— Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 11,1972 38 iliSSifi&l adl Pets Cash For Pups I need Purebred and extra cute mixed breeds in litter lots, 7 to 10 week old Must be clean and healthy Contact Pup Man at Root’s Farmers Market, R.D. 1, Manheim, Pa. Every Tuesday 4 P M to 8 P.M No Phone Calls. Nursery Stock Stark Bro’s NEWEST Catalog FREE 1 Fullcolor display of full size Apples, Peaches, Nec tarines, Pears, Cherries, Apricots, Plums from DWARF, Semi-Dwarf, Standard Size trees. Ornamentals, Roses, Vines. Stark Bro’s, D 26682, Louisiana, Missouri 63353. Real Estate Wanted to Rent - Reliable Christian farmer with help would like to rent a large dairy farm for Spring ot 1973 Has his own cows and equipment Phone 215-484- 4145 For Sale - 52 acre farm, 2 miles South of Honey Brook. Jacob S. Stoltzfus, RDI, Gordonville Box 121 A, Pa 17529, 1 mile East of Intercourse on Colonial Road. For Rent - 17 stall Barn with room for more, Elverson, Pa Triangle Stables, Phone 215-286- 9705 NEW YORK STATE ONE MAN DAIRY FARM 100 level working acres alfalfa land 42 stanchion barn, gutter cleaner, bulk tank, dumping station, mow conveyor, silo w-unloader, 39 Holstein milch cows. Complete line machinery, extra good, clean, condition 4 bedroom farm house, automatic heat, modern bath, interior needs work Located Lewis County. $BO,OOO complete Have many others, all sizes, tell me your needs. Write or call. CHAS. J. GRAHAM, REAL ESTATE Liverpool, N Y 13088 Phone 315-457-3380 We Specialize in Liquidation Sales of All Kinds Farm Machinery, Construction Equipment and Land FARM MACHINERY AUCTION SALE Tractors and Farm Machinery Exit 10 or 11 off Interstate 83 Emigsville, Pa. NOVEMBER 17 r 1972 at 10 o'clock A.M. SALE RAIN OR SHINE York Co. Farm & Ind. Equip. Co. Inc. 4 Miles North of York, Pa. on Route 181 Box 222 Emigsville, Pa. 17318 Phone: 717-764-6412 if you have machinery not suitable for your trade, bring it to our sale and turn it into ready cash !f you need machinery of any kind you will find it here at our sale. We Welcome You as a Buyer, Seller or Visitor Dairy Equipment BUY SELL OR TRADE BULK MILK TANKS NEW OR USED GIRTONDIST. Save $200.00 per tank F.A. Lick & Co. 30 Park Ave. Auburn, N.Y. Phone 315-252-4473 Used 50 lb. Surge Milking Pails; Used SP 22 Surge Vacuum Pump; Used 3 H.P. Universal Vacuum Pump. Phone 717-397- 4761 Used 1250 gal. Girton Milk Tank, good cond Used 600 gal. Mojonnier Milk tank Slightly damaged, good for holding tank. Used 300 gal. Girton Milk Tank, good cond. Used 350 gal. Esco Milk Tank CLARK ELECTRIC RDI, Kinzers, Pa. Ph: Intercourse 786-8228 MILK TANKS 1968-1500 gallon Girton all stainless one piece lid with belt driven compressor $3975.00; 600 Dari Kool all stainless with compressor $1275.00, 500 Gallon Phaufler $975.00; 425 Esco all stainless Dr. Walker and compressor $1175.00; 300 Sunset $6OO. Many others. Will deliver and trade yours. CURRY SUPPLY CO. Curryville, Pa. Phone 814-793-2829 Phone 394-3047 or 626-2191 Livestock For Sale Yorkshire service boars. Unrelated to other bloodlines in the east. Write or call. Delivery available. LEON L. ARNOLD 1245 E. Cumberland St. Lebanon, Pa. 17042 Phone 717-273-5880 For Sale - 4 Large Grade Holstein Heifers, 1 Purebred bull, 2 smaller open Holstein Heifers. Phone 215-286-9682 Purebred Yorkshire boars, bred gilts and open gilts, carcass championship bloodlines. Willow Glen Farm, RDI Strasburg, Pa. PH: AC 717-786-2562. Wants to Buy - Red & White Holstein Calves. Kenneth D.- Myer, RD3, Elizabethtown, Pa. Phone 717-367-3344. Hampshire and Yorkshire Ser vice Age Boars and Bred Gilts. Contact John Strawbridge, Stewartstown, Pa. 17363, Phone 301-996-2022 For Sale - Three-week-old grade Holstein Heifer calf. Sired by Nor Len All Star Piolet. Dam has one 16,000 lb. record. Simeon M. Stoltzfoos, Call 656-6962 between 6 and 7 P.M. For Sale - Purebred Holstein Bull calf sired by Alster Pilot. Dam has 4.1 test ave. Last 2 lactations / plus records. Elmer F. Fisher, Ronks, RDI, Pond Rd , Box 61A, « IV4 mi. North West of In- tercourse. SPF origin Hybrids bred to meet demand of commercial producer. Excellent litter size and growth rate. Final cross is four-way cross which adds vigor and carcass quality. Jet Age Swine Breeders, Inc., Nicholas Kohut, Manager. 717-768-8378. Help Wanted Wanted - Married man with farm experience to work on dairy farm April 1, 1973. Good opportunity with house and privileges. Write Box 2668, c-o Lancaster Far ming, Lititz, Pa. 17543 Full time man to work with 100 Purebred Yorkshire sow herd near Quarry ville. Record keeping part of job Genuine interest more important than experience. Willow Glen Farm, RDI, Strasburg, Pa. Phone 717- 786-2562 evenings. “Employment training for handicapped people Mentally, Physically, Emotionally and Socially Disadvantaged If you have not been able to keep a job in the past year because of your handicap, you are eligible for Goodwill Vocational Training For information call 394-0647 and ask for Miss Burkholder.” CAREER SALES PERSON AGRICULTURAL We offer an opportunity for a career in selling with a major national firm For information send your resume to Box 266 C, c-o Lancaster Farming, Lititz, Penna. 17543 Livestock For Sale For Sale - Registered Morgan colt, 8 months, bay, $350. or will trade for hay. Write Mrs. Robert Dreisbach, R.D. No. 1, Hamburg, Pa. or call 215-562-3242 Sows available on contract. You furnish labor and equipment, no risk. Phone 717-442-4632 For Sale - Registered Hampshire and Yorkshire Boars, Bred and Open Gilts. Preston Bankert, RD3, Red Lion, Pa. Phone 717- 244-1244 Need Extra Income? Raise hogs on contract. Phone 717-442-4632 daytime Services Offered Wanted - Carpenter work. Will build houses, pole barns, com barns, garages, or chicken houses. Write Samuel S. Lapp, Christiana, Pa. Box 274, 17509 or Driver. Phone 529-2841. Help Wanted We Have An Opening In Our SERVICE DEPARTMENT All Company Benefits and Good Working Conditions CONTACT LARRY LAUSCH PENN-JERSEY HARVESTORE PHONE 354-5171 HOLLAND FARM HELPER Opening for general farm worker on company farm. Must have driver's license Some farm experience. Some Saturday and Sunday work for daily chores. No cows. Apply: C. Nat Netscher Personnel Office Franklin Street New Holland, Pa. 17557 354-1375 An Equal Opportunity Employer HOLLAND DIVISION OF SPERRY RAND New Holland, Pennsylvania 17557 Form Equipment New Grinder-Mixers: Far mhand, Artsway, Brady; Used Grinder-Mixers: Farmhand and Bearcat; New and Used Liquid spreaders; Tractor and Horse drawn spreaders; Farmhand wheel rakes; Corn cribs; 2 and 3 pt. blades-AC and Farmall PTO corn shelters; Bobcat 4 wheel drive payloader; Large selection of tractors with loaders; hun dreds of crawlers and wheel type tractors. CLYDE E. KEENER Intersection of Rt. 72 and 283 1531 Manheim Pike Lancaster Phone 717-569-9861 ROTARY MOWERS -Running Gears -Gravity Boxes -Small Farm Trailers -Lawn & Garden Tractors -Used Elevators -No. 17 N.I. Spreader WALTER BINKLEY & SON RD4Lititz Phone 626-2344 Kelp Wonted HELP WANTED
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers