28 —Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 11, 1972 Mrs. Greenleaf (Continued From Page 24) Women’s Rally May 6. The next Spring Rally will be held May 16, 1973 at the War Memorial, Johnstown, with Cambria County as host In July the state scholarship committee awarded $3OO each to one girl from the counties of Lancaster, Lebanon, York and Cambria Mrs Sterling Elmer, Society 25, was elected secretary and Mrs Milton Funk, Society 23, was elected treasurer for two year terms Mrs Dons Thomas, Extension Home Economist, gave remarks. She expressed thanks to the Farm Women for their support. She announced the Extension Christmas program for November 28 and Homemaker Seminar for April 3 and 4 at the Farm and Home Center The highlight of the day was the selection of the “Woman of the Year" for the Society of Farm Women of Lancaster County Mrs Martin C Greenleaf, Society 15, Colerain Township, who lives on a 230 acre farm, received this distinguished award She received a plaque, a corsage and bouquet of red roses from the County Farm Women, a gift and a $l5 gift certificate from two Lancaster stores She will compete in the state contest which will be held during their annual convention January 10, 1973 at Harrisburg Mrs Greenleaf received the “Woman of the Year” plaque MYER'S METERED r-JL GAS SERVICE, INC. PIG BROODERS CHICK BROODERS GAS SPACE HEATERS & FURNACES CHECK OUR PRICE ON AUTOMATIC BULK DELIVERY OF L.P. GAS PO BOX 71 MANHEIM, PA 17545 Telephone (717) 665-3588 CARGILL ANNOUNCES A NEW HIGH SPEED GRAIN DRYER MARIETTA, PENNA. WITH A CAPACITY OF 2500 BUSHELS PER HOUR. FAST UNLOADS AROUND THE CLOCK DURING CORN HARVEST. Corn bids subject to conformation. New Dry Corn $ 1.43 plus mileage New Wet Com $ 1.45 plus mileage CALL FOR HOURS AND DETAILS PHONE 717-426-7961 2 miles North of Marietta on Highway 441. Customers at the bazaar table were waited upon by the committee, Mrs. Eugene M. Neff, Mrs. Roy Hoilinger, Mrs. L Howard Martin and Mrs. J. G. Longenecker from the Quarryville Chamber of Commerce in 1959. She has served in many capacities in her church, Farm Women and the community She presently is serving on the Session of Union Presbyterian Church, as a Sunday School teacher and on the Southern Lancaster County Family Health Center Advisory Board She is a talented artist, having been painting for eight years She served as president of Octoraro Art Association last year She also has hobbies such as making weed-craft cards, metal craft pictures, stone and shell jewelry, smocked and towel sofa pillows, braided rugs and makes nearly all her own clothes She likes to cook and does lots of Miss Janet Jackson, 14 year old harpist from Little Britain Township. freezing and canning. She likes flowers and has many kinds around her home First runner-up in the “Woman of the Year” contest was Mrs. Harry Hershey Jr, Society 26, and second runner-up was Mrs. William Harnish, Society 28. Other contestants were Mrs Charles Rife, Society 6; Mrs. 'Joseph Russel] 111, Society 29; Mrs Robert Kauffman, Society 27, Mrs.. Clyde Hottenstein, Society 5, Mrs. H Raymond Stoner, Society 18, Mrs. Robert Groff, Society 31, Mrs. Glenn Shultz, Society 24; Mrs. Clarence Stauffer, Society 3, Mrs. Eugene Neff, Society 30, Mrs Henry Rice, Society 4; Mrs. Charles Rohrer, Society 7; Mrs. Earl Stauffer, Society 19, and Mrs J. (Continued On Page 29) Hey everyone ... come meet DAVID BROWN Now Case and David Brown are One. SINCE CASE NOW OWNS DAVID BROWN WE ARE IN THE POSITION TO OFFER YOU THE BIG-LITTLE TRACTOR-DAVID BROWN. David Brown will give you more Horsepower Per Dollar Investment up to 60 HP. then any Tractor m this Class Come in Today and Get the Full Details on the Big-Little Tractor. These Tractors are in Inventory and Ready for Immediate Delivery. R&W3 KINZER EQUIPMENT CO. Your Equipment Center in Lancaster County Phone 442-4186 768-8916 TRY A CLASSIFIED AD! / WISCONSIN ■|Vj/ Air-(ZaaiecC \ M#/ ENGINES FROM 4to 65 H.P. \ W / ALLIS CHALMERS & BRIGGS & \ WMmtm / STRATTON ENGINES R.D. No.l Box 108 HALES 0 HUNTER CO. Franklin & High St This week we have a guest writer. The following is a letter received from the dairy specialist of Hales and Hunter Co., Frank Gendron. It was sent in reply to my request for information about MHA, and addressed to my manager, Maurice Durfee. "Maurice, I concur m total with the response that Carl Smith got back from the University of Illinois on methionine hydroxy analogue We have had some rather serious discussions with Dupont on their research and have concluded the very same thing Illinois did The programs were not scientifically controlled, feed intake was not noted, nor quality of feed and type of feed. When we_ received the raw data from Dupont and ran it through our statistical department, none of the results were statistically significant at a level as to which we would want to recommend the product Therefore I have been quite openly suggesting that methionine hydroxy analogue is not economically profitable to the dairyman and under present conditions should not be fed to dairy cattle." KINDA MAKES A BODY WONDER, ||EI ELMER M. SHREINER SINCE 1870 QH 00 o, [{IS ' ENGINE and MAGNETO SERVICE AMOS L. FISHER Ph. 717-838-1338 FEED LETTER OUR STAND ON MHA DON'T IT? Trading as Good’s Feed Mill Specializing in DAIRY & HOG FEEDS New Providence, Pa. Phone 786-2500 Bird in Hand, Pa. 17505 Palmyra, Pa. 17078 ED lIEP
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