Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, November 18, 1972, Image 9
Engle Participating in William Engle of Cochranville is currently participating in a unique public affairs education program being conducted jointly by Pennsylvania State University Cooperative Extension Service and Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology. The group, comprising 35 people from various counties in the area, is meeting at Hazleton. They are involved in 20 days of intensive training in economics, Announcing: a dry “pop-up ,r ! Can cut planting time in half! ORTHO P. L ROHRER & BRO., INC. TM’s Ortho, Chevron Design Unipel Reg. U.S. Pat. Off. No service charge. No minimum balance m£ First Tlotumjl (Kook WILLOW STREET • LANCASTER • STRASBURG Public Affairs Program sociology, communications, public speaking, meeting management, and government. The sessions are designed to provide the participants with a broader understanding of problems facing rural Penn sylvanians. Those taking part have received W.K. Kellogg Fellowships which are defraying costs of instruction, study materials, room and board while at the institutes, and field trips. CHECKING ACCOUNTS OFFICES AT 464-3421 Ortho Umpel STARTER SPECIAL. A starter? As a "pop-up” 7 It has to be special. It is. STARTER SPECIAL is a completely unique product. Here’s why: Physical Uniformity. STARTER SPECIAL pellets are made to the same shape and density for maximum consistency and control in application. Chemical Uniformity Each and every STARTER SPECIAL pellet has all three primary nutrients - nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium chemically homogenized in precisely the most desirable ratio 13-34-10 The nutrients can't separate or segregate during handling as with troublesome, hard-to regulate “dry blends ” Double Duty Nutrients STARTER SPECIAL has both quick-acting and long-lasting nitrogen and phosphorus for thorough plant feeding There is no urea or diammonium phosphate that might endanger the seed through liberation of free ammonia. Of course, these features also make it highly effective as a banded starter. But, with only slight adaptation of most planters, it can be applied directly with the seed in exacting measurement for safety and maximum response. With this kind of control, you apply much less material only 1/3 the amount needed for banding And the reduced material handling could cut your planting time in half! So. save time, trouble, and money at planting time. See us soon about applying STARTER SPECIAL this spring as a dry "pop-up". 397-4733 Developing Less Thirsty Plants The amount of water required to produce the food comsumed by one individual per day is astounding. Over 1,000 pounds of water are required to produce 1 pound of bread and it has been estimated that over 23,000 pounds of water are required by a steer and the forage it eats in the production of 1 pound of beef. Two University of Arizona SMOKETOWN, PA. Phone Lane. 397-3539 ON AT agronomists, A. K. Dobrenz and M. A. Massengale, have aimed their research at finding plants which can produce more dry matter with less water. At the annual meetings of the American Society of Agronomy in Miami Beach, Dobrenz reported on the research findings. The process of transpiration by which plants lose tremendous quantities of water has often been called a necessary evil Dobrenz and Massengale applied several antitranspirant and growth regulator chemicals and found that Gibberalhc acid did increase the efficiency of water use Leaf area reduction can also be utilized to improve the water requirement of cereal grains This involves the removal of the basal leaves on the plant during the stage of maturation, thus reducing the transpiring area of paints Dobrenz reported that the total amount of water applied to PORTABLE Pressure Cleaner High Pressure - 600 to 700 P S I Pressure Klean WICK LEANER - Cleaning Farm Equipment - Fly Spraying - Disenfecting - Dairy Barns & Hog Houses ZIMMERMAN'S ANIMAL HEALTH SUPPLY Wood Corner Rd. Lititz, Pa. Ph. 733-4466 or 656-9818 687-7617 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 18.1972 alfalfa was cut by 40 percent when high producing adapted cultivars were grown and monitoring of the available soil moisture was used for ap plication of irrigation water. Numerous plant charac teristics were observed in an attempt to find a feature which can be utilized by plant breeders to select more water-use ef ficiency plants The amount of cutin on leaves of certain grass species is significantly related to the water needs of those plants and appears to be an effective technique for isolating efficient lines Various anatomical features of the plant roots also appear to be associated with efficient use of water. Through plant-water related experiments, we can better understand why so much water is “pumped” through a plant during the growth period In formation from these in vestigations will allow plants to be bred that conserve and more efficiently utilize one of our most important natural resources, WATER Reed Canarygrass Seen As Potential Feed Source Reed canarygrass is ex ceptionally well adapted to and presently growing on large acreages of poorly drained soils However, it also has a potential to yield better than other grasses on upland soils and is very nutritious The reason farmers do not grow more of it is because animals seem to reject it, even when it is lush and nutritious University of Minnesota scientists have discovered that this low palatability may be caused by alkaloids. If alkaloids can be controlled, the rejection problem may be solved and more effective feed supply will result. 9