Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, November 18, 1972, Image 17
Keystone (Continued From Page 16) Heifer—John W. Holloway, West Chester. Angus Early Junior Yearling Heifer Alfred W. Wojtowicz, Downingtown, Hereford Summer Yearling Heifer Darrell Stoltzfus, Glenmoore, first; James Sloat, York, second. Hereford Spring Yearling Heifer Howard J. Stoltzfus, Glenmoore, first; John Sloat, second; Linda Wilson, Glen Rock, third. Hereford Champion Heifer and Reserve Champion Heifer Howard J. Stoltzfus. Polled Hereford Senior Heifer Calf Holly Ann Woolcock, t Paxinos, first; Lori Ellen Woolcock, Paxinos, second. 4-H and FFA Junior Steers Angus Lightweight John W. Holloway, West Chester, first; Linda Martin, Narvon, second. Angus Mediumweight John W Holloway, first, Esther L Join Commonwealth’s 1973 Christmas Club now, and take home this attractive scented candle and wreath for just $l.OO, tax included. (It’s worth much more.) You’ll brighten your Christmas Lancaster • Centerville • Lancaster East • Landisville • Lititz • Manheim Township Millersville • Rohrerstown • Elizabethtown • Plus 21 additional offices in central Pennsylvania Brighten this Christmas -and next Commonwealth Jk National Bank Howe, Elverson, second; James Wylie, Nottingham, third. Angus Heavyweight Bret Ritter, Boiling Springs, third. Reserve Champion John W. Holloway. Hereford Lightweight Kathy Sweigard, Halifax, first; John Sloat, York, second. Hereford Mediumweight Linda Miller, Halifax, second, Marcie Ann Shank, Conestoga, third. Shorthorn Lightweight Steven Donough, Manheim, first Shorthorn Heavyweight Russel Kline, Reinholds, second Crossbreds Lightweight Holly Woolcock, third Crossbreds Heavyweight John W Holloway, third Breeding Swine Spotted Swine March Boar Richard P Sholley, Jonestown, first, Clair Hartman, Gratz, second. April Boar Richard P Sholley, first, Denton Gnest, Abbottstown, second, Clair Hartman, third Champion Boar and Reserve Champion Boar Richard P Sholley February Gilt MANURE PUS 24-36 ft, 48 ft & 60 ft. Diameter 12 ft Deep circular precast concrete with Gumte coated in terior. ZIMMERMAN INDUSTRIES, INC. R.D No. 1 Ephrata, Pa. 17522 . 733-6166 ... or a friend’s. And this time next year, your Christmas Club savings will brighten that Yuletide, too.. .with gift money for all your needs. Come in and join today! Member FDJC ' Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 18,1972—17 Griest, first; second, and third, Richard P. Sholley. March Gilt First and second, Richard P. Sholley, Clair Hart man, third April Gilt Richard P Sholley, first, second and third, Denton Griest May Gilt First and second, Richard P Sholley Champion Gilt Gnest Reserve Champion Gilt and Premier Exhibitor Richard P Shoiley April Boar Second, and third, Arhe Cornbower, New Freedom February Gilt Russel Corn bower, third March Gilt bower, third April Gilt third March Boar Strawbndge and McCleary, Stewartstown, third April Boar Strawbridge and McCleary February Gilt Strawbridge and McCleary, second March Gilt Strawbridge and McCleary, third April Gilt Strawbridge and McCleary, first and third May Gilt Strawbridge and McCleary, second Denton March Boar James T Partlett, Airville, first and third, Herbert K Schick, Kutztown, second April Boar Herbei t K Schick, first, James T Parlett, third Denton Berkshire Russel Corn- Arhe Cornbower, Yorkshire Chester White Champion Boar James T Parlett. Reserve Champion Boar Herbert K Schick, Kutztown February Gilt Boyd Bros , Brogue, first, second and third, James T Parlett March Gilt First and third, James T Parlett, Herbert K Schick, second April Gilt First and second. James T Parlett, Herbert K Schick, third May Gilt James T Parlett, first, second and third, Audie and Troy Boyd, Brogue Champion Gilt Boyd Bros Reserve Champion Gilt and Premier Exhibitor Award James T Parlett Poland China March Boar Richard P Sholley, Jonestown, first April Boar Richard P Sholley, third Champion Boar Richard P Sholley February Gilt Sholley, third March Gilt Second and third, Richard P Sholley April Gilt Second and third, Richard P Sholley May Gilt Richard P Sholley first Premier Exhibitor Richard P Sholley Duroc March Boar Richard P Sholley, first, Dutch Valley Farm, Manheim, second Reserve Champion Boar Richard P Sholley April Gilt Dutch Valley Farm, first Hampshire March Boar First and second, Strawbndge and Mc- Cleary, James T Parlett, third April Boar First and second, Strawbndge and McCleary Champion Boar and Reserve Champion Boar Strawbndge and McCleary February Gilt First and second, Strawbndge and Mc- Cleary. March Gilt First and second, Strawbndge and McCleary April Gilt First and second, Strawbridge and McCleary, James T Parlett, third May Gilt First and second, Strawbndge and McCleary Champion Gilt and Premier Exhibitor Strawbndge and McCleary Open Barrows On-Foot Berkshire Lightweight \rhe Corn bower, New Freedom, second Mediumweight Russel Cornbower, first, Arhe Corn bower, New Freedom, second Heavyweight Russel Corn bower, second Reserve Champion Barrow On- Foot Russel Cornbower Chester White Lightweight Rodger P Bankert, Hanover, first, James T Parlett, second; Herbert K Schick, third. Mediumweight James T Parlett, first; Boyd Bros., second, Herbert K Schick, third Heavyweight Boyd Bros., first, James T. Parlett, second and third. Champion Boyd Bros. Reserve Champion James T Parlett. Spotted Swine Lighweight Sholley, second Mediumweight Lawrence Arnold, Lebanon RDI, second; Richard P. Sholley, third Heavyweight Lawrence Arnold, second; Richard P Sholley, third. Reserve Champion Lawrence Arnold. Yorkshire Mediumweight Strawbndge and McCleary, first. Crossbreeds Lightweight and Medium weight Strawbridge and McCleary, second. Heavyweight Strawbridge and McCleary, first. Richard P Richard P