ig, :urday, November Form Equipment USED TRACTORS XT 190 AC w-loader 2510 John Deere Gas 670 MM Diesel 50 John Deere 3020 JD Diesel w-turbo Charger 2520 JD Diesel USED EQUIPMENT Used Fox Harvester w-2 row hd. Used J.D. 34 Harvester w-2 row hd. J.D. 237 2-row mtd. picker to fit a 2510 or 3020 J.D. 1 row J.D. 18 com picker 44 J.D. Spreader N.H. 100 bu. spreader MC Rotary Scythe, 7 ft. 3, 4 & 5 F 125 16” J.D. Plows 24T Baler w-No. 2 Kicker 1 used 500 JD Snowmobile w electric start. 20 percent down. No finance Charge till March Ist on Trac tors, Hay, Combine and Forage Equipment. Be sure to stop in for your 1973 John Deere Snowmobile. WENGER IMPLEMENT, INC. The Buck, Pa. 284-4141 1968 702 Diesel Uni Tractor 721 Husking Unit Allis Chalmers Dl7 Tractor Gehl Mixer-Mill Allis Chalmers Dl9 Diesel, 3 pt hitch. ROYH. BUCK, INC. 859-2441 Ephrata Gehl Chopper MF 1130 Diesel J.D. 237 Picker IH model 2 MH Cora Picker M.M. WEAVER & SONS Massey-Ferguson Sales & Service Leola, Pa. 717-656-2321 Ford 4000 Tractor _ Farmall 140, like new Used'Hawk BUt Spreaders Waiver of Finance charges till 1973. ■ COPE & WEAVER CO. ■i|fl New Providence ■Ml® 786-7351 FREY BROS. MFC. QUARRYVILLE, PA. PHONE (717) 786-2146 Automatic Head Gates Calf Creep Farm Gates Steel. Fence Free Stalls Loading Chutes Wagon Hitch Ritchie Waterers Electric Gates Al Chutes Ear Tags Feed Bunks Hay Racks Steel Buildings WRITI FOR FREE CATALOGS (Slop Stops) Farm Equipment USED TRACTORS Moline 670 Diesel Case 1030 Diesel Case 730 Gas Case 730 Diesel Case 430 w-DOM. Oliver 77 Case SC Case 411 B Ford 8 N w-mower Gravity Boxes Hunter’s Special - Used 4 Wheel Drive Jeep with cab. Year-end Prices on New 1 and 2 row New Idea Corn Pickers. KINZER EQUIP. CO. Kinzers, Pa. Ph. 442-4186 Lane. Customers Ph. 768-8916 We are now open till 9 P.M. Tuesdays. Used New Holland 205 bu Spreader EVERGREEN TRACTOR CO., INC. 30 Evergreen Rd. Lebanon, Pa. 717-273-2616 Used tractor tires, many sizes. We install and service on the farm. MUMMAU TIRE SERVICE Mount Joy, Pa. Phone 653-1260 Used Oliver 55 Tractor FARMERSVILLE EQUIP. INC, Ephrata RD2, Pa. 717-354-4271 AC CA Tractor and Cultivator AC Gleaner C 2 Combine Grass & Corn head. M.M. Combine S.P., like new New and Used Hammer Mills and Mixers. GRUMELLI FARM SERVICE Quarryville Ph. 786-7318 “AC STANDBY GENERATORS. Tractor PTO or engine drive. Single or three phase recon nectable. Free brochure. Katolight, Box 939, Mankate Minnestoa 56001.” Phone 394-3047 or 626-2191 Form Equipment PARTS BY THE THOUSANDS: Cat, Case, International, John Deere, Allis Chalmers, Oliver PlpfPflP ENGINES-Good Used. CRAWLERS & LOADERS- Cheap. Ben Lombardo Equipment Co., RD6, Sinking Springs, Reading, Pa. 19608 Phone 215-678-1941; 944-7171 For Sale - 250 Ford 6 cylinder stake bed, low rakes and cattle racks, motor needs overhauled. Phone 529-2294 For Sale - Bam Equipment - 'Heavy duty Acorn bam cleaner, water bowls, jacks. Reasonable. Phone 215-932-4381 For Sale - 1 Pr. Tractor Tires 23x26, 8 ply. Samuel K. Lapp, 96 Glen Brook Road, Leola, Pa. 17540 FALL SPECIALS New and Used Farm Machinery New Allis Chalmers 220 Diesel Tractor 135 H.P. Dual Wheels 18.4 x 38 8 ply tires on power shift wheels 11.00 x 16.8 ply front tires Cat 111 3pt. hitch, live P.T.0.1000 rpm, 3 spool hyd. Front and rear weights Discounted $4500.00 Several good used C II Gleaner Combines with 440 or 430 com head 14 ft. grain heads with hume reels. All with cabs, some with choppers or spreaders and heaters in cabs. Priced as is, or completely reconditioned thru our shop and guaranteed. Used Gehl FHB4 Forage Har vester and Row crop att. (Nice) $750.00 Call L.J.C. Farm Store Cecilton, Md. 21913 301-275-5941 M.F. 165-D Tractor F-504 Tractor F-404 Tractor Several good PTO manure spreaders mm INTERNATIONAL ■Si HARVESTER SALES & SERVICE 1054 S. STATE ST. EPHRATA, PA. PHONE 717-733-2283 FOR SALE WIRE CORN CRIBS CALL (215) 269-3670 BETWEEN 5:00 P.M. AND 6:00 P.M. TRACTOR & MOTOR REPAIRS Over 20 years experience with Ford tractors and equipment. Shop & Road Service Pickup and Delivery WALT STIVELY, JR. Springville Road Quarry viließD3 Ph. 717-786-2252 Lancaster Farming, Sat Form Equipment Used Tractors 1961 730 JD Diesel Tricycle w-3 pt. Excellent condition 1959 235 Ferguson Diesel w-3 pt. Average condition Dl4 Allis Chalmers w-o 3 pt. arms Good condition $900.00 STAUFFER DIESEL 312 W. Main St. New Holland, Pa. Ph. 354-4181 FARM SERVICE For fast service on your NH, AC, or other farm equipment call 626- 7766 Used Farm Equipment Spreaders: Starline Galv. Tanks RH & LH $490. to $595. NH “675” 275 bu. sgl. btr. NH 205 bu. sgl. btr. NH “470” 155 bu. sgl. btr. N.H. “351” Grinder-Mixer Loaders: Ford, AC “G” Elevators: 24 ft. Smoker SP grain and 2 corn head Wagon: Cobey with bed & sides Lawn Tractors with thrower & cab. ROVAi SALES * SERVICE 700 Woodcrest Ave RDNo.3Lititz.Pa Ph; 626-7766 Gehl Chopper MF 1130 Diesel J.D. 237 Picker IH model 2 MH Corn Picker M.M. WEAVER & SONS Massey-Ferguson Sales & Service 717-656-2321 Leola,Pa For Sale - Square type wide front end, for John Deere Tractor, A-l condition. Adam Nolt, Jr., Bowers, Pa. Call 215-682-6441 2 used Wisconsin Gas Engines, 30 HP Electric Start, 21 Va HP with clutch. Phone 215-445-6272 For Sale - 1 New Holland Silo Unloader for a 14 ft. silo and 10 ft. tripod for 14 ft. silo and no motor. Price $150.00. Harold Rick, Route 412, R.D.I, KintnersviUe, Pa. 18936, 3 miles below Springtown, Phone 1-215-346-7186 Camper cans Wagons with gravity bins Sauder snow blade Cub tractor with 5 ft. rotary mower JD 520 tractor Oliver 770 tractor Farmall Super M tractor 6 & 7 ton bulk bins Ferguson 30 tractor witn in dustrial loader ELWOOD FLOWERS Manheim RD2, Pa. Phone 653-4839 Poultry & Supplies LONGENECKER'S HATCHERY Box 317 Elizabethtown, Pa J. J. WARREN SEX-SAL WHITE MOUNTAIN CROSS BROILER STARTED PULLETS, 20 WEEKS SEX-SAL 2500 Jan. 30 73 1000 Feb. 13 7 3 6000 Feb. 13 73 39 11,1972 Form Equipment For Sale - No. 5 2-row John Deere corn chopper attachment for 14T, 214WS, 224 T, 224W5, baler or newer. Good condition $5OO. Phone 215-767-6628 NEW EQUIPMENT Case - New Idea - Gehl Dunham Tillage Equipment USED EQUIPMENT New Idea 10 Corn Picker Oliver 1-row Picker (Snapper) J D. 2010 Diesel 1537 Uni-Loaders Used Forage Wagons 600 Gehl Harvester Uni-Forage Harvester 730 Case-A-Matic NI 701 Um-Corn Picker New Idea Spreaders Mustang 1000 Loader 555 Windrower Case Farmall H 430, & 970 Case Tractors RENTAL EQUIPMENT Case Uni-Loader 970 Case with 5 bottom plow A. L. HERR&BRO. Quarryville 786-3521 For Rent-Cement Finisher-$13.00 per day. Sander-$15.00 per day. Howard Groff Co. 11l E. Bth St. Quarryville, Pa. 17566 For Sale - 17 foot of 3” auger; Water softej.er with fiberglass tank. Alvin Ik Lapp, Box 77, Gap RDI. Poultry & Supplies KimberChiks Started Pullets Warren Sex-Sal, Golden Sex Link, Broiler Chicks Cobb and Wt. Mt. MOYER’S CHICKS, INC. Quakertown, Pa Ph 215-536-3155 SHAVER Ip LAYERS GREIDER LEGHORN FARMS, INC. Phone 653-1855 MOUNT JOY R. 1, PA. Ph: (717) 367-1545 Leghorns
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