Mrs. Greenleaf (Continued From Page 29) Clayton Charles, Society 23. Each received corsages from the County Farm Women and a gift from a Lancaster department store. judges for the contest were Miss Barbara Little, Miss Sally Walker and Mrs. Doris Thomas. Mrs. Kenneth Warfel, Society 19, Mrs. Freeda Huber, Society 11, and Mrs. John Ruhl, Society 19, assisted by Mrs. Joseph Best, Society 20, pianist conducted the memorial service. Those who died during the year were; Mrs. Mabel Bucher, Society 11; Mrs. You are (MOM) WED., THURS. & FRI. NOV. 15-16-17 (Wed &Thurs SAM PANASONIC AM/FM DIGITAL CLOCK RADIO Go to sleep to music, wake up to music or buzzer alarm Easy to read digital clock Two level rule lite Solid state circuitry in a handsome wood gra.n cabinet ... BRIM THE |/ FAMILY } 2 West State St HALLER ELECTRIC, INC. REGISTER FOR DRAWING I Wilber Hoffer, Society 2; Mrs. Martha Sherer, Society 2; Mrs. Andrew Brooks, Society 4; Miss Lela Coble, Society 6; Mrs. Andrew Haines, Society 6; Mrs. Warren Watson, Society 7; Miss Laura Mae Brinser, Society 8; Mrs. Minnie Warfel, Society 9; Mrs. H. C. Kriesle, Society 11; Mrs. Paul Harnish, Society 12; Mrs. Charles Schreiber, Society 15; Mrs. Christain Shenk, Society 18; and Mrs. W. Scott Nissley, Society 19. Mrs. Donald F. McKechnie, Ottawa, Canada, was convention speaker. She is president of the Ottawa Branch of the Grenfell Labrador Medical Mission and a member of the city’s local O EE LEE BRATI OM * REFRESHMENTS yr FREE GIFTS X DOOR PRIZES DAIRY INFORMATION invited to our big •DEW WWSE Council of Women, the Ottawa Canadian Club and the board of managers. She is a past city director of the child evangelism fellowship and has been a featured speaker at ladies’ functions of the Christian Business Men’s Committee In ternational convention and Christian women’s clubs’ meetings in Canada. She is also a mother of five children. Mrs. McKechnie’s topic was “Uniquely A Woman ” She said in part “How important that we, as women, take our place in society. As women, we have a great responsibility—the destiny of our country lies with the mothers who rock the cradles of the nation. I still believe that a mother’s place is in the home. The most important thing we can give our children is love and understanding. It’s terribly important to listen to our children The most important Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 11,1972 thing is that we make our time valuable. It’s important that we don’t waste time and it’s im portant that we don’t waste somebody else’s time. “The work we carry on should not be work under stress Work itself has never hurt us It’s important that we find work we enjoy.” She quoted the catechism “Man’s chief end is to glorify God” “so there is a purpose to life We’re made up of three parts physical, mental, spiritual The most important part is spiritual. The most important thing in life is that I have Jesus Christ The whole message Jesus gave us is that we have love and forgiveness. Being complete in Christ makes us unique as a woman.” Special music was furnished by Miss Janet Jackson, Little Britain Township, on her harp as well as by Mrs Charles Rohrer, Society 7, who sang two vocal selections She was accompanied by Mrs Donald Landis The luncheon tables were beautifully decorated with flower arrangements donated by the local Societies They were given as prizes at the conclusion of the meal Mrs Earl Ziegler, Society 17, had the grace at the table The convention ended with the installation of officers for the local Societies and the newly elected County secretary and treasurer by the state president, Mrs Duppstadt Farm Women Calendar Saturday, November II 1 30 p m - Farm Women Society 25 meeting. 6-30 p m. - Farm Women Society 8, 50th Anniversary dinner, Hostetter’s Banquet Hall, Mount Joy. 6-30 p m - Farm Women Society 19, entertain husbands, Akron Restaurant. Farm Women Society 18, home of Mrs Kenneth S Brubaker Tuesday, November 14 Farm Women Society 13, Christmas decoration workshop, home of Mrs Robert Sayres, Witmer Thursday, November 16 Farm Women Societies 11 and 12, entertain guests, Conestoga View Farm Women Society 27, Mrs Witmer Shearer, Manheim RD4, hostess Saturday, November 18 Farm Women Society 4 bus trip, Radio City Music Hall 130 p m Farm Women Society 12 meeting Try A Classified Ad it Pays! SAFE STORAGE! The Butler trademark tells you so Butler quality grain bins give you the safest, most dependable storage you can buy. They’re pre-engineered that way by the men who know grain storage best. What’s more, it’s easy to convert a Butler bin into an on farm drying system, if you de cide to dry your own grain. Let us discuss your grain storage needs with you. Just give us a call or stop by. C BUTLER > 1 ■ Headquarters for all Butler farm structures and equipment M. K. HOKE ESTATES 148 SO. MAIN ST. Manheim, Pa. 665-2266 29
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