■o Lancaster Farming. Saturda At AN EARLIER MATURING HYBRID, WHICH COMES A NEW HYBR,D THAT'S A COUPLE DAYS LATER THAN PRETTY CLOSE TO THE OTHERS IN YIELD. IN FACT, UNDER THE 7 } A ' MEDIUM TALL ' LOWER EAR HEIGHT, UPRIGHT LEAVES, RIGHT CONDITIONS, IT CAN GIVE MAXIMUM YIELDS AND 5l REAT STANDABILITY ANE) HIGH YIELDING. BEST FOR STILL BE EARLY. USE FOR BOTH SILAGE AND GRAIN. GRAIN. A NEW, MORE UNIFORM, HIGH YIELDING, BETTER STANDING MID-SEASON HYBRID. FOR SILAGE AND GRAIN. ONE OF THE BEST MID-SEASON HYBRIDS AVAILABLE TODAY. HIGH YIELDING, EXCELLENT STANDABILITY. FOR SILAGE AND GRAIN. G & G FEED & SUPPLY SALUN6A STORE M. M. GOOD & SON MRS. JACOB L. KURTZ WILLOW STREET STORE QUARRYVILLE STORE 898-2248 Gordonville Elizabethtown 464-3521 786-2126 768-3781 367-5430 .a*®* AGWAY 590 X AGWAY 725 X AGWAY 724 AGWAY 909 X This is the fullest line and best group of hybrids Agway has ever offered. Now is the time to place your order with your Enterprise Salesman or at any of the stores listed below. Manheim 665-5001 'ember 11.1972' No □EIO x55!!!5y I’m sure you’ll all agree that this growing year really separated the chafe from the grain. But, as predicted, Agway Hybrids did an excellent job in 1972. And the best is yet to come, the line-up of Hybrids for ‘73 is better than ever. HENRY D. HOOVER, INC. Fertilizer storage discounts, now through December 16,1972, are 10 cents per unit of N-P-K. ammoniated grades, and <5 cents per pound for blends spread on the land. A REPORT ON AGWAY HYBRIDS --By Nick Ferront, Jr. A NEW FULL-SEASON MATURITY HYBRID. THE BEST STANDING, TOP YIELDING, LATE HYBRID IN THE AGWAY LINE. IF YOU PUT IN SOME OF THIS HYBRID IN '73, KEEP IN MIND THAT YOU'LL NEED A LONG SEASON TO GET MATURITY. USE FOR SILAGE AND GRAIN. Ephi ata 733-6593 AGWAY 767 AGWAY 800 A LATER-SEASON, EXCEPTIONAL YIELDING, TALL GROWING, SILAGE CORN. HARD TO BEAT. FOR SILAGE ONLY. AGWAY 834 X A LATER-SEASON, TOP YIELDING, NEW HYBRID WITH A RUGGED PLANT AND EXCELLENT STANDABILITY. FOR SILAGE AND GRAIN. LANCASTER STORE 394-0541 NEW HOLLAND STORE 354-2146
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