Farm Calendar < Continued From Page 1) meeting, Penn Harris Motel, Harrisburg, November 12 -15. Monday, November 13 7:30 p.m. Octoraro Young Farmer meeting, vo-ag department, Octoraro High School; topic, Farm Shop Agway, Inc., annual meeting. Fulton Grange meeting, Oakryn. Tuesday, November 14 9:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Egg Pricing Workshop, Farm and Home Center. 9:30 a.m. Chester County Extension sewing com se, Men’s Knit Jacket, St. James Episcopal Church, Downingtown. Noon Lancaster County Holstein Association meeting and banquet, Good and Plenty Restaurant. 6:15 p.m. 55th annual banquet, Inter-State Milk Producers Cooperative, Marriott Motor Hotel, Philadelphia. 7:30 p.m. Ephrata Young Farmer Beef Herd Management course, vo-ag department, Ephrata High School. 8 p.m. Dairy Herd Management meeting, Farm and Home Center; Dr. Richard Adams, speaker. 7:30 p.m. Farm and Home Foundation board of directors FOR SALE 1967 3 AXLE LIME TRAILER INSPECTED, ALL NEW RUBBER, NEW PAINT A-l CONDITION - LIKE NEW Call 569-3296 7 A.M. - 5 P.M. CALL Leroy Zook WEAVERLINE FEED CARIS EARLY DISCOUNT on Lancaster Silo and Unloaders. Ryder Barn Equipment RADIO CONTROLLED TRUCKS FOR BETTER SERVICE 111 C. B. HOOBER & SON ■MI. INTERCOURSE, PENNA. meeting, Farm and Home Center. Wednesday, November 15 5:15 p.m. Lincoln 4-H Club Capon Exhibit, American Legion Hall, Ephrata. 8:30 a.m. Penn State Bedding Plant School, Holiday Inn, King of Prussia. Thursday, November 16 18th Annual Pennsylvania Holstein Convention, George Washington Motor Lodge, Willow Grove, November 16- 17. 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Ephrata Young Farmers field trip, Beef Herd Management Course. Garden Spot Young Farmers On- Farm Soybean meeting. 12th annual Agricultural Industry Banquet, Farm and Home Center. Friday, November 17 7 p.m. Southeastern Penn sylvania Ayrshire Club annual meeting, covered dish supper, BrunnerviUe Fire Hall. 8 p.m. Lancaster County Poultry Association board of directors meeting, Farm and Home Center. Lancaster County Guernsey Association banquet, Harvest Drive Restaurant. Saturday, November 18 3-8:30 p.m. Town and Country Garden Club Flower Show, Farm and Home Center. Farm-City Week, November 18- 23. Mail Box Market For Sale - Metal cab for In ternational utility tractor $50.00 Phone 687-7033 For Sale - 1964 C.O. 200 In ternational with 16 dump body, pump and hoist; 2800 gal. delivery oil tank; Massey-Harris 44. Phone 653-5775. For Sale - Double row Ford com picker, mounted on a Farmall 300. Tractor has power steering and 2 point hitch, good condition. Phone 896-8416 For Sale - Approximately 2000 pansy seedlings to plant in beds for Spring. Grown from good seed. Fred Appel, RDI, Paradise, Pa. 17562. Phone 717-442-8160 For Sale - 340 gal. Girton tank, 3 HP compressor; Surge Model D Rotor pump 2-HP Motor; 55 ID. Surge pail; 55 lb. DeLaval pail. Call 215-857-9202 For Sale - Red and black Woolrich hunting coat and pants. Coat size 42, pants waist size 34. Phone 626-5628. For Sale - John Deere 40 crawler with loader $750. Wanted to Buy - Traveling feed hammer mill or used mixer mill. Phone 733-8434 For Sale - Nice Timothy hay, $l.lO per bale. Call Manheim 665- 4235 Help Wanted - Married man for dairy farm and general farm work. House and privileges, Farming experience needed. Phone 786-2839 For Sale - Liquid manure pump, Phone 717-359-7460 For Sale - Ear Corn out of the field. Phone 786-7959 or 786-7816 For Sale - Three polled Hereford feeder steers, approximately 300- 400 lbs. Call 717-456-5467. CALL Bob or Less New 816-9 ft, Mower Conditioner $lOOO.OO Just Received 1 Car Load of 1 PR PICKERS 1 PR Pickers Buy Now, Pay Next Year Beat the Price Rise USED EQUIPMENT ;NH No. 27 Hopper Type mower 'Used 234-2 row mtd. corn picker 503 Combine 6 Row Corn Head 101 I.H. Spreaders - Special 504 I.H. Diesel Tractor F 1206 with cab IH - 37 Baler with Engine N. H. Super 68 Baler w Engine Used Papec Grinder Mixer 1 806 Tractor Used N.I. Horse Spreader Far mall 100 plow & Cultivator New Corn Cribs PARTS DEPARTMENT CALL Dick Bomberger CALL US! IT COULD BE WE HAVE JT. INTERNATIONAL GREASE 35 lb. pail Multi-Purpose Grease $9.90 10 pk. Cartridge Gun Grease $3.90 NOVEMBER SPECIAL 20% off on Storage Batteries Plus your old battery. International Anti-freeze i _ on ' y rt in New Re-usable 1 gal. Jugs ,OV B*' Lancaster Farming. Saturday. November 11 Mail Box Market •For Sale - Muscovy ducks, live or dressed. Phone 354-9584 For Sale - 1 Registered bull, service age Astronaut. Parts for 1959 Plymouth 318 engine. Phone 665-6052 For Sale - Good fire wood $lO.OO per pickup load, delivered. Phone 354-7739 For Sale - Front mounted Sauder blade $90.00, Phone 733-6355 For Sale - Large round L.P. gas burners, suitable for heating, cooking, etc. John Rhodes, Stevens, Pa. (Location-Red Run) For Sale - Grade Holstein, Dau. of Penstate Ivanhoe star. Due soon with 3rd. calf. Record 15,400 milk, 571 fat. Jacob S. Glick, 2351 Horseshoe Rd., Lancaster, Pa. 17601 Wanted to Buy - Used clutch reduction gear for Wisconsin engine No. VR4D. Daniel Beiler, 78 S. Maple Ave., Leola, Pa. 17540 For Sale - Uni-Flo deep well pump, good condition, % HP electric motor. Rods and pistons, 80 ft. 2” gal. pipe. Complete. 6 volt VW battery, good. Phone 394- 8414 Free - Will give away a coal stove converted to oil. Has 12 inch ducts. Call 215-932-3425 or write R.W. Emerson, RD2, Cochran ville, Pa. 19330 For Sale - Pomeranian puppies, 6 weeks old, AKC Reg., wonderful pets. Phone 464-2195 For Sale - Maytag washer, ex cellent condition, aluminum tub and new balloon ringer for only $20.00. Also drain tile l’x4” round and heckton, like new for only half price. Some with nicks at one end for less See G. Jay Um berger, Denver RD2, Pa Phone 1-215-267-2605 CALL Titus Burkholder INVENTORY SALE FROM LISTER 10 PERCENT OFF on all NEW Diesels While They Last FOR SALES—SERVICE—PARTS + Used 10 H.P. Petter + Used 6 H.P. Lister + New 7 Vi H.P. Slow Speed -I- New Quincy Air Compressors -I- New Listers with Lima Generators + Ask us about our new Automatic Control For Starter and Low Oil Protection. + Used H. R 2 Lister 29 HP + Used F2L410 Deutz We Have Some Very Good Buys On Used Diesel Engines. AREA DISTRIBUTOI FOR LISTER DIESEL ENGINES icnn USED BULK MILK TANKS 1-600 gal. Jamesway one piece opening lid 1-500 gal. Creamery Package 1-Surge aimo 30 milker pump with 3 units. 1-500 gal. Esco 1 - 15 KW Fidelity Generator Ideal for farm standby One Sputnic (milk transporter) 300 gal. Esco milk tank Used 10 can cooler Distributor for Milkeeper and Mueller Milk Tanks Complete line of Bulk Tank Kleansors New Model Klenzate Bulk Tank Washers 1500 series. PHONE 768-8231 Mail Box Market For Sale - Heaters-35,000 BTU Empire gas furnace. Also coal and wood stove with large fire box with hot water hook-up Good condition. Excellent heaters for cabins. Phone 215-445-6453. For Sale - 1965 GTO 4 speed, 400 engine, very clean. Phone 215- 267-2132 Feed & Seed HAY. We will deliver in this area in 500 bale lots. Good Timothy $50.00. Also straw and mixed hay. Call collect 814-793-2829. Curry Supply jCo., Curryville. Penna Miscellaneous For Sale - Fence Posts. Phone 717-786-2146. Wants to Buy - Old bells of any kind, good prices paid. Phone 717- 464-2528 Wanted - Buyer for 250 Abyssinian Guinea Pigs, females bred, $2.00 each Sell young to established local pet store wholesaler. Phone for details. 717-529-2984 or 717-529-2496 WOOD SHAVINGS. Ideal for work-ways and bedding. $l2 per ton Can be delivered in bulk loads of 10-12 tons. Less expensive than straw or tanbark. Contact Bob Geist at Leola Supply Co. Inc Ph. 717-658-6811. Custom Work Custom Corn Drying We also buy and sell corn Also storage available Call M &. R Grains 653-1674 Several good used 3 H.P Lehigh Compressors 37 1972
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