Hog Prices 9»«C«Off«»S%««»C«SC4««»fr»«4»«CCS4. Lancaster Market Monday, November 13 Barrows and Gilts steady, instances 25 lower; Sows scarce. BARROWS AND GILTS—US 1 205-2401b5. 29.50-30.00; US 1-3195- 255 lbs. 29.00-29.25; US 3-4 260-285 lbs. 27.00-28.00. St. Louis Auction HOGS; 7500, steady to 25 lower 50 head sorted US 1215 lbs. 28.75; 1-2 200-230 lbs. 28.25-28.50; 1-3 200- 240 lbs. 28.00-28.25. Indianapolis Auction HOGS: 3500,25-50 lower, rather slow US 1-2 200-230 lbs. 28.25- 28.50; 35 head 28.75; 1-3 200-240 lbs. 27.50-28.25; 230-250 lbs. 27.00- 27.75. Lebanon Valley Auction Tuesday, November 14 310 Head of Hogs Barrows and Gilts 25c higher. BARROWS AND GILTS: U.S. 2-3 195-240 pounds 29.25-30.00; 2-4 185-250 28.75-29.25. SOWS; U.S. 1-3 350-600 pounds 25.00-26.00. BOARS; 21.00-22.50. U. S. Inspected Livestock Slaughter Estimated Daily Livestock Slaughter Under Federal Inspection Week to date Same period last wk. Same period last yr. sMs^c«woM^^:;::sg»gi<'WM»M»Mwsw««wc«aasgiaasaag^a:sjsg TROJAN COUNTRY the way Planting the best seed corn on your best acres— that’s the key to your 1973 corn crop success! Get that quality seed corn from TROJAN SEED CO. A full range of 54 hybrids to choose from. There’s one ideally suited to YOUR soil and management. Your Trojan dealer wants to talk with YOU. He is: s CLARENCE NEFF & SON RAY STONER & SON Route 1 Route 2 Ronks, Pa. Lititz, Pa. 17543 Phone 717-687-6406 Phone 717-626-8473 LEVI N. OBERHOLTZER MARK G. LANDIS Route 1 Route 1 Richland, Pa. Annville, Pa. Phone 717-933-8336 Phone 717-867-9299 EUGENE G. HOOVER, Supervisor Route No. 3 Lititz, Pa. 17543 Phone 717-569-0756 Some Dealerships Still Available Call 717-569-0756 Seed Co. Olivia, Minn. 56277 HOGS; 4500, fairly active, 25-50 lower US 1-2 200-230 lbs. 28.25- 28.75; 1-3 200-240 lbs. 27.50-28.25 Wednesday, November 15 Barrows and Gilts fully steady, instances 25 higher. BARROWS AND GILTS: 16 head US 1 205 - 235 lbs. 30.25; US 1-3 195-250 lbs. 29.00-29.35. Saturday, November 11 Hogs 821: Barrows and Gilts; Strong to $l. higher. US No. 1-2 200-240 lbs. 29.60-30.00, No. 1-3 200- 245 lbs. 29.35-29.75, No. 2-4 250-275 lbs. 27.00-28.85, No. 2-4110-170 lbs. 25.00-26.50. Sows: US No. 1-3 310-505 lbs, 24.35-25.35. Boars: 23.50-24.00. Tuesday, November 14 Barrows and Gilts mostly steady. BARROWS AND GILTS: Few US 1200-225 lbs. 30.25-30.50; US 1- 2 200-240 lbs. 29.75-30.00; US 2-3 195-255 lbs. 29.00-29.75; US 3-4 270- 285 lbs. 27.25-28.10; Couple lots 290-300 lbs. 26.60. CATTLE HOGS SHEEP 475.000 1,298,000 140,000 501.000 1,303,000 157,000 467.000 1,423,000 137,000 Y SEED CORN! MARLIN PAUL Route 1 Klmgerstown, Pa. 17941 Phone 717-425-3480 Peoria Auction Lancaster Auction Vintage Auction New Holland Auction Monday, November 13 Hogs 870: Barrows and Gilts: Mostly 25c to 50c Higher. US No. 1-2 200-240 lbs. 29.50-31.00. No. 1-3 200-245 lbs. 29.00-29.50, No. 2-4 235- 270 lbs. 28.00-29.00, No. 2-4 160-190 lbs. 27.50-29.00. Sows; US No. 1-3 300-570 lbs. 23.50-26.00. Boars: 23.00-24.75. Lebanon Valley Auction Tuesday, November 14 340 Head of Cattle Compared with last weeks market, slaughter steers steady to mostly 50c lower. Slaughter cows steady to 50c higher. Slaughter bulls steady to 50c lower. STEERS: High Choice (in dividual) 36.85; Choice (few) 1000-1200 pounds 36.00-37.85; Good 34.85-36.00; Standard 33.25- 34.50. HEIFERS: Choice 34.85-36.25, individual at 37.10; Good (few) 33.10-34.00; Standard (few) 30.00- 32.00. COWS: Utilitv and High Dressing Cutter 26.25-28.60; Cutters 24,50-26.50 Canners 22.50-24.50; Shells (few) down to 21.00. BULLS: Good (few) 34.00- 36.00; Utility and Commercial 32.85-35.50. 230 Head of Veal Calves Vealers 50c to $l. higher. Prime (few) 63.00-64.50; Choice 58.00-60.00; Good 54.00-58.00; Standard 49.00-54.00; Utility 90- 120 pounds 44.00-48.00; 70-85 pounds 38.00-43.00. FARM CALVES: Bulls 80-115 pounds 43.00-59.00; Heifers 80-130 pounds 65.00-82.00. Omaha Cattle Thursday, November 16 Compared to previous week’s close, mild early advance on slaughter steers lost in late trading with closing prices barely steady. Instances 25 lower. Heifers closed mostly steady. Cows were 25-50 higher and bulls fully steady. The meager feeder supply was hardly adequate to establish a trend, scattered sales steady to 50 lower on fleshy two way steers and heifers. Four day receipts 15,600 as compared 19,000 previous week and 17,600 a year ago. Slaughter steers approximately 37 percent of week’s total, heifers 43 per cent, cows 8 percent, feeders approximately 10 percent in cluding Friday auction receipts Weather played a dominant role in cattle trade during week under review and sufficient to largely offset the usually bearish trade preceeding the Thanksgiving holiday Severe storm conditions paralyzed livestock movement FARMERS WANTED NOVEMBER to APRIL Help Us Build Alternators as • Machine Operators • Winders • Assemblers Good Pay - Pleasant Working Conditions FIDELITY ELECTRIC CO. INC. 332 N. Arch St. Lane. Pa. Ph. 397-8231 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 18,1972 Futures Trading (Closing bids as of Thursday, November 1C) Chicago Chicago New York Cattle Hogs Maine Potatoes November December January ‘73 February 36.95 29.25 March April May June July August October Trend - Cattle are lower, Hogs are lower, Potatoes are steady, and Eggs are lower. a-asked b-bid n-normal Markets provided by Commodity Dept., Reynolds Securities, Inc. New York Dressed Meats Thursday, November 16 Compared with Wednesday, general price structure weak for all fresh meats. Demand only fair and New York wholesalers confronting what appears to be a struggle to clear stocks on hand before close of business Friday. Beef Rounds and Chucks very poor but Ribs active. Heavy fatted meats again posing problem as buyer interests hard to generate. the forepart of week and buyers were inclined to J acquire cattle whenever supplies available in order to meet immediate slaughter requirements. However, any widespread op timism was not supported by the wholesale carcass trade and live prices again pointed downward in late trading. Feedlot conditions suffered more deterioration as a result of wet 8 inch snowfall and many cattle carried a moderate amount of mud. STEERS- Twenty loads High- Choice and Prime 975-1207 pounds 2-4 33.85-34 00, same grade 1200-1250 mainly yield grade 4 33 75 Choice 975-1250 2-4 closed 32.75-33 75 Mixed Good and Choice 950-1225 32.50-33.00. Good 31 50-32 50, Holsteins 1100- 1300 2-3 31.65-32 25 Standard and Low-Good 30 50-31.50. Average cost slaughter steers first three days 33 34 average weight 1127 pounds as compared 33 63 and 1127 pounds previous week and 33.41 and 1118 pounds a year ago. For first time since December 1970, average cost of steers lower than comparable week a year earlier. HEIFERS: Thirty-two loads High-Choice and Prime 894-1053 pounds 3-4 33 35-33 75 Choice 850- 1025 2-4 closed 32.00-33.00. Mixed Good and Choice 750-975 31.25- 32.00 Good 30.00-31 25. Standard and Low-Good 28.50-30.00. COWS: Utility and Commercial 25.25-26.50, Canner and Cutter ?2.00-25 25, Mixed Cutter and Utility 25 50-25.75 Shelly Canner 21.00-22.00 BULLS: Utility, Commercial and Good 29 00-32.50, Com mercial 1-2 33.00-34.00. Cutter and Low-Utility 26.00-29 00. FEEDERS: Outshipments from regular market trading not sufficient to establish an ac curate trend, scattered sales steady to 50 lower. STEERS- Few High-Good and Choice 950-1025 pounds 32.50- 33.50 HEIFERS: Two consignments High-Good and Choice 727-877 pounds 32.25-32.50. 34.75 29.75 37.05 26.30 4.97 37.05 37.10 26.95 26.95 36.45 24.90 35.a5 23.50 Steer Beef Prime 600 - 900 pounds 56.50 - 58.00, Choice 600 - 700 56 50 - 57.00 ; 700 - 800 55.00 - 56.00 ; 800 - 900 51.50 - 53.50; Good 500 - 800 54.00 - 56.00. Heifer Beef Choice 500 - 700 pounds 53.00 - 54.00 Choice 75.50 - 83.50; Good 73.50 - 79.50; Standard 68.00 - 72.00. Choice 90 - 150 pound 93.00 - 105.00; Good 60 - 90 85.00 - 90.00, Standard 60 - 120 72.00 - 75.00. Choice 35 - 55 pounds 63.00 - 66.00; 55 - 65 59.00 - 62.00. Hinds (Steer) 145 - 190 pounds 63.00 - 67.00; Arm Chucks 90 -105 44.00 - 47 00; Ribs (7-nb) 34 - 40 67.00 - 73 00; Loins (Trmd) 50 - 70 84 00 - 86.00; Rounds (Steer) 70 - 95 64.00 - 66.00, Full Plates 32.00 - 33.00, Hinds (Heifer) 120 - 170 62.50 - 64 50. Peoria Cattle Thursday, November 1G Receipts this week 5,400 last week 4,760 last year 4,558 As compared to last weeks close, slaughter steers and heifers on yield grade 2-4 basis, ended 25-50 lower, while yield grade 4-5 of ferings closed 50-1 00 lower. Cows and bulls 25-50 higher. Supply mainly Choice yield grade 2-4, slaughter steers and heifers with several loads Choice to Prime Receipts about 70 percent steers, 25 percent heifers, and 5 percent cows. SLAUGHTER STEERS * High Choice and Prime 1200-1320 pounds 3-4, 34 50-35.00 Average Choice to Prime 1200-1315 3-4, 34.25-34 75. Choice 1000-1300 2-4, 34.00-34 75 Several loads 4-5, 1250-1325 33.25-33.75, including one load 1410 pounds at 32 00 Mixed Good and Choice 950-1250 33 50-34.00 Good 32.00-33.50 Standard 31.50-32 00 SLAUGHTER HEIFERS Mixed Choice and Prime 990-1000 pounds 3-4, 33 75 Choice 825-1025 2-4, 32.75-33.50; including several loads High Choice 4-5,1050-1100 at 31 50-32 50 Mixed Good and Choice 750-950 31.75-32.75 Good 30 00-31 75. COWS' Commercial 22 25- 25 00 Utility 24.00-26.00. High Yielding Utility 26.00-26 50 Cutter 21.50-25.50. Canner 19.00- 22.50. BULLS: Utility and Com mercial 29.00-32.50, few 33.00. ♦T** * * * Chicago Fresh Eggs 34.50 36.30 37.10 37.50 4.80 37.80 5.57 34.25 Calf (Skin Off) 150 - 350 Pounds Veal (Skin Off) Lamb Choice Beef Cuts 3
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