(Continued From Page 34) Leigh Walton, Christiana R.D.I; Kreider and Diller, Auctioneers. SAT. NOV. 25 -1 P.M. Public Sale of Real Estate located on the Bell Road, 4 miles South of Nine Points, 6 miles North of Oxford, Colerain Twp., Lancaster County, Pa. Beautiful 77 acre farm more or less. Terms by PUBLIC AUCTION Estate of John R. Ennis, t-a Ennis Brothers, Rt. 13 DuPont Highway at Odessa, Delaware, Bank of Delaware, Executor. SALE DATE: Thursday, November 16th AT 12:00 NOON WELL DRILLING EQUIPMENT: (3) Sanderson & 55 Speedstar Rigs, screens & pipe, etc . . . Plumbing Supplies, Copper, Brass, Galvanized, plastic pipe & fittings, plumbing tools, fixtures,' water heaters, Deming Parts, water pumps, etc. etc. . . AUTO SERVICE supplies & tools, New auto supplies & parts, repair service tools, fuel pumps, starters, belts, generators ... welder, tire changer, grease, lathes, etc... MISC. Ford Gorman Engine Pump, Schramm Air Com pressor, new & used motors, electrical supplies... TRUCKS: (4) Chev. Pickups w-tool bodies from 1965 to 1952 .. (2) 1963 Chev. iy z ton trucks, (4) other trucks... INSPECTION: Anytime one week prior to sale. TERMS: Cash or approved checks . . Individual items and many groupings at Absolute Auction. Call or write for “Free Brochure”. MELVIN KOLB, INC. MONTHLY CATTLE AUCTION HOLSTEIN 75 REGISTERED INDIVIDUALLY SELECTED for dairy type and high production from Out standing herds in Canada, New York, and Pennsylvania. Many Classified and many with Official Records. Included are the following: -4 yr. old Simpson Farm Tidy Gent daughter, form Kingpin dam, Classified Very Good, 88 points, First 2yr. old Eastern Pa. B&W 1971, DHIA: 2-2 2x 16,4444 604, 3-5 17,285 574 288 d, Projected 18,115 305 d, Bred; to Paclamar Bootmaker January 31, 1972. -5 yr. old Kilensdale Ivanhoe Jack daughter as a 4 yr. old: 366 d 16,085 565 f. -Her Heifer Calf from Kilensdale Whittier Elfac. 7 Selling Rockmans 7 Lassie Leaders Normandale Rockman Ernie Genvue Crown Royal 2 Glenafton Citation Patrick 2 Rockdale President Zeldenrust Pontiac Delight Vmedale Frasea Pilot Nic A Bar Master Prince Selling Petro Fallowdale Segis Charles Double TN Arab Belleafton Rockette Robert Don Augur Royal Allen All Cattle must be as represented. Cattle will be tested within 30 days of sale for TB and Bangs for Interstate shipment. Terms: Cash on day of Sale. Not responsible for accidents. James G. Trout, Auctioneer Fred M. Naugle, Pedigrees Mehrle N. Wachter, Cerk Loading Chute Available Refreshments Available ★ Public Sales Register ★ WED. NOV. 29- 10 A.M. Public Sale of Antiques and Household goods located South of Kirkwood off Rte. 472, east along Sproul Road. Sale by John K. Brebinger; Lloyd H. Kreider, Auctioneer. RUDNICK & MATAS, AUCTIONEERS 212 W. Bth STREET WILMINGTON, DELAWARE (302) 658-7264 Nov. Thursday, At my Maryland Farm Sale Barn, located Vz mi. NW of Woodsboro, on Rt. 550, Frederick Co. 100 QUALITY HOLSTEINS 100 1972 - 11 a.m. 16, 2 Mooreville Rocket Kemp Idograph Fobes Kennedy Rocket Ken land of Glenafton Don Augur Mother Marthas Pride Glenafton Rag Apple Hagen Hilltop Sweet Ivanhoe Ecraso Golden Topper Helendon Rose Billy Tam lane Rockman Progress Vigh Pontiac Bert View Haven Hercules Wis Achievement Cedar Dale Dude Pabst many other outstanding Sires MEL KOLB SALE MANAGER HOME FARM: MARYLAND FARM: 621 Willow Road R.D.I Lancaster, Pa. 17601 Woodsboro, Md. 21798 Phone; 717-393-7459 Phone: 301-898-7663 SAT. DEC. 2-1 P.M. Public Sale of the Lloyd Miller Dairy Herd and Milking Equipment located along Muddy Creek Road leading from Rte. 222 at Muddy Creek Church to Kramers Mill about Vi mile from Rte. 222, Lancaster County, Pa. Terms by Lloyd R. Miller, H. H. Leid, Auctioneer SAT. DEC. 9- 12:30 P.M. Swine Dispersal to be held within the Sechrist Sales Co Livestock Auction, located 5 mile south of Stewartstown on Rt. 24, near New Park in York Co., Pa. Sale by Richard L. Wilson, owner, Stewartstown, RD No. 1, Pa. *FARM * ANIMAL ★ IQUIPMEW^W FREE! Your sale can be listed in our Sales Register without charge Just mail details to Lancaster Farming, P 0 Box 266, Lititz, Pa 17543 25 GRADE Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 11,1972 Sechrist Sales Co., Sales Managers, Robert L Sechrist, Auctioneer SAT DEC 16-Implement Sale by Lloyd Miller located along Muddy Creek Road leading from Rte. 222 at Muddy Creek Church to Kramers Mill about V 2 mile from Rte 222, Lancaster County, Pa FRI JAN 5 - David H Good Consignment Sale located 1 j mile North of Rt 23 on Maple Avenue m Leola Watch for sale sign. Farm Implements, Horse Drawn Implements, new tools, etc Frank and Paul Snyder and Robert Martin, Auctioneers SAT JAN 13- Public Sale of farm equpment, shop tools and household goods located 1 mile • SPECIAL FALL FEEDER SALE • FRIDAY EVENING AT 7 O'CLOCK NOVEMBER 17 VINTAGE SALES STABLES INC Box 100, Paradise, Pa. Lancaster County The Heart of Pennsylvania Steer Feeding Country Anyone Wishing to Consign Cattle Telephone Area Code 717-442-4181 KENNETH E. HERSHEY, MANAGER SPECIAL SALES Friday, Nov. IT & Friday, Dec. 8, 1972 7:30 P.M. 500 HEAD 500 Charolais, Angus and Hereford Calves and Yearling steers and heifers No paint marks or hip tags on any of these cattle All cattle weighed on sale day Beef breeds and some Holstein steers Sorted m uniform lots Regular Sale Date every Monday 2 PM. For Further Information Contact J. FRANCIS TINSMAN LEESBURG LIVESTOCK MARKET Leesburg, Va. Phone 703-777-1411 or 703-777-3521 PUBLIC AUCTION 17 NOVEMBER 1972 9:00 A.M. Real Estate Sold at 2 P.M. DAIRY FARM JUG MILK OPERATION PARK CREST FARMS STATE COLLEGE, PENNA. $48,000 net income. Good Herd Holstems Complete line of Machinery. Phone- MRS HERBERT JORDAN 814-238-4613 evenings 814-865-1492 days East of Hinkletown off Rt 322 Lancaster Co , Pa Sale by Phares H Zimmerman, Leßoy S Horst and Paul W Horst, Auctioneers SAT JAN 27- Public Sale ol Farm Equipment, livestock and hou«»holri cnod'' loraip'i 1 Work south of Terre H’ll along Rte 897 next to Hill Q, lo Company i" East Earl Twp , Lmcaster county, Po uv ivJlus Noll, Leßoy S Horst and Nevin Martin, Auctioneers THURS FEB 1- Public Sale of farm equipment and household goods located 1 mile East of Terre Hill off Rt 625 along side of Union Grove Elementary School in East Earl Twp , Lancaster Co , Pa Sale by Reuben Zimmerman, Leßoy S Horst, Auctioneer 35
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