■ m!j srvcs ‘))9/o:;no gmwoUol ei/ir.oni it idi bshvi “EARLY BUYERS SPECIAL” • BALERS • HAYBINES • RAKES Buy now at 1972 Prices Check with Marty or Bob on Discount Awards for your early purchases THIS WEEK SPECIAL ‘588.00 200 bu. Tank Spreader Some 1972 leftover Cadets Also some good used equipment at Fall clearance MESSICK Farm Equipment 2750 North Market St. Elizabethtown, Pa Phone 367-1319 or 367-1439 INSTALLATION AND SERVICE DEPARTMENT STARLINE STA-RITE FARM-EZE BROCK • YENT-O-MATIC • STARCRAFT • SUNSET BULK TANKS We will Handle Your Installation Job from Start to Finish, FARM WIRING Genetic Vulnerability Committee Urged • MOWERS 01(10, Including the ELECTRICAL WIRING. ED HART AND 808 ENGLE ARE TWO OF OUR EXPERIENCED SERVICE MEN THAT DOES A COMPLETE JOB. We Give COMPLETE SERVICE on ALL Equipment we Sell. ED HART AND 808 ENGLE HAVE A COMBINED EXPERIENCE OF OVER 20 YEARS OF SERVICE. ED HART AGWAY HAS THE ANSWER SUPPLY CENTER 1027 Dillerville Road, Lancaster, Pa. 24 Hour Service Daily Ph. 717-397-4761 Dr. James F. Tammen and Dr. George E. Brandow, faculty members at The Pennsylvania State University, were among 16 prominent scientists and educators making a study en titled “Genetic Vulnerability of Major Crops,” published recently by the National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C. The study was spurred by the nation’s most recent case of genetic vulnerability—the 1970 southern corn leaf blight epidemic that destroyed 15 per cent of the hybrid com crop nationwide and as much as 50 per cent of the crop in some southern states. Dr. Tammen is head of the Department of Plant Pathology at Penn State and Dr. Brandow is professor of agricultural economics. They indicate that the plant science division of the College of Agriculture at Penn State conducts a major research program pointed toward avoiding genetic vulnerability of crop plants. The national study group recommended a “complete watchdog system” to safeguard the nation against epidemics posing a potential hazard to genetically vulnerable crops. The IS ONE OF THE SPECIALITIES OUR SERVICE DEPT. OFFERS. report suggests establishment of a national monitoring committee “to keep a watchful eye on the development and production of major crops and to remain alert to potential hazards associated with new or widespread agricultural practices.” The com crop of 1970 fell victim to southern com leaf blight because of a quirk in technology that redesigned the corn plants of America until, in one sense, they became as alike as identical twins, the report says. A single source of cytoplasm, known as Texas male-sterile cytoplasm, has been used in developing the majority of the com hybrids planted in 1970. Southern com blight was very damaging to varieties bearing the Texas cytoplasm. The epidemic decreased in 1971, due largely to prompt action by commercial seed producers in reintroducing normal cytoplasm into seed. Copies of the report, “Genetic Vulnerability of Major Crops,” are available from Printing and Publishing Office, National Academy of Sciences, 2101 Constitution Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C., 20418. The price is $7.50 per copy. 808 ENGLE f&rriftg/SafltfdSy, It is likely, Drs. Tammen and Brandow point out, that genetic vulnerability was also a factor in serious epidemics such as the potato blight that caused the Irish famine of the 1840’s. In 1917, a wheat rust epidemic left the United States with two wheatless days per week. Legume Heals Wounded Earth A new lespedeza variety that thrives on poor soils, and holds great promise as ground cover for road batiks and strip mining sites, has been released by the USDA. New variety, named Caricea, was developed in cooperative research between the Depart ment’s Agricultural Research Service (ARS) and the North Carolina Agricultural Ex periment Station, Raleigh. Like common lespedeza, Caricea is a perennial forage and soil con servation legume adapted to the Southeastern U.S. The new variety owes its extra ground cover potential to its charac teristic spreading branch growth habit with angular, rather than typical upright, growth of main stems. In thick stands, growth of Caricea is similar to that of common sericea until branches are two to three feet high. Then the branches tend to droop, forming an extremely dense, overlapping canopy which provides tough competition for weeds due to complete shading. According to ARS plant breeder William A. Cope, Caricea should be at least equal to common sericea as a forage crop in terms of forage yield, seed production and digestibility. Some certified seed for planting should be available in the sum mer of 1973. USDA has no seed for distribution. This variety is the result of over 20 years of research to dt slop a crop superior to that nc./ grown. Healing wounds inflicted on the earth by man and nature -is emphasized in con tinuing cooperative efforts by ARS and State agricultural ex periment stations. Cancer is most curable when it’s caught early and heated promptly. The American Can cer Society urges you to have a health checkup once a year even if you feel great. * Moriarty ☆ StIfSIDIARy, WICKES COUP. Char-Span BUILDINGS • Professionally engineered structures, wide clear spans. • Rust-free aluminum or corrosion-resistant steel siding and roofing. Beautiful colors. • Free planning service. COMPARE OUR QUALITY For local service, call 717-733-7750