Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, January 13, 1973, Image 10

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    —Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 13,-1973
TIMES "Fires from smoking in bed are
certain to drop after May 31,1973 because
of a new Commerce Department order
making mattresses about 99 percent
ignition-proof. Smoking in bed causes a
large number of fatalities every year We
have yet to hear of anyone’s drowning in a
water bed, but we’ll bet sea-sickness is not
uncommon ”
was recently said that Too many people
quit work as soon as they find a job ’ This is
a bad situation, of course, but when the
first thing that many want to know when
they are looking for a job is ‘Will 1 make
more than I now get from ADC’ it is high
time the government took a closer look at
some of its handout programs”
“In some dim beginning man created the
institution of government as a convenience
for himself And ever since that time,
government has been doing its best to
become an inconvenience. Government
bureaus and agencies take on a life and a
purpose of their own But I wonder if it
happens because so many of us - all of us
probably - read and hear, and }ust repeat
what we think is a truism - that when a
public problem develops, government is
forced to step in That is utter nonsense.
Government can hardly wait to step in As a
matter of fact, government is in the
position of the fellow who will make a
speech at the drop of a hat” Governor
Ronald Reagan of California.
“Keep away from people who try to
belittle your ambitions Small people
always do that, but the really great make
you feel that you, too, can become great ”
Mark Twain
Scrap Age magazine reports, “Standard
An Old Ax To Grind
Grassroots Opinions
Fact and Opinion
HERALD: “Today we have turned into a
country of talk, talk, and more talk. Most of
the talk is in the form of protest, pointing
out our inequities, or selling some par
ticular brand of philosophy. But talk at best
is cheap unless it is followed by intelligent
TEMPE, ARIZ., NEWS: “American
business has shown a willingness to
cooperate with the spirit as well as the
letter of the economic controls, as
repugnant to free enterprise as controls
may be Without labor's cooperation,
inflation cannot be broken. As costs rise,
prices inevitably follow and the spiral goes
on toward chaos.Jt is time for Congress
to quit ignoring this state of affairs and
supply antimonopoly curbs to labor’s
unbridled power”
Oil (Ohio) has come up with an idea
reminiscent of the legendary St. Bernard
and fys keg. For the last two years the
company has operated a fleet of courtesy
cars along Ohio's major interstate high
ways, equipped with gas, oil, water, etc.,
and patrolling for the motorist in trouble.”
Here’s a defensive driving tip from the
Portland, Oregon, Traffic Safety Com
mission - "Leave plenty of elbow room
around your car in traffic A space cushion
will leave you room to stop or swerve in
case of an emergency”
"The ‘buck’ to control spending really
shouldn't be passed to the President. If we
the people, and our elected represen
tatives in Congress, don’t have the guts to
raise taxes or cut spending to keep from
bankrupting the United States, then that’s
all she wrote. There is really no one else in
a position to do our dirty work for us " Mr.
L V. Hofer
| THE TIME . . .
Max Smith'
County Agr. Agent
Telephone 394-6851
Attend Educational Meetings
One of the really good op
portunities farmers and others
will have during the winter
months is to participate in
educational type meetings of
many kinds. These are in
formative, interesting types of
meetings providing up-to-date
information relating to specific
Technological advances and
applications of research work are
being applied faster these days
than ever before. In order to be
fully aware of the changes taking
place it is essential to learn about
them first from several sources
of information. Often times this
means separating opinions from
facts. Participating in
educational meetings provides an
opportunity to do just that...get
the facts. The immediate weeks
ahead should prove quite fruitful
in helping make essential
decisions relating to the future of
individual operations.
Repair Machinery
Proper storage of idle farm
machinery and equipment is an
important step in preparing for
the next crop season. Such good
storage reduces repair bills,
increases machine life and
avoids time loss at crucial
periods. It all adds up to saving
However, the winter period
also is just an ideal time to make
needed repairs and check on
possible worn parts needing
replacement. Carefully observe
the condition of the hard
operating parts-belts, chains,
cylinders, cutting bars, gears,
Lesson for January 14,1973
Background Scripture Ezekiel 11-3, 2
through A, 33 1-9
Devotional Reading Psalm > 42
Put yourself in Ezekiel’s shoes!
He was one of ten thousand
people carried away from Judah
as captives to the victorious Chal
deans His was a defeated, dis
pirited people and great was their
He was also al
ien in a strange
land fax', far from
his promised
homeland. The
way of life in
Chaldea was rad
ically different
from anything he
had known in lit
tle Judah
From priest
to prophet
He was also a man without a
job In Judah, Ezekiel had been a
priest As a priest, his function
had been to serve in the great
Temple of Jerusalem. Now, how
ever, there was no longer a Tem
ple A priest without a temple
was a man without a job
We do not know what Ezekiel
did for the first five years of exile
in Chaldea, but at the end of that
peuod this cvpuest received a
call by God to serve as a prophet
to the Jewish people in exile by
the river Chebar, an important
navigational and irrigation canal
Manufacturer’s instruction
manuals, if still available on the
machine, offer the very best
know-how details and recom
mendations to obtain the most
useful mileage from farm
Make Early Purchases
Planning ahead will be most
essential for the 73 cropping and
growing season. Some essential
items, such as seed, will not be in
ample supply for all varieties
which may be wanted. The fer
tilizer industry is confident that
enough plant food will be on hand
by Spring to meet farmers’
needs. Agrichemicals, those
essential production tools, should
also be available in their usual
Some money and time can be
saved by ordering early and
taking delivery on such an item,
like fertilizer. Take advantage of
any discount period which is
Dress Accordingly
When outside on a cold, windy
day, it seems colder than the
thermometer reads. This con
dition doesn’t mean you’re
sensitive to the wintertime
weather. It merely indicates a
personal response to the chill
index., how cold it really is.
More weather comments and
timely reports now include the
current chill index figure—a
combination of wind velocity and
temperature. The reading given
amounts to interpretation of what
the outdoor temperature feels
like. It gives the tem it is.
of Babylonia Somewhere along
its banks north of the capitol, Ba
bylon, he began an entirely dif
ferent life.
We must not underestimate the
difficulty of transition between
the roles of priest and prophet.
There was a considerable differ
ence. The priest attained his of
fice by being born into a priestly
family, while the prophet was
selected by God from among any
class or family The priest served
principally at the Temple, while
the prophet took his message
wherever God directed. The main
task of the priest was to conduct
the rituals of worship and sacri
fice in the Temple; for the proph
et the task was to bring the peo
ple a proclamation of God’s mes
sage. The priest was normally
recognized by the people as the
authoritative religious leader,
whereas the prophet was fre
quently rejected by most. As a
priest, Ezekiel had been concern
ed primarily with rituals and
laws; as a prophet, however, he
was called to focus on the spiri
tual condition and ethics of the
A “New ball game”
Do you see the enormity of the
change to which Ezekiel was be
ing called by God’ Doubtless, he
would have preferred to remain
a priest and do the job he knew
best, but times had changed and
he was being challenged to
change along with them
Let us also realize that there
were no guarantees with this
challenge. There is no assurance
of success. His people did not lis
ten to the prophecies of Jere
miah They had been a rebellious
people and there was no assur
ance that they would change. To
make this big step, Ezekiel had to
have courage.
When we are confronted by “a
whole new ball game,” we too are
called to have the courage to
(Based on outlines copyrighted by the
Division of Christian Education, National
Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA
Released by Community Press Service '