Mr. and Mrs. William H. Heisey show the candle table arrangement and candle cupcakes which will be used as favors for the dinner. Mr. Heisey created the cupcakes especially for this golden anniversary celebration. Mrs. Heisey is the third generation of the Heisey family in Society 8. LAND SAKES! it wouldn't be CHRISTMAS without the things from REBMAN’S Park & Shop 9 AM to 9 PM 800 S. QUEEN ST., LANC. % 8 i S I . join the CHRISTMAS * o Fulton Bank will add something extra to your Christmas Club check next November—4%% average interest—if you complete all your payments. An extra "Merry Christmas” bonus to all our Christmas Club savers. Join a Fulton Christmas Club now—there's a lot of interest in it for you. You may open a Club for as little as $l.OO bi-weekly. HUM BAM SERVING LANCASTER AND DAUPHIN COUNTIES Member Federal Reserve System/F DI C IMUQfXMUCM. Current officers of Farm Women Society 8: standing, Miss Anna Mae Eby (left), vice president; Mrs. Anna Mae Derr, president. Seated Mrs. Alice Myers, (left), m ° c » * CLUB >• * Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 11. 1972 A FULL SERVICE vBANK, corresponding secretary and Miss Mary Grace Martin, recording secretary. Missing are Miss Martin Miller, assistant secretary and Mrs. Sylvester Shuman, treasurer. A Tribute (Continued From Page 24) Today Society members them selves maj attend Extension sponsored programs and bring the ideas to the Society ” One ot the earliest group projects, begun in 1924, was pooling of magazine sub scnptions among members The secretary then acted as agent much like school magazine sales are handled today, and the tunds were used to establish a library After 25 years, the library con tamed 100 books which weie loaned to members In 1949 the library was sold at an auction For those who feel inflat’on is getting out of hand, u is in teresting to note that dues established in 1924 were *1 00 per member, today dues are $1 50 In 1929, Society 8 played host to the convention of the Lancaster County Society of Farm Women at Elizabethtown College As part of the entertainment, they staged an “outdoor pageant” depicting colonial rural life Society 8 sponsored the first flower shows in their area beginning m 1929 There were 110 entries in a show held in the bai n of Misses Mabel and Fanny Heisey The Society held eleven spring flower shows and two fall shows until 1936 when they were discontinued The location was changed through the years to such places as the old Stone Mill at Locust Grove, the Heisey Building in Elizabethtown, the State Hospital for Crippled Children, Donegal Club House and Bambndge High School Community service has always been a key part of Society ac tivities In 1928 members began spending one day annually sewing in a hospital, a tradition which continues today In 1931, trees were given to Elizabethtown College and to Elizabethtown, Bambndge, Mount Joy and Maytown High Schools to commemorate the 200th birthday of George Washington In her historical account, Mrs Risser says, “Great changes had taken place on the farm by the time World War II began. Women were becoming active in many areas outside the home ” Despite these increased ac tivities and the rationing of gasoline, members continued to meet regularly during the war (Continued On Page 26) 25
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers