READ LANCASTER FARMING OR FULL MARKET REPORTS Need . . . HAY - STRAW - EAR CORN Buy Now and Save! More and more farmers are buying from us for better value and all around satisfaction DELIVERED ANY QUANTITY Phone Area Code 717 687-7631 Esbenshade Turkey Farm PARADISE PA. A STA-RITE CAN PUT A PIPELINE IN ANY BARN WHY BUY A PIPELINE? For An Average 40 Cow Herd You Can . . . Save walking 100 miles a year. Save carrying 292 tons of milk a year. Save 200 hours per year on an average herd. Produce higher quality milk. Increase your milk production. WHY BUY A STA RITE PIPELINE? 1. Engineered for the modern dairy farm of today as well as the dairy farm of tomorrow. Around the barn pipelines and milking parlors. 2. The only milkhouse control unit that is assembled at our modern new factory on a stainless steel panel. Pretested for trouble free operation, self-draining with patented washing features. 3. Built and guaranteed by Sta-Rite Industries, Inc., of Delavan, Wisconsin, a recognized leader in home water systems and agricultural components. MOVE UP TO THE NEW SUNSET “SPACE SAVER” Move up m convenience as you add capacity. The “SPACE SAVER'S" shape, with its single positive-closing cover makes it ideal for automatic Sunset Spin-Clean washing. It’s easier, more thorough, more economical, with no overspray. W| GJ ' - 24 Hour Milking Equipment Service Installation and Service CALL TODAY AND ASK FOR AN APPOINTMENT SUPPLY CENTER □ ' I •» I ! The Latest Development in Stainless Steel Milk Coolers for the Expanding Dairyman. Move up m capacity without adding space This efficient atmospheric cooler with the modern, elliptical shape gives up to 50 per cent more capacity in the same floor space. Move up in versatility. “SPACE SAVERS” are “Advanced Evaporator” models which can be installed with one or two compressors, controlled from a dual refrigeration system. These “AE” designed coolers permit buying for your present production needs and allow future expansion at lowest cost. Four “SPACE SAVER” sizes 800, 1,000 and 1,500 gallons. 1027 Dillerville Road, Lancaster 24 Hour Service Daily Ph: 717-397-4761 Silver Spurs 4-H Club The Silver Spurs 4-H Club met November 3 at Lori May’s. The meeting was called to order by the president, Randy Click. Demonstrations were given by Wylie Baker, Lucinda Kaseman, and Lori May Richard Rehm, secretary, called the roll Seventeen members and four adults were present. The secretary read the minutes, they were approved as read A report was given by the junior treasurer, Jim Click. Discussed under new business was a bowling party scheduled for November 19 at Lancaster Lanes A committee was picked to plan the annual Christmas party to be held December 2nd at Randy and Jim Click’s. The meeting was adjourned and refreshments were served T i 'i r ’! « A News Reporters, Patty Nauman Chern Gochnauer 600, Lancaster Farming, Saturday,November 11,9172 Pennfield Promotes Mr. Robert Graybill, president of Pennfield Corporation, an nounces the promotion of Robert Woodward to the position of quality control manager of the broiler poultry division Woodward, who has been with Pennfield Corporation for ten years, was formerly a broiler supervisor As quality control manager, he will spend about half of his time in the processing plant at Fredericksburg and the rest in the field in grow houses and breeder houses to see that high quality standards are followed from the time the chicks are hatched to the time the poultry is processed in the plant Pennfield Corporation, with corporate headquarters in Lancaster, has nine divisions including feed production, feed marketing, broiler growing and processing, egg production, Farmers Not Food prices may be rising, but the farmer is not reaping any great benefits Of every dollar spent on food, only 38c joes to the farmers (62c goes to the rest of the food marketing chain) Twenty years ago the farmer received 49c of every dollar The income the farmer receives for his products has been generally decreasing for 20 years Here are some examples Hogs sold for $lB 00 per Robert Woodward Robert Woodward processing and marketing, and the preparation of frozen food under the “Pennfield Farms” and“ Dutch Treat” labels Getting Rich hundred weight in 1950 Last y ear they sold for $l7 50 per bundled weight - Beef sold for $29 35 per hun dred weight in 1950 In 1971 it was up to $33 12 That's an increase of less than 1 pei cent per pear - A bushel ol corn brought the fanner $1 52 in 1950 He received $1 08 in 1971 - The farmer w as paid $2 00 for a bushel of wheat in 1950 Last year he got $1 31 17
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