Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 11, 1972 30 Butz Hails WASHINGTON, Nov. 2 Secretary of Agriculture Ean L. Butz said the United States has “entered a new era as a world food supplier” with $lO billion of U S agricultural exports ex pected in the fiscal year ending next June 30 “This represents almost a 25 per cent increase in our farm exports in a one-year span, and Light Waves Affect Different wavelengths of light affect the growth and reproduction of broilers, ac cording to lengthy but still preliminary research at the Vermont Agricultural Ex periment Station The finding, if confirmed by additional research could mean an extra billion pounds of food for the nation without extra production costs Broiler cockerels raised under narrow-band green light gamed almost four ounces more than other birds on the same First Magazine In 1740 the Inst magazine to he published in Noith \mencd appeared m Phil adelphia Ihe publisher \n dieu Bradford put his \meiitan Magazine on sale three da\s ahead of Benia min Frankhn s lieneial Ma 1 'one ANIMAL HEALTH AIDS L OUR SPECIALTY Special Offer TERRAMYCIN \ & D Calf Scour Tablets Jar, 100 - SIS 05 \eo-Terramvcm w-Vitamins h 4 07 PK Soluble Pov. der Si V> Each Per Case tenants cm Crumbles S(> (ill T!MISF\ZOLE - TR \MISOL Cattle & Sheep Wormer T\ LAN-10. SP-250 TM-50 About all you Purina Calf Growing Program is... leaves you all your milk to sell grows heifers fast gets them ready to breed early But then, that says a lot. it if Purma’s six-month Calf Growing Pro gram combines fortified and medicated Purina Nursing Chow®, high-energy Calf Startena®and Purina CalfGrowena® into a program geared strictly to fast, efficient growth Heifers grow faster and reach breeding weight earlier. In fact, you can have your John J. Hess, 11, Inc. F.. 442-4632 Paradise West Willow Farmers Assn., Inc. Ph- 464-3431 West Willow *lO billion Ag Exports means we will reach President Nixon’s $lO billion export goal much earlier than anyone ex pected possible,” Secretary Butz said. ‘‘Russian grain purchases, which are expected to increase U.S farm income more than $1 billion and cut farm program costs to taxpayers by a net of $2OO million, will be a key factor in Broiler Efficiency feed This is a 12 per cent dif ference In a second key finding, the researchers noted that narrow band red light stimulated reproductive development. They speculate that narrow red and narrow green, in combination, could speed the development of pullets This might start them laying sooner and speed the production of large eggs. The researchers are also attempting to learn the mechanism by which the different wavelengths affect the birds Activity seems to center on the pineal gland, a tiny organ attached to the brain and sometimes called “the third eye ” But exactly what happens is still a mystery □oanoi GARDEN SPOT UNIT ANNUAL MEETING MONDAY EVENING, NOV. 13, 1972 7:30 FARM & HOME CENTER - Guest Speakers - Agriculture Extension in the 70’s, by Max Smith, Jay Irwin, and Joan Lucas. - Election of four member committeemen - Management Reports - Selections by Garden Spotters Quartet. 25 Door Prizes can say about the heifers in the milking barn—producing— months ahead of many other heifers. And that means you can sell all your milk. Want the details? Stop by our Checker board store. Let us show you what the Purina Calf Program can do for you— and your heifers. Ira B. Landis Ph. 394-7912 1912 Creek Hill Rd., Lane John B. Kurtz Ph: 354-9251 R. D. 3, Ephrata reaching the $lO billion goal,” the Secretary said. “Russia’s purchase of about $1.2 billion worth of wheat, corn and soybeans accounted for around half the total increase forecast over last fiscal year’s $B.l billion in agricultural ex ports,” Mr. Butz said. The Soviet Union, which bought only $l5O million worth of American farm products last fiscal year, vaults to the number two position as a customer of the U.S. agriculture with its pur chases this year. Russia is second only to Japan, the long-time one country leader which has projected farm purchases this fiscal year of $1.5 billion. “We expect the USSR to remain a major importer of gram for possible the next 3 to 5 years,” the Secretary said The Secretary said the projected farm exports “will give the United States a $3.5 billion balance of trade surplus in the agricultural area,” for this fiscal year “This increase should reduce the nation’s overall trade deficit below last year’s $5.1 billion mark, despite an expected in crease in the non-farm deficit this year,” the Cabinet officer said (agway) Refreshments James High & Sons Ph 3540301 Gordonville Wenger's Feed Mill Inc. Ph: 367-1195 Rheems SPECIAL ON HUDSON GALVANIZED Water Bowls - $lO.OO each Snow Fence Bay Mix Dairy Cattle Wormer The new broad-spectrum wormer lets you sell your milk while you worm Thibenzole wormer pellets BIRD IN HAND FARM SUPPLY Committed to Serve The Church and the Home With the Best PROVIDENT BOOKSTORE «p See us for curriculum. 40 E. King St., Lancaster, Pa. 17602 Park City Center, Lancaster, Pa. 17601 56 E. Main St., Ephrata, Pa. 17522 Route 2, New Holland, Pa. 17557 Hydraulic Systems for Home, Shop and Farm 200 Maple Ave. Bird in Hand, Pa. 17505 in Literature. your book, and supply needs
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