Hog Prices l '•»:5;K#S!::¥:^ St. Louis Auction HOGS: 6000, slow, steady to weak US 1-2 200-230 lbs. 28.75- 29.00; 105 head 29.00; 1-3 190-230 lbs. 28.25-28.75 Peoria Auction HOGS: 4000, moderately ac tive, 25 lower US 1-2 200-240 lbs. 28.25-28.75; 1-3 200-240 lbs. 27.75- 28.25 Vintage Auction Tuesday, November 7 Barrows and Gilts strong to 25 higher, instances 50 higher. BARROWS AND GILTS: US 1- 2 200-250 lbs. 29.75-30.00; US 1-3 195-255 lbs. 29.25-29.75. Lebanon Valley Auction Tuesday, November 7 180 Head of Hogs Barrows and Gilts about steady. BARROWS AND GILTS: U.S. 2-3195 - 235 pounds 29.00 - 29.60 ;2- 4 220 - 250 28.60 - 28.85. SOWS: U.S. 1-3 and 2-3 350 - 600 pounds 23.00 - 25.00. BOARS: 22.00 - 23.50. 30 Head of Feeder Pigs Couple lots U.S. 1-3 45 pounds 18.00 and 19.50 per head. A Rugged Construction Solid Concrete Walls J N. Steel Reinforced INTERNATIONAL STAR SILO ASSOCIATION, Inc RD "1 MYERSTOWN, PA 17067 , DIAL (717)-566-S7OB Write for FREE BOOKLET mo,. Farmline DYNA Motors SINGLE PHASE—I TO 10 H.P. CAPACITOR START REPULSION START Specially Designed to Produce Operating Characteristics to Fulfill Farm Requirements for Hard-Starting, Long-Life, Rugged Use Motors. IN STOCK NOW OPEN and TOTALLY ENCLOSED 200% - 400% - 600% STARTING TORQUE PP ELECTROMEC m£—l ELECTROMECHANICAL SERVICE ~(iAIS AV ROUTE 222, EPHRATA. PA. 17522 ' HLJ PHONE (717) 733-7911 ’ , a ELECTRIC MOTOR # GENERATOR • POWER-TOOL SPECIAUSTS Lancaster Market Monday, November 6 Barrows and Gilts 50-1.00 lower than last Wednesday; Sows scarce. BARROWS AND GILTS: US 1 205-240 lbs. 29.00-29.50; US 1-2 200- 240 lbs. 28.75-29.00; US 2-3 195-240 lbs. 28.00-28.50; US 3-4 250-280 lbs. 27.00-28.00. New Holland Auction Monday, November 6 Hog Receipts 900. Retail 29- 30.25; Wholesale 28.75-29.00; Heavyweights 28-28.75; Sows 24- 25.50; Boars 23.50-24.50. Lancaster Auction Wednesday, November 8 Barrows and Gilts 25-50 higher BARROWS AND GILTS: US 1 225 -240 lbs. 30.25; US 1-3 195-250 lbs. 29.00-29.25; US 2-4 245-260 lbs. 28.75-29.00. Indianapolis Auction HOGS: 2500, steady to 25 lower, slow US 1-2 200-235 lbs. 28.50- 28.75 ; 32 head 28.85 ; 50 head 29.00; 1-3 200-240 lbs. 28.00-28.50; 2-3 240-265 lbs. 27.25-28.00 Try A Classified Ad It Pays! Peoria Cattle Thursday, November 9 Receipts this week 4800; last week 4781; last year 4050. Slaughter steer and heifer prices declined the entire week. As compared to last weeks close, slaughter steers and heifers were weak to mostly 25-50 lower. Cows strong to 50 higher. Few bulls steady. Supply mainly Choice slaughter steers and heifers with several loads Choice to Prime steers, including few loads Choice to Prime 1275-1400 pounds yield grade 4-5. Receipts about 70 per cent steers; 25 per cent heifers; and 5 per cent cows. SLAUGHTER STEERS: High Choice and Prime 1150-1250 pounds 3-4, 35.50-36.00, on Mon day. Mixed Choice and Prime 1150-1320 3-4, 35.00-35.50, in cluding load 4-5, 1275 pounds at 34.50. Choice 975-1325 2-4, 34.25- 35.50; mostly 34.25-35.25, in cluding two loads grade 4 to mostly 5,1400 pounds at 33.00 and 33.50. Mixed Good and Choice 950- 1250 33.50-34.50. Good 32.00-33.75. Standard to Good Holsteins 32.25. Few Standard Holsteins 31.50. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Choice 800-1025 pounds 2-4, 33.00- 34.00, couple loads Monday at 34.25, including load 4-5, 1015 pounds at 33.50. Mixed Good and Choice 775-950 32.00-33.50. Good 30.00-32.00. COWS: Commercial 21.50- 24.50. Utility 23.00-25.50. High yielding Utility 25.00-26.00. Cutter 20.50-24.50. Canner 18.00-21.00. BULLS: Utility and Com mercial 29.00-32.00. Green Dragon Hay Market Friday, November 3 28 loads hay, including: Few loads Alfalfa, 87.00 - 90.00; Timothy, 38.00 *• 59.00; Mixed hay, 43.50 - 67.00; one load Soybean hay, 41.00. 7 loads straw, 40.00 - 42.00, one load at 50.00. 4 loads corn, 37.50 - 55.00. U. S. Inspected Livestock Slaughter Estimated Daily Livestock Slaughter Under Federal Inspection Week to date Same period last week Same period last year r“MMESwK 1 | Volume-Belt Cattle Feeder | HM Pi yy \ vssoli ! Feeds Fast without Separation! | BBSza - | South Cedar St., Lititz, Pa. 17543 Ph. 626-8144^ November December January ‘73 February 37.15 29.00 March April May June July August October December Trend - Cattle are lower, Hogs are lower, Potatoes are higher and Eggs are higher. New York Thursday, November 9 Compared with Wednesday, steer and heifer beef 50c to $1.50 lower except good steer car casses steady. Veal and calf weak, lamb mostly $1 lower, pork loins, butts and spareribs steady, picnics 50c lower and hams steady to $2 higher. Supplies generally exceeding spot demand aside from Good grade steer beef, pork loins and beef briskets. Beef rounds and chucks under pressure and quoted $1 to $2 lower but price not inducing improved purchase power as obviously bad weather had curtailed retail outlet. Steer Beef Prime 600 - 900 pounds 56.50 - CATTLE HOGS SHEEP 499.000 1,308,000 160,000 494.000 1,377,000 163,000 487.000 1,434,000 163,000 Only 1-1/2 hp. Up to 250 Feet Big Capacity Belt Carries Feed Works In-Barn or Out Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 11,1972 Futures Trading (Closing bids as of Thursday, November 9) Chicago Chicago New York Cattle Hogs Maine Potatoes 34.90 29.60 37.35 26.60 37.20 27.00 36.40 25.15 26.00 23.75 4.00 34.60 4.76 39.10 4.96 5.60 34.80 27 20 23.75 Dressed Meats 58.00; Choice 600 57.00; 700 - 800 55.00 - 56.00 ; 800 - 900 51.50 - 53.50; Good 500 - 800 54.00 - 56.00. Heifer Beef Choice 500 - 700 pounds 53 00 - 54.00. Calf (Skin Off) 150-350 Pounds Choice 75.50 - 83.50; Good 73.50 - 79.50; Standard 68.00 - 72 00. Veal (Skin Off) Choice 90 - 150 pounds 93.00 - 105.00; Good 60 - 90 85.00 - 90.00; Standard 60 - 120 72.00 - 75.00. Lamb Choice 35 - 55 pounds 63.00 - 66.00; 55 - 65 59.00 - 62.00. Choice Beef Cuts Hinds (Steer) 145 - 190 pounds 64 50 - 68.00; Arm Chucks 90 -105 45.00 - 48.00, Ribs (7-nb) 34 - 40 64.00 - 70.00; Loins (Trmd) 50 - 70 84.00 - 86.00; Rounds (Steer) 70 - 95 65 00 - 67.00, Full Plates 32.00 - 33.00; Hinds (Heifer) 120 - 170 62 50 - 64.50. Fresh Pork Cuts Loins (Regular) 8 - 14 pounds 61 50 - 64.50, 14 - 17 57.00 - 60 50, Picnics (Regular) 4 - 8 36 50 - 38 50; Boston Butts 4-8 45 50 - 47 00; Spareribs 3 pounds down 64.00 - 66 00; Hams (Skinned) 14 pounds down 64.00 - 66 50; 14 -17 60.00 - 62.00, 17 - 20 57.50 - 59.00 Kosher Market Kosher steer beef and lamb mid session trade slow with quotations unchanged for kosher steer beef and lamb New Holland Horse Auction Monday, November 6 Reported receipts of 271 head of horses; market steady with last weeks market. Load Ohio riding horses, 125 - 380. Load Kansas riding horses, 145 - 340. Local work horses, 155 - 195, driving horses, 95 - 250; riding horses, 100 - 175; better horses, 200 - 275; killers, 8 - 11. Mare ponies, 10 - 20; colts, 5 - 10; geldings, 5-15; larger ponies, 35 - 45. New Cooperators The Lancaster County Soil and Water Conservation District announce the following new cooperators • John H Moss, West Lampeter Township, 48 acres; Edward E Marshall, Colerain Township, 118 acres, and David S Fisher, Earl Township, 67 acres 3 Chicago Fresh Eggs 38.50 38.90 38 90 700 56.50 -
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