown Vo-Tech. Single Enterprise: Beef Fattening-Barry Wissler, Ephrata, Gold; James Felpel, Ephrata, Silver. Veal Calves-Leonard Martin, Ephrata, Gold; J. Lamar Kreider, Ephrata, Silver. Swine Breeding-Kirk Copenhaver, Ephrata, Gold; Barry Wissler, Ephrata, Silver. Market Hogs-Barry Wissler, Ephrata, Gold. Market Lambs-Rickie L. Gensemer, Ephrata, Gold. Beekeeping-Jerry Skiles, Ph. 653-1451 Pequea Valley, Gold. Single Enterprise in Multiple Enterprise Book; Gold-Jim Gruber, E-town; Dan Harting, Ephrata; Bob Peifer, Solanco. Silver-Dave Young, Solanco; Joe Winters, Solanco. Bronze: Jeff Glackin, Solanco; Gary Latham, Solanco. Honorable Mention-Eric Zeiset, E-town. 2 Enterprises: Gold-Dwight Martin, Manheim; Michael Bollinger, Ephrata. Silver-Bob Hershey, Manheim; Philip Newcomer, Manheim. Bronze-John Weaver, Ephrata; Dave Gerhart, Solanco. H. Mention-Doug Testerman, Solanco. 3 Enterprises: Gold-Donald Wenger, Manheim. Silver-Melvin Weiler, Ephrata; E. Clair Martin, Garden Spot; Dennis Nolt, Garden Spot. Bronze- Charles Neff, Pequea Valley; Glenn Ruhl, Manheim. H Mention-Tom Galbreath, Solanco, Gary Akers, Solanco; Tom Stottlemyer, Solanco. 4 Enterprises: Gold-Marlin Smoker, Ephrata. Silver-Paul Horning, Ephrata. Bronze-Jerry Long, Garden Spot H Mention-Kevin Rohrer, Manheim, Eric Copenhaven, Ephrata; Steven Ruhl, E-town. 5 Enterprises; Gold-Richard Bollinger, Ephrata; Lloyd Hoover, Garden Spot; Russel Klme, Ephrata Silver-William Hershey, Solanco; Randy Clark, Solanco Bronze-Gerald Musser, Ephrata; Larry Weber, Garden Spot. i Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 10,1973 6 Enterprises; Gold-Wayne Krieder, Solanco; John Miller, Manheim. Silver-Don Miller, Pequea Valley; Ray Martin, Garden Spot. Bronze-Robert Strauss, Ephrata. 8 Enterprises: Gold-Donald Weaver, Garden Spot; Thomas Perry, Solanco. 9 Enterprises: Gold- William Krantz, Solanco. Farm Accounts: Gold-Robin N. Ginder, Ephrata. Scrapbooks: Gold-Manheim; Silver-Garden Spot. Stauffer Wins German Trip Amos Stauffer of Stauffer Diesel, Inc. in New Holland, has won a trip to Cologne, Germany in a nationwide contest conducted by Deutz Tractor Corporation. Accompanying Mr Stauffer on the trip will be his wife Along with other Deutz dealers, they will leave from New York on Sunday, February 11, and return a week later. In addition to sightseeing, the Americans will tour the Deutz tractor assembly line in Cologne The Best t r , And Sperry New Holland will pay you cash for buying now. Now is the best time of the year to see us for New Holland equipment During Winter Buyer's Dividend days, Sperry New Holland will pay you cash for buy ing new eligible machines The amount you earn depends on the machine you buy—and the month you buy it So you'd better hurry! Winter Buyer’s Dividend lasts from December I, 1972 to February 28, 1973. Eligible machines include, automatic bale wagons, stack retrievers, balers, combines, mower condi tioners, precision cut forage harvesters and self propelled wmdrowers See us soon for complete details' C. E. Wiley & Son, Inc. 101 S 'LimeSt., Quarryville 786-2895 A.B.C. Groff, Inc. 110 S. Railroad Ave. New Holland 354-4191 Wool Stabilizer Home seamstresses who find the process of shrinking woolens before sewing a nuisance, will soon find that problem eliminated. Mrs. Ruth Ann Wilson, Ex tension clothing specialist at The Pennsylvania State University, reports that the textile industry has developed a process to stabilize wool and wool-blend fabrics to a residual shrinkage of one-half to one percent. The traditional cold-water shrinking and steam-sponging techniques usually applied to woolens and worsteds result in a possible three to four percent shrinkage. Unlike some previous stabilization processes, the new technique does not affect the hand of the fabric. Mrs. Wilson explains that the process - yet to be named - in volves spraying the fabric with a specially developed resin In addition to decreasing the shrinkage, the process stabilizes treated fabric against various humidity and temperature changes that cause ballooning and puckering. and the new engine plant m Ulm They will also visit the KHD museum, which houses the world’s first four-stroke engine. They’ll also visit a German tractor dealer Cash Crop Is Cash! Roy A. Brubaker TOOWoodcrest Ave. Lititz 626-7766 L. H. Brubaker 350Strasburg Pike Lancaster 397-5179 19 I Model laybine° Mower- iditioner