BUILD YOUR SAVINGS, INVEST IN YOUTH! GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS $500,000 Interest up to.. issued by EASTERN MENNONITE COLLEGE Harrisonburg, Virginia 22801 • 55-year-old liberal arts institution serving over 1,000 college and seminary students • Accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools and the National Council Accreditation of Teacher Education • Growing enrollment • Dynamic leadership • Substantial annual support by alumni, churches, business and friends THESE BONDS, AVAILABLE FOR FIVE YEARS AT 6/2% or FOR 10 YEARS at 7%, OFFER THESE EXTRA ADVANTAGES: • no brokerage fees • Registered as to principal and interest • Interest checks mailed you annually • Sinking Fund to pay interest and principal Clip and mail [ '~| I desire to invest $ | [ Please call me to explain the bonds in greater detail NAME ADDRESS CITY. ZIP. Please make checks payable to E.M.C HARRISONBURG, VIRGINIA 22801 Signed bond will be sent to you by return mad in 10-year bonds at 7%. Check is enclosed STATE SOCIAL SECURITY NO V Ladies, /v. \ if XV V" 1 By Doris Thomas, Extension Home Economist Use Eggs for Economy According to an old wives legend, the secret of easy-to-peel hard-cooked eggs is a pinch of salt m the cooking water The salt supposedly solidified the shells, making them easier to remove. The U.S Department of Agriculture, however, recom mends a watchful eye during cooking as the best approach to both easy-to-peel and better tasting hard-cooked eggs Too much heat has a tendency to toughen protein, therefore, for best results immerse the eggs entirely in lukewarm water Heat rapidly to boiling point Use a tight-fitting cover. Remove pan from heat and allow eggs to stand about 20 minutes Immediately pour off hot water, and run cold water over eggs until cool enough to handle Crush shells by rolling on a hard surface or between °/ /o paid annually in 5-year bonds at 6'A or Have You Heard ? palms, and remove shells USDA also recommends eggs this month as a low-cost source of high-quality protein Although slightly fewer eggs are available in November than the large production of a year ago, a plentiful supply continues on hand Hard-cooked eggs add eye appeal and flavor to many com bination dishes and salads, but they should not be added if such dishes are to be frozen Freezing tends to toughen egg whites causing them to lose some of their palatability Best rule to follow freeze the foods, without the eggs, and then add freshly hard-cooked eggs as soon as food is entirely thawed As an entree, hard-cooked eggs may be cut into any shape and placed atop cornbread, toast English muffins, asparagus broccoli, shredded steamed cabbage, strips of bacon, broiled ham, corned beef, or tongue Cover generously with a sharp cheddar cheese sauce, hollan daise. sour cream, a Creole-type sauce, or w hipped cottage cheese jj i -Hi-, s' LANDIS BROS. INC. A. B. C. GROFF, INC. Lancaster 393-3906 New Holland 354-4191 EDWIN HURST INC. Adamstown, Pa. 215-484-4391 Elm Lancaster Farming. Saturday. November 11.1972 Doi is Thomas ' T:' - .tJH Friendly Neighborhood Blizzard Wizard There’s nothing good about winter if you re out breaking your back and freezing your ears trying to keep your driveway or walks clear But get a John Deere Lawn and Garden Tractor with a snow blower, and winter doesn t look quite so bad John Deere Tractors come in five sizes from 7 to 14 hp And engines have automatic compression releases for fast cold-weather starts Come in and see us soon Let a blizzard wizard take care of your winter chores And when spring arrives, you can turn the tractor loose on your lawn and in your garden r~5, 'I M. S. YEARSLIY & SONS West Chester 696-2990 v WENGER IMPLEMENT, INC. The Buck 284-4141 to which olives have been added Eggs are versatile, nutritious, delicious and economical Why not serve them often' BREAKFAST Cranberry Juice Cocktail Cooked Cereal Bran Muffin with Margarine Milk Coffee or Tea LUNCH Tomato Soup Egg Croquettes Raw Carrot Sticks Fresh Pear Milk Coffee or Tea DINNER Roast Chicken Creamed Corn Green Beans Baked Apple Milk Coffee or Tea Scrumptious Egg Croquettes arc a nutritious answer to lieartv appctitios at lunchtime GARBER OIL CO. TEXACO HEATING OIL BURNER SALES AND SERVICE MOUNT JOY PA Ph. 653-1821 '7 S : / V 00* Dot i v *- SHOTZBERGER'S 27 ''H •*s* £ 665-2141
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