i&-£ancaster Farming, Saturday. December 23. 1972 Symptoms of Hog Cholera Explained by Hog cholera is a virus disease of swine. It does not infect humans The virus spreads by direct or indirect contact, says County Agent M.M Smith. Hog cholera can be introduced nto a herd by water, feed, equipment or on the clothing of people who have just come from an infected premise The two most common ways cholera spreads are: by the introduction of normal-appearing swine from an infected herd, or by the feeding of uncooked garbage containing virus-infected pork, explains Smith. Hogs typically show symptoms from 3 to 8 days following direct exposure to the disease, but in directly exposed herds may not show symptoms for as long as three weeks. Early symptoms are hstlessness, lack of appetite “Few people are fast enough to keep up with their good intentions.” —Herman Gross, Tri-County (Mo.) News. PRE-WVEKTOR) SALE 10% ' OFF ON ENTIRE STOCK Dec. 26 - 30 BIRO IN HAND FARM SUPPLY 200 Maple Ave Bird in Hand, Pa 17505 FARM 4|p>CREDI County Agent and high fever, (temperatures of 104 to 108 degrees). Pigs usually pile up and are reluctant to move. They often show con stipation at first followed by diarrhea and weakness in their hindquarters. In acute cases swine may die overnight, but more chronic cases may last as long as three weeks. A few may survive, but they are usually hopeless runts. Those who have purchased swine in the past month should look them over carefully at least three times a day. If any show early symptoms, call a veterinarian or the nearest Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture Regional Office. Those who feed any garbage should be sure that it is thoroughly cooked All swine producers should keep their swine isolated from any outside contacts until the danger is past 41 1 W. ROSEVILLE RD., LANCASTER PH. 393-3921 «> vyr-u• v *■ i,■»>\'beets,and sweeVBomks‘N9v.»j Vegetable Estimating ** ** formation on process Pv , ANl l fllll vegetable crops, SRS plans I I UUrUIII wllllilUvCl initiate end-of-season product ** ** and value estimates for cam broccoli and cauliflower processing. ♦' > * Alterations were announced in the planting intentions, acreage, and production reports for processing vegetables by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Statistical Reporting Service (SRS). Modifications were made after review of suggestions submitted by industry and other government agencies. A planting intentions report for processing vegetables as of March 15 will be issued about April 1, replacing reports previously released in early March and early and mid-April. The combined report will provide a better indication of potential changes in processing vegetable supplies. An estimate of planted acreage as of June 15 will be made about July l, replacing reports previously released in mid-May, ea>-’ June, mid-June and early A production forecast for each processing vegetable crop will be wer costs, plus savings in time and effort. This all means more net profits for you. Stop in today and ask about our Special Stockman’s Knife offer. Let us show you how Mol-Mix wiH fit your dairy and beef operation so that you can truly "cut costs” made midway in the national harvesting season. Reports will be published as of July 1 for green peas; Aug. 1 for snap beans and tomatoes; Sept. 1 for lima beans, eri: our Feeding Costs H OUR LIQUID CONCEPT! :ter We’re Farm Credit, and the way we feel about this land goes back a long way. We’ve helped people own it, farm it, and make it greater than it was before. Most of us grew up on farms. So if you need land, we’ll make you a loan with long-term payments. The longest around. If you need equipment, we’ll handle that too. At the lowest possible interest rate. And, paying us back depends on when your crop or livestocl pay you back. So come talk to us. Or give us a call, and we’ll come to your place where we both can feel comfortable. FARM CREDIT We’re your kind of people. AGWAY BUILDING, LEBANON PH. 273-4506 MYIR'S METERED Wjgp GAS SERVICE, INC. |^W^\ PIG BROODERS CHICK BROODERS GAS SPACE HEATERS & FURNACES CHECK OUR PRICE ON AUTOMATIC BULK DELIVERY OF L.P. GAS P.O. BOX 71 MANHEIM, PA. 17545 Telephone (717) 665-3588 ,: q e uid liquid supplements leader !f JOHN Z. MARTIN New Holland RDI Try A Clossified Ac It Pays! Phone 717-354-5848 is: