Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, November 18, 1972, Image 13
Beacon Golden Test Rations C.A.F. The Cow Acceptability Factor - determines how much grain your cows will eat. Beacon Golden Test milking rations are partially pelleted, contain a proven level of crimped corn for extra palatability. Even finicky eaters clean these feeds up well, re sponding with higher milk production than when fed less palatable feeds. The Cow Acceptability Factor helps get more grain into your cows in critical periods of milk production. Call us today for Beacon Golden Test Rations with C.A.F. H. Jacob Hoober 0. Kenneth McCracken Intercourse,Pa. & Son Manheim,Pa. H. M. Stouffer & Sons, Inc. Leola,Pa. FOR BEST RESULTS IN 1973 SEASON Sr AND Bt’t' I*' 1 *' FALL—WINTER FERTILIZATION SAVES YOU TIME AND MONEY or TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR NOV. PRE PAYMENT Earl Sauder, Inc. New Holland, Pa. BEAT SPRING USE 4 vf BEAT THE WET SPRING FIELDS FERTILIZE THIS FALL AND WINTER PHONE 717-367-1211 365 W. BAINBRIDGE ST. ELIZABETHTOWN, PA. 17022 Months of intensive practice and competition in local, county and district shows paid off for a number of Chester County 4-H members last week when they won awards at the State 4-H Horse Show in Harrisburg. Shauna O’Connor, Avondale, placed third in Working Hunter Ponies and sixth in Junior Division - Hunt Seat Equitation over Jumps. Second place ribbons went to Karen Mest, Pottstown, in Senior Division Hunt Seat Equitation over Jumps and Pam Taws, HIGHEST DISCOUNT PERIOD ENDS NOV. 15 SECOND PERIOD ENDS NOV. 30 COMPLETE FERTILIZING PROGRAM COMPLETE PESTICIDE PROGRAM - NITROGEN SOLUTIONS CUSTOM APPLICATORS For Further Information Call 717-367-1211 FARMERS’ FERTILIZER WORKS INC. Chester Countians Compete In State 4-H Horse Show **** _...niTi..— * Moriarty ft SUBSIDIARY, WICKES COUP Ctar-tyai BUILDINGS • Professionally engineered structures, wide clear spans. • Rust-free aluminum or corrosion-resistant steel siding and roofing. Beautiful colors. • Free planning service. COMPARE OUR QUALITY CHECK OUR LOW PRICE For local service, call 717-733-7750 Lancaster Farming. Saturday, November 18.1972 Paoli, in Open Trail. Loretta Chicarelli, Lafayette Hill, placed third in Working Hunter Horses, Frances Dunn, Chester Springs, placed fourth in Senior Division Hunt Seat Equitation and Melissa Kratz, Pottstown, placed fifth in Senior Division Hunter Seat Equitation over Jumps Other county horse club members competing in the State 4-H Show were Cynthia and Stephen Winckelman, Malvern Riders and their horses, all winners in county and district elimination shows, were entered in 27 different classes with members from each district in the Commonwealth competing Approximately 380 contestants participated in the show The primary purposes of the State 4-H Horse program are to develop riding skills, gam self confidence by competing in shows, receive training in leadership and citizenship and learn the meaning of respon sibility by caring for an animal The classes in the state contest gave members an opportunity to display their skills in hor semanship and ability to groom a horse for showing The State Show climaxes the year for more than 6000 Com monwealth 4-H members enrolled in the horse project More information about 4-H and the horse project in Chester County may be obtained by contacting the Agricultural Extension Office, Room 402 North Wmg.Courthouse, West Chester (BEAT SHORTAGE OF RAW MATERIALS) PREMIUM FERTILIZER £ DISCOUNT PLAN Agronomist Cautions Against Improper Fertilizer Application University of Illinois agronomist, L F Welch, speaking at the annual meetings of the American Society of Agronomy, said that the use of fertilizer in crop production today is a must if we are to produce adequate supplies of food at a reasonable cost to the consumer The soil is one of our most valuable natural resources which must be conserved and main tained in a productive state for eons to come Welch said the American farmer often treated the soil harshly in earlier years as it was exploited of nutrients necessary for plant growth. The earlier trend ot nutrient depletion of soil is being reversed today, he said, and fertilizer made it all possible Fertilizer is added to supply the nutrients removed from the soil in har vested crops and to restore part of that removed in earlier years The use of fertilizer has resulted in restoring soil productivity to the extent that many soils will produce more food today than when they were first plowed by our forefathers By increasing crop yields with fertilizer, less land is required to produce a given amount of food freeing land for parks, goli courses, homes, and othei nonagncultural uses But. Welch cautioned, fertilizer cannot be used with reckless abandon Some of the nutrients in fertilizer may degrade water quality Research is underway to determine fertilizer management practices that will permit society to continue to reap the benefits of increased food production without impanng the qualtiy of our water 'fSTANDI^ 13