—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 11, 1972 18 1972 Annual P.A.F.C. Meeting Resolutions dealing with pollution, farm labor, farm safety, and dairy promotion were adopted at the 1972 Annual Meeting of the Pennsylvania Association of Farmer Cooperatives held recently at the Pennsylvania State University. Among other actions, P.A.F.C. members re-elected to direc torships: Floyd Mams, Ship pensburg, Cumberland Valley Cooperative; Joseph Scott, Butler , Agway, Inc.; Jay Hauger, Berlin, Milk, Inc.; Vincent Landis, East Greenville, Producers Pride, Inc. Newly elected to the Board to fill unexpired terms are Daniel Martin, Manheim, Inter-State Milk Producers and Robert Pardoe, Milton, Federal Land Bank of Lewisburg The business session on Thursday morning included reports by president David Yoder, Atlantic Breeders, Lancaster, secretary treasurer William Schaefer, Northeastern Breeders Association, Tunkhannock, vice president Lester Shughart, Agway, Inc., Harrisburg, budget committee chairman Dale Detweiler, Northampton Farm Bureau, Tatamy, and educational ser vices director Hal Doran of Penn State John Gauss, PSU farm economist, read 10 resolutions for approval by Association mem bers Key proposals affecting state farmers include one calling for constant evaluation of standards used to determine the existence and seventy of farm related charges that farm pollution is damaging to the environment Members supported legislation which would establish an -Agricultural Labor Relations Board to deal with the efforts of farm workers to form unions If enacted, it would function similar to the National Labor Relations Board Another key resolution seeks changes in the Farm Safety Act so farm employers are not “burdened with excessive time consuming work in bookkeeping and related detail” which is now required P A F C members also agreed to continue their support of milk promotion programs for the benefit of dairy farmers. Reporting on activities for the past year, President Yoder reviewed PA F C’s purposes as including education, inter cooperative understanding, legislative interest, public relations, and recognition. He cautioned, however, that the organization may need a new set of priorities for the future Vice-president Shughart assured members that the youth program conducted by P.A F.C. is the strongest of its kind in the nation, but broader activities are needed Among these he listed work with young farmer groups, cooperative employees, directors of member boards, and the MUNCY CHIEF HYBRID SEEDS LANCASTER SILOS Starline Labor Savers Feed Lot Construction SALES & SERVICE J. Samuel Sherer ML Joyß.2 Phone 717-653-5207 David Yoder (right), manager of Atlantic Breeders Cooperative, Lancaster, and president of the Pennsylvania Association of Farmer Cooperatives, presents the 1972 Distinguished Service Award to Walter Loy, branch manager of the Carlisle Production Credit Association. The presen tation was made at the PAFC annual meeting banquet held on the Penn State campus. Loy has been youth counselor at the PACF Summer Institute held annually at Shippensburg State College and was involved in the American institute of Cooperation national program.for the past four years. general problems in agriculture agriculture. P.AF.C. is composed of 69 member cooperatives throughout MR. FARMER Have you heard about the Red Ro Programmed Hog Feeding System? FEED PIGS FOR PROFI FROM THE START Let u$ help you with services and products 4 Feeders - Waterers and other production equipment 5 Complete selection of animal health aids and sanitation products 6 Hie proper use of Red Rose Starter Feeds and Sup plements, for the most profitable conversion of your grain into pork. FOR COMPLETE INFORMATION CALL YOUR LOCAL INDEPENDENT RED ROSE DEALER LISTED BELOW. BROWN & REA, INC. ATGLEN, PA. 215-593-5149 the Commonwealth that are engaged in purchasing, marketing, and service activities for their members. our various Sources of supply of excellent breeding stock Local feeder pigs for your finishing facilities Markets for your feeder pigs Red Rose ANIMAL FEEDS TRY A CLASSIFIED AD - IT PAYS! SPREAD ANY MANURE ... liquids to frozen solids Powerful chain-flail action of the Starline Rotaspreader ihreds and spreads any type manure in broad, even swath* up to 20-feet wide. Simple construction reduces mainte> nance. “Seal-of-Quality” galvanized steel body resists corrosion. Separate chassis hauls heaviest loads. See us mod for full details and a demonstration. Hydraulic Lid opener optional Roy A. Brubaker 700 Woodcrest Ave Lititz 626-7766 QUARRYVILLE AREA RED ROSE SERVICE, N. CHURCH ST. QUARRYVILLE, PA, 786-7361 L. H. Brubaker 350 Strasburg Pike Lancaster 397-5179 FARM INC. Buck, Pa. 284-4464
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