Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, November 11, 1972, Image 11
Hearing Date Set For Western Pa, - Ohio Milk Order 'he U.S. Department of riculture will hold a public FLXJS . Hoffman also stocks certified seed of Saranac and Iroquois. Hoffman’s “Big 5” alfalfas pro vide superior yields under the climate and soil conditions of the Hoffman area. AK HOFFMAN SEEDS INC PENNSYLVANIA'S NUMBER ONE FARM SEED SPECIALIST hearing Dec. 6 in Cleveland, Ohio, to consider adding an ad- One of the modern aspects of cattle improvement is the Direct Herd Program pi id by ABS, • / * Saranac * Iroquois LANDISVILLE (Lancaster County), Pa. 17538 vertising, research and promotion plan to the Eastern Ohio-Western Pennsylvania Federal milk marketing order. The hearing will begin at 10 a.m., in the Holiday Inn Airport- West, 16501 Brookpark Road, Cleveland. USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) said advertising research and promotion of milk and milk products under Federal milk orders was authorized by law in 1971. Since then, such programs have been added to the Middle Atlantic, Chicago Regional, and c ■ _ £££ cr E a S p r<ir Directory Provides Access Western Pennsylvania order are ■■ m • _ ao* • _ • _ SSK To Environmental Scientists These programs are financed by deductions from returns payable to producers for milk sold under the order concerned, but a refund is made when requested by any producer. Approval by producers af fected is needed to incorporate promotion plans into milk orders, but other provisions of the orders would not be affected if the promotion provisions were disapproved. AMS officials said the ad- m Promor has achieved a sales record unparalleled by any variety in Hoffman history. It gives Hoffman customers early maturity, with maximum yields on good alfalfa land with heavy fertilization, higher seeding rates and intensive management. Maturing later, Dominor makes an ideal haymate for Promor, with excellent yieldability, hay quality and hardi ness. 919 Brand has a long time record of popularity and consistent performance. Hoffman also has developed three scientifically blended formulas in which alfalfa predominates: Hi- Capacity Formula, Top-Potential Formula and All ’Round Formula. Pre-inoculated, ready to sow. For details see your Hoffman Seed Man or write for a copy of our 1973 catalog. &** Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 11,1972—11 vertising and promotion plan for the Eastern Ohio-Western Pennsylvania order has been proposed by four dairy cooperatives representing a majority of producers in the market Associated Milk Producers, Inc.; Central Ohio Cooperative Milk Producers, Inc.; Milk, Inc.; and Tri-County Producers Cooperative. After evaluating the hearing evidence, USDA will decide whether to recommend amen ding the order. Any recom Ready access to environmental scientists in agriculture is being provided by a new directory just published by the Council for Agricultural Science and Technology Through the cooperation of 32 scientific societies and the coordination of Dr C.A. Black, lowa State University professor and past president of the American Society of Agronomy, a list of 1,200 names has been compiled f offman ED mended changes would then be submitted to dairy farmers for their required two-third majority approval. The hearing notice detailing the proposal will appear in the Nov. 2 Federal Register. Copies of the notice may be obtained from Market Administrator Cleo C. Taylor, 7503 Brookpark Rd., P.O Box 29066, Cleveland, Ohio 44129; or from the Dairy Division, AMS; U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, DC. 20250. Called the “Directory of En vironmental Scientists in Agriculture”, the 118-page book is being distributed through the Agronomy Society, headquar tered in Madison, Wis. Dr Black said, “It’s purpose is to provide authoritative sources of factual information about matters relating to agriculture ” Users of this directory will find the scientists willing to con tribute their time and talents as a public service Each is listed according to his specialties, by location, and his address and phone number are listed in a separate section Administrators and liaison men in research, extension, and regulatory agencies are also included in the directory State and federal department of agriculture administrators are also listed All agriculture departments, Congressmen, governors, and scientific societies will receive copies of the directory Selected daily newspapers, TV stations, and libraries will also get copies for use by journalists and the public In addition, farm editors- and broadcasters across the country are being sent copies In the directory’s preface, this statement is found “Don’t be discouraged if it takes a little probing to get the information you want Agriculture science is complex, and you may need to contact specialists in several subject matter areas to get the complete story.” •MORE MILK • MOM MEAT •MOW PROFIT WITH Madison Silos Div. Martin Marietta Corp. 1070 Steinmetz Rd. Ephrata, Penna 17522 Ph. 733-1206 LOCAL DEALERS Frank Snyder Akron 859-2688 Caleb Wenger Quarryville 548-2116 Landis Bros Inc. Lancaster 393-3906 Carl L. Shirk Lebanon 867-3741 Sollenberger Farm Supply Centerport, Pa.