READ LANCASTER FARMING FOR FULL MARKET REPORTS LANCO BEDDING FOR POULTRY & LIVESTOCK WOOD SHAVINGS & PEANUT HULLS PEANUT HULLS NOW AVAILABLE. CALL 299-3541 FREE SAMPLE COPIES Copies of LANCASTER FARMING ore not always easy to find they are not sold on newsstands and perhaps some of your friends may not be acquainted with our weekly service. We'll be glad to send, without charge, several copies of LAN CASTER FARMING to your friends or business associates. Just write their names and addresses below (You'll be doing both them and us a favor!) Street Address & R. D. City, State and Zip Code (You are not limited to two names. Use separate sheet for additional names.) □ CHECK here if you prefer to send a Year’s (52 issues) GIFT subscription for $2 each ($3 each outside of Lancaster County) to your friends listed above If so $ enclosed, or □ Bill me later. Please mail this form to: LANCASTER FARMING r.vAVAVAViVtV+VM Your Name P.O. BOX 266. LITITZ. PA. 17543 Street Address & fc. D. City, State and Zip Code i i Farm Society 1 Farm Women Society 1 members, their husbands and guests toured the Hershey Medical Center through a slide presentation at the Center on November 3. A short business meeting was held in the lobby at the Center. It was reported that nine Society members attended the 55th County Convention held at the Lancaster School of the Bible. It was announced that the annual Farm Women’s Spring Rally will be held at the Cambria War Memorial Building, John stown, on May 16, 1973. The Christmas Decoration and Foods Demonstration for women will be held at the Farm and Fix-It Tip Prepare the outside of your home and grounds for winter with a general check up and a few chores. All gutters should be cleaned of debris because ice and snow will damage them. Renail hangers where needed so that gutters are not sagging. Check for cracks in foun dations, sidewalks, concrete steps and driveway, and patch, after cleaning thoroughly. Periodic freez ing and melting will cause extensive damage. Fill in all expansion joints in concrete with commercial products made for that purpose When you take off window and door screens, put them away clean, cover them and store in a dry place Address Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 11,1972 Women Societies Home Center on November 28. Demonstrations will be held in the morning and Mrs. Everett Bloom will be the afternoon speaker. A Homemaker’s Sem inar has been scheduled at the Hilton Inn, Lancaster, April 3 and 4, 1973. Dr. Joyce Brothers will speak on “The Challenge of Being a Woman.” The next meeting will be held at 1:30 p.m. Saturday, December 2 at the Quincy Home. A program will be presented and refresh ments served. Mrs. Mildred Eiseman will be the speaker and Mrs. Amos Shenk will present the devotions. Society 12 Farm Women Society 12 met Saturday, October 28 at the Bird in-Hand Restaurant for a family dinner and to celebrate the Societies 46th anniversary. There were 49 present at the dinner. Mrs. Donna Henry, president, presided at the meeting. The Milkmaids, a musical group from Society 29, entertained. Mrs. Ethel Kindig, a past president, gave a history of the Society which began in 1926. Eleven ladies have served as president. Each president present was recognized and gave Sl few comments. Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Denlinger Cockroaches Can Be Controlled Sanitation helps to prevent a rapid buildup of cockroaches, but periodic applications of in secticides are usually needed. Ant and roach aersols are ef fective against cockroaches, but it is necessary to respray at regular intervals because the roaches may invade a house from the outside or be carried inside in packages or cartons, say Ex tension Service entomologists at Pennsylvania State University. Treat only those areas in the house where roaches hide or walk while searching for food, and always follow carefully the directions on chemical con tainers. Contact your county agent (Cooperative Extension Service Office) for further in formation W—mmmmmmmmmmmm \9* ) ii’tf J 1 I'tiiH 444**4 were invited to the dinner. Mrs. Denlinger serves as County president. Societies 11 and 12 will en tertain guests at Conestoga View on November 16. The Society sponsored a bus trip to Otts Gardens and to Swiss Forest recently, with lunch at the Collegeville Inn. The next meeting will be at the home of Ethel Kindig, 30 Wabank Road, on November 18. Mrs Kindig will serve dessert before the meeting at 1:30 p.m. The program will be on Christmas decorations, presented by Mrs. Helen Hess, former County president. Needle Arts By NANCY SEWELL m. ' «n/*»S**‘ i ft* * •te'/a <J -S^ii Wedding Bells A lovely panel embroidered in simple stitches and soft colors: the proud couple will cherish it Pattern No 2075 has ’lOt iron transfers for ll"x!4" design, color chart and stitch illustrations TO ORDER, send 60 cents with name, address with zip code, pattern number and size to NEEDLE ARTS, P.O Box 5251. Chicago, 111 60680. 23 2075 v s V*
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