—Lancaster Farming. Saturday, November 11, 1972 26 A Tribute (Continued From Page 25) years They sent subscriptions to Reader’s Digest or Sunshine Magazine to family members in the service, and prepared Christmas packages for them. To help the war effort, mem bers knitted afghans for the Red Cross, sent cookies to Valley Forge Military Hospital and cosmetics to nurses at Perry Point A box of articles was mailed to a needy family in the Netherlands, and as a thank-you the family sent the Society a Dutch-Enghsh dictionary. Society 8 members have been active in County Farm Women events and several members have held county offices. They also participate regularly in state conventions Today they con tribute generously to chanties. One important project this year was contributing to flood relief for the victims of Hurricane Agnes Speaker for the anniversary program will be Francis Warfel, AERIAL LADDER EOUIPT. FARM PAINTERS BRUNING QUALITY PAINT WE SPRAY IT ON AND BRUSH IT IN. Call Now For Free Estimates HENRY K. FISHER 2322 Old Phila Pike Lancaster, Pa 17602 Phone 717-393-6530 BOTH Barrels! ACCOUNTS INSURED TO *20,000 IFIRST FEDERAL 'av/nps and/jojan ASSOCIATION OP LANCASTER 25 North Duke St. Phone 393-0601 .v'JSfe'- 111111 | z New Holland Branch ZJ Hill' 4 100 E. Main St. »• 354-2131 Mon. thru Thors. 9 to 4:30 driver education teacher at Hempfield High School, whose topic will be highway safety. There will be songs for the occasion by a small chorus of Society 8 members. Past presidents and charter members will be honored in a presentation by Mrs. Mary Sarver. Past presidents include Mrs. John Smith, deceased, Miss Anna Keller, Miss Bertha Erb, Mrs. Henry Musser, Miss Anna Mae Eby, Mrs. W. Scott Heisey, Mrs. Samuel Simmons, Mrs. Jay Kreider, Mrs. Arthur Mayer, Mrs Paul Erb, Mrs. Charles Felty, Mrs. Robert Eshelman, Mrs. Paul Witman, Mrs. Lewis Bixler, Mrs. William Heisey, Mrs. John Keener, Mrs. Harold Frey, Mrs. Lloyd Derr. Hostesses for the dinner are Mrs Belle Garber, Mrs. Arlene Witman, Mrs. Mary Sarver, Mrs. Agnes Houseal and Mrs. Margaret Heisey. Favors are 50th anniversary candle cup cakes, created especially for the occasion by William H. Heisey, husband of one of the members. Candle centerpieces, also made Fit 9 to 8 Sat 9 to noon by Heisey, will be given as door prizes. Heisey has been making candles for three years, although by profession he is a mail truck driver for the United States Postal Service. Current officers are Mrs. Anna Mae Derr, Mount Joy RD2, president; Miss Anna Mae Eby, Mount Joy RDI, vice-president; Miss Mary Grace Martin, Mount Joy RDI, recording secretary; Mrs. Martin Miller, 426 Donegal Springs Road, Mount Joy, assistant secretary; Miss Alice Myers, Mount Joy RDI, corresponding secretary; and Mrs. Sylvester Shuman, Maytown, treasurer. Goodwill Industries of Lan caster County, 1048 N, Plum St., Lancaster, has scheduled an open house beginning Monday, November 13 and concluding Friday, November 17. Guided tours will be daily from 9 a.m. to 12 noon and from 1 to 4 p.m. Refreshments will be available. Everyone is invited to visit the facilities at Goodwill Industires. Assassination Attempt The first attempt made on the life of a U S president was that made Jan 30. 1835. upon Andrew Jackson in the rotunda of the capitol A mentally unbalanced painter fired two pistols at the presi dent from a distance of six feet Both weapons misfired and Jackson was unhurt Goodwill Industries Slates Open House MORE HOUSE FOR LESS MONEY! Paul's Can Deliver and Erect This BIG 24'x60' F "r Three Bedroom Home vlliy Expertly Designed—Superbly Built—Economically Priced + * ■ - r r'i * » --v ‘ * Carpet in living room, dining room, hall & master bedroom ★ 2 Baths ★ Sliding patio doors dining room ★ 52 gallon HW H. ★ 14 cubic ft. refrigerator it 30" Gas range Mortgages available up to 25 years MODEL ON DISPLAY PAUL'S MOBILE HOMES . W. Main Street (Rt, 230) OPEN 9 9 Daily Mount Joy, Pa, 653-1476 9-5 Sot. EXCLUSIVE SPEEDY ROOF RAFTERS MAKE SPEEDY CORN CRIBS te>tes Speedv i oof i.iftcis gnai antee easv, piopei pl.tu.mcnl ol mof panels Ihc In si time Kaltcis add gieal stienglh to the mol. Panels need onlv to be bolted togethei m thiee places Its another big time saving feature von get only in Speedy Bai-1 ok com cribs. Stands up best—lasts longer Wire mesh panels aie s-gauge wue—llnek as a ’a" bolt 1 No GRUMELLI FARM SERVICE c* I ( I i. ~~i- ■»-? ti *— ' 10 -1-Q s*^ 60'x24‘ Model 1,400 Square Feet 1 -+- —— Quarryville.Pa. Ph: 786:3630 All *0 p 0-5' - J [ssi l Kil'nv r L -I * % " Paneling throughout * Loads of storage space ■* 235#'Shingled roof * Washer & dryer area * Curtains & drapes ■* Maintenance free exterior i interior ft. ,SS bulge or sag Sturdy 26-gauge g.'hani/ed ioof is sectue’c an choicd to 9 steel loot rafteis and side panels Cant blow oil 1 C ome in today and see the Speedy Bar-1 ok corn cub let us piove to >ou that Speedy is twice as fast- twice as easy to erect. Ict us slum uni all the othci features that make Speedy Hai-I ok >oui best coin cub bu>. LANDIS BROS. INC. Lancaster, Pa. Ph. 393-3906 ■<*! i *' i i “—i
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