Jii.MV 1 'ZUCZ r.£j B—Lancaster Farming. Saturday, November 18. 1972 Twin Valley Accepts Greenhands The Twin Valley FFA Chapter held its Greenhand ceremony last week in the vo-ag classroom. Nevin Mast, president, began the meeting with the official opening ceremonies. All Greenhands had been required to wear dress clothes and a tie to school the previous Friday. They also had to wear a large green hand pinned to their shirt and obtain the signature of the Chapter officers on it - by correctly answering questions on the FFA. The Greenhands were also required to recite the FFA creed, as required by the National FFA Constitution. □□□□a a E K HI U • FULL-VIEW MILKERS • FULL-CONTROL PIPELINES • FULL-MEASURE WEIGHING DEVICES • FULL-POWER VACUUM PUMPS • FULL-CONTROL WASHING »■ J ■a * CLEANERS AND TS SANITIZERS m LOOK FOR AD NEXT WEEK ON PRE-CHRISTMAS SALE (agway) SUPPLY CENTER 1027 DILLERVILLE ROAD, LANCASTER 24 HOUR SERVICE DAILY PH: 717-397-4761 Taking the advisor’s part in the ceremony was Farnk Stolzfus, state vice-president and Twin Valley’s junior advisor. The following members were received as Greenhands: Steve Bleacher, Gary Cartwright; Mike Cycwesk; Ron Dannecker; Bob Deeds; Harvey Gehring; Craig Hertzler; Bob Johnston; Gary McVaugh; John Miller; Larry Stoltzfus; Doug Yoder; Jim Ford; Stan Stankiewicz; John McNeill; John McDonnell and Libby Miller. Acceptance of these new members raises Chapter membership to 44, in cluding out-of-school members. STA-RITE For the Profit Minded Dairyman ■S 900 SERIES MILKHOUSE PANEL HIGH PRESSURE PUMP Following the degree ceremonies a Greenhand Creed contest was held. All Greenhands were given the chance to compete in reciting the Creed, with an FFA jacket being awarded to the winner. Six of the new Greenhands competed in the contest, which was judged by the senior members. Ninth grader Harvey Gehring was unanimously declared the winner with Gary McVaugh declared the runner-up. During the business meeting, members discussed ideas for the Budding Our American Com munities (8.0.A.C.) program of the National Association, as presented by vice-president Terry Murray. Treasurer Bill Ford presented several fund raising ideas for approval. Ford also reported that a total of 600 hoagies were sold for the hoagie sale, and that orders for citrus fruit were presently about even with last years final figures. Basketball committee chair man Jeff Boltz reported that Owen J. Roberts FFA Chapter had been invited to a basketball game in December. Jeff also reported that the Chapter would participate in the County basketball tournament in February. President Mast reported that the Berks County Corn, Hay, and Small Grain Contest was held •Tuesday, November 14 at the Kutztown High School with three Twin Valley members par- Hanging Waterers Start to Finish For Broilers, Layers, & Turkeys On all Pressures up to CHECK THESE FEATURES: is Detachable Starting Ring Variable Weight Ballast (adjustable for light or heavy birds) v* Saddle Connector to Hook to Water Line v 0 10 ft. Water Line v* Waters Day old thru to Market is Suspended by Plastic Coated Cord. v 0 Made of High Quality Plastic BIG DUTCHMAN (f) A Division of U.S. Industries, Inc. EASTERN BRANCH 215 DillerAve., New Holland, Pa. 17557 ticipating: Frank Stoltzfus, By order of Governor Bradford Nevin Mast and Lloyd Sim- of Mass., the first Thanksgiving mers. was set for December 13 when Mast also announced that five Keystone Farmer Degree ap plications have been submitted. Members enjoyed a basketball game in the gymnasium after the meeting and refreshments in the vo-ag shop. Round Plastic Will Work 100 Pounds. Chapter Reporter, Thomas Carskadon WATER PIPE / SADDLE CONNECTOR PLASTIC COATED CORD BLACK TUBING 10'/ A PLASTIC SLIDE / J TUBING GUIDE HANGING STRAP , colonists were to feast and offer thanks for their survival. The menu for that Thanksgiving dinner included venison, wild turkey and many different corn dishes. Try A Classified Ad If- Pays! Phone 354-5168
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