—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 7, 1972 2 Local Livestock Market, Auction News Lancaster Auction Wednesday, October 4 Cattle Calves Hogs Sheep This week 929 97 309 4 Last week 930 111 303 4 Last year 876 147 207 46 This Weeks Auction 658 125 342 4 Last weeks Auction 616 120 324 4 CATTLE Compared to Monday slaughter steers strong to 25 higher; cows uneven Cutter and Utility strong to 25 higher, Canner and low Cutter 50-1.00 lower; bulls steady to 50 higher. SLAUGHTER STEERS - High Choice and Prime 1075-1360 lb. 36.60-37.60; Choice 950-1300 lb. 35.75-37.00, 1300-1400 lb. 35.35- 36.25; high Good and low Choice 35.00-36.10; Good 34.25-35.00; Standard 32.00-33.35. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS - Choice 910-980 lb. 35.00-36.35; Good 800-1000 lb. 31.50-34.50. COWS Utility and high dressing Cutter 27.00-28.25, few 28.50-29.35; Cutter 25.00-27.50; Canner and low Cutter 21.75- 24.75. BULLS Choice 34.50-35.85; Good 32.50-34.50; Utility and Commercial 32.50-35.00, few 35.50-36.75. VEAL CALVES strong to 1.00 higher VEALERS Prime 63.00- 66.00, few 66.50-68.50; Choice 58.00-63.00; Good 52.00-58.00; Standard 46.00-53.00. SLAUGHTER CALVES Choice 300-400 lb. 46.00-52.00; Good 38.00-42.00. New Holland Dairy Cattle Wednesday, October 4 Reported receipts of 114 head of cattle,'ll heifers; market steady with last weeks market. Load Canadian cows, fresh, 465-595. Load Wisconsin cows, fresh, 490-640; springers, 550-735. Load New York cows, fresh, 430-585; springers, 420-625. Load Vermont cows, fresh, 415- 720. Load Wisconsin cows, fresh, 505-655. Load New York springers, 480- 580. Locally consigned cows, 300- 580. Heifers, 335-495, Green Dragon Hay Market Friday, September 29 10 loads hay, including: Few loads Alfalfa, 70.00 • 75.00; couple loads Timothy, 48.00 and 52.00; one load Mixed hay, 67.00; one load Clover, 69.00. 3 loads straw, 37.00 and 40.00. 1 load ear corn, 51.50. LEBANON VALLEY LIVESTOCK MARKET. INC. 1 mile east of Fredericksburg along Route 222 PHONE JONESTOWN 865-2881 Sale every Tuesday at 1:30 P.M. starting with feeder cattle and pigs. Lancaster Market Monday, October 2 Cattle Calves Hogs Sheep Today 1111 153 641 56 Last week 909 144 663 169 Last year 1128 266 942 194 CATTLE Compared to last Wednesday, Slaughter Steers steady to weak, although Stan dard and low-Good strong to 25 higher; Cows steady to weak, instances 25 lower; Bulls 25-50 higher. Supply included 467 in afternoon auction. SLAUGHTER STEERS High-Choice and Prime 1100-1365 lbs. 36.50-36.75; Choice 950-1325 lbs. 35.50-36.85; high-Good and low-Choice 34.75-35.75; Good 33.50-35.50; Standard and low- Good 31.60-34.25. COWS Utility and high dressing Cutter 26.50-28.00, few 28.00-28.25; Cutter 25.00-27.25; Canner and low-Cutter 23.25- 24.75. BULLS Choice 34.50-36.35; Good 31.75-34.00; Utility and Commercial 32.10-35.00, few 35.25-35.85. VEAL CALVES Vealers mostly steady on small supply. VEALERS Prime 62.00- 64.00, few to 66.00; Choice 58.00- 62.00; Good 54.00-58.00; Standard 45.00- Utility 90-120 lbs. 36.00- Vealers SHEEP Wooled Lambs fully steady; Ewes scarce. WOOLED LAMBS Choice 65- 90 lbs. 30.00-32.00; Good 60-85 lbs. 26.00-30.00. Lebanon Valley Auction Tuesday, Octobers 368 Head of Cattle Compared with last weeks market slaughter steers grading Choice 50c higher. Slaughter cows steady to 25c lower. Slaughter bulls grading Utility and Commercial 25c to 75c higher. STEERS—Choice 972-1150 pounds 36.00-37.10; Good (few) 34.00-36.00; Standard (few) 31.85- 34.25. HEIFERS—Choice (in dividual) 34.75; Good (in dividual) 33.85. COWS—Utility and High Dressing Cutter 26.50 - 28.50; Cutters 24.75 - 27.00; Canners 22.50 - 24.60; Shells down to 20.00. BULLS-Good 34.60 - 36.25; Utility and Commercial 32.25 - 35.60, couple to 36.50. 272 Head of Veal Calves Vealers about steady, Prime 62.00 - 64.00; Choice 57.00 - 60.00; Good (few) 51.50 - 54.00; Standard (few) 46.00 - 51.00; Utility 90 - 120 pounds 40.00 - 46.00; 70 - 85 pounds 34.00 - 38.50. FARM CALVES—BuIIs 85 -120 pounds 42.00 - 52.00; heifers 100 - 140 pounds 55.00 - 65.00. AUCTIONS mokes the difference in _ marketing livestock! New Holland makes the difference in auctions! MONDAY 10:30 A.M. —FAT HOGSand SHOATS 2:30 P.M. FAT STEERS, BULLS, COWS & VEAL HORSE SALE MONDAY at 10:00 A.M. DAIRY SALE—WEDNESDAY at 12:30 P.M. FAT STEERS, BULLS, COWS & VEAL THURSDAY at 12:30 P.M. NEW HOLLAND SALES STABLES INC. New Holland. Penna. Abram W. Dilfenbach, Manager Phone: 717-354-219* 1 Composite Report Friday, October 6 Lancaster, Vintage and New Holland This week Last week Lastyear CATTLE—Slaughter steers strong to 25 higher; cows steady to weak, with Canner and low Cutter 50.1.00 lower; bulls strong to 50 higher throughout the week with prices mostly steady with last weeks close. Supply included an estimated 40 percent slaughter steers, 25 percent cows and 10 percent bulls with the balance mainly feeder steers. SLAUGHTER STEERS—High Choice and Prime 1025-1365 lb. 36.50- few 37.50-38.00; Choice 950-1300 lb. 35.75-37.25, 1300-1450 lb. 35.00-36.25; several Choice 1000-1325 lb. yield grade 2 & 3 37.50-38.00 with around 10 head 38.00-39.00; high Good and low Choice 34.50-36.00; Good 33.50- 35 head Standard to mostly Good 1280-1325 lb. Holsteins 33.75-34.50; Standard 31.50- SLAUGHTER HEIFERS— Choice 750-980 lb. 34.50-36.35; Good 750-1000 lb. 31.50-34.50. COWS—Utility and high dressing Cutter 25.75-28.00, few 28.25-29.50; Cutter 24.75-27.00; Canner and low Cutter 21.75- 25.00. RETURNED TO FARId Bulk 90-130 lbs. Holstein Heifers „ „ 69:00-78.00; bulk lbs. Bull BULLS —Choice 34.75-36.75 v -'t} a i V e553.50-57.00,few49.00-53.00. few 37.00-37.85; Good SLAUGHTERD CALVES Utility and ciood and Choice 300-425 lbs. 35.00, several 35.50-37.00;' Cutter 38.00-46.00. and low Utility 30.00-32.00. VEAL CALVES—Vealers strong to 1.00 higher, Good demand for calves returned to farm. VEALERS—Prime 62.00-66.00, several 66.50-68.50; Choice 57.00- 63.00; Good 52.00-58.00; Standard 46.00-53.00; Utility 90-120 lb. 39.00- 45.00, 65-85 lb. 36.00-40.00. RETURNED TO FARM—Bulk 90-120 lb. Holstein Heifers 68.00- 78.00, with 90-120 lb. Holstein bulls 53.50-57.00, few 47.00-53.00. SLAUGHTER CALVES— Choice 300-425 lb. 45.00-52.00, Good 38.00-42.00. Regional Hay Prices Monday, October 2,1972 (All hay No. 2 and better, prices paid by dealers at the farm price per ton.) Hay and straw active, steady to strong. Alfalfa 50.00-55.00 Mixed hay 35.00-48.00 Timothy hay 30.00-35.00 Straw 25.00-30.00 Mulch 12.00-16.00 Tuesday, October 3 Cattle Calves Hogs Sheep Today 847 944 444 49 Last week 874 928 347 47 Last year 915 765 644 17 CATTLE Compared to last Tuesday, Slaughter Steers steady, instances 25 higher; Cows strong to 50 higher; Bulls steady to 50 higher. Supply included 34 percent Cows and 9 percent Bulls. SLAUGHTER STEERS High-Choice and Prime 1025-1325 lbs. 37.00-38.00, few 1350-1525 lbs. 35.00- Choice 950-1350 lbs. 35.75- few Choice yield grade 2 37.25-37.75; high-Good and low-Choice 34.50-36.00; Good 33.75- Standard 32.00-33.50. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS Few Choice 750-950 lbs. 34.50- 36.00. COWS Utility and high dressing Cutter 27.00-28.75, few 29.00- Cutter 25.75-27.35; Canner and low-Cutter 23.50- 25.50. Cattle Calves 5000 1750 4277 1762 4463 1744 BULLS Choice 34.75-36.00, few 36.00-36.35; Good 32.50-34.75; Utility and Commercial 32.50- 35.25, few Cutter and low-Utility 30.00- VEAL CALVES - Vealers steady to 1.00 higher; supply included 280 graded Calves. VEALERS Prime 62.00- 65.00, several 65.50-67.00; Choice 57.00- Good 52.00-58.00; Standard 45.00-52.00; Utility 90- 120 lbs. 39.00-43.00,65-85 lbs. 36.00- 40.00. New Holland Horse Auction Reported receipts of 314 head of horses; market steady with last weeks market. Load Ohio riding horses, 125- 180. Load Kansas riding horses, 125- 190. Local work horses, 140-205; driving horses, 115-310; riding horses, 100-105; better horses, 140-260; killers, 9-12. Mare ponies, 10-35; colts, 5-8; geldings, 10-25; larger ponies, 45- 65. SOUTHERN TRUCKING We will truck from anywhere in the South to your farm. Phone anytime, day or night. (717) 393-4641. Gene Zwally and Marvin Johns. S. K. Shotzberger, Inc. P. O. Box 925 Lancaster, Pa. 17604 VINTAGE SALES STABLES, Inc. Vintage Auction Monday, October 2 PARADISE, PENNA. BULLS, STEERS, BUTCHER COWS, HOGS, LAMBS AND VEAL CALVES SOLD ON COMMISSION SALE EVERY TUESDAY 12 NOON FAT HOGS AND FEEDER PIG SALE EVERY SATURDAY AT 9;00 A.M. For Marketing Information Phone Area Code 717442-4181 Paradise, Pa. 10 mi. East of Lancaster on Bt. 30 Kenneth E. Hershey, Sales Manager Box 100 New Holland Auction Thursday, Octobers Cattle Calves Sheep 891 513 5 947 574 21 1002 565 9 This week Last week Last year CATTLE—Compared to last Thursday slaughter steers steady to strong instances 25 higher; cows 50-1.00 lower; bulls uneven Good and Choice mostly steady, Utility and Commercial steady to weak, with small supply weights over 1500 lb. 50-75 lower. Supply included 32 percent cows and 18 percent bulls. SLAUGHTER STEERS—High Choice and Prime 1075-1325 lb. 36.75-37.50, several Choice yield grade 2 & 3 37.00-37.75, with seven head 38.00-39.00; Choice 950-1325 lb. 35.60-36.85; high Good and low Choice 34.75-36.00; Good .34.00- 35.50; 35 head Standard to mostly Good 1280-1420 lb. Holstein 33.75-34.50; Standard 32.00-34.00. COWS—Utility and high dressing Cutter 25.75-27.60, few 27.75-28.35; Cutter’24.7s-26.75; Canner and low Cutter 22.50- 25.00. BULLS—Choice 34.75-36.75, few 36.85-37.85; Good 32.50-34.75; Utility and Commercial 32.00- 35.00, few 35.25-36.60; Cutter and low Utility 30.50-32.00. VEAL CALVES—Vealers fully steady, instances 1.00 higher., VEALERS—Prime 63.00-65.50, few 66.00-67.50; Choice 57.00- 62.00; Good 52.00-58.00; Standard 46.00-52.00; Utility 90-120 lb. 39.00- 45.00, 65-85 lb. 38.0041.00. Monday, October 2,1972 Calf Receipts 115. Choice and Prime 60-66; Standard 44-51.50; Good and Low Choice 52-59.50; Common 34-43.50. Monday, October 2,1972 13 loads of hay and 6 loads of straw sold as follows (prices per ton): Alfalfa, few loads 69.00-78.00; Timothy, 2 loads 38.00 and 48.00; Mixed hay, few loads 30.00-40.50; Straw, few loads 30.00-36.00. COMPUTE LIVESTOCK BUYING SERVICE Specializing in order buying of Stockers & Feeders ,Frank Dussinger livestock order buyer Phone: (717 ) 397-7539 MARTIN LIVESTOCK Washington Boro, Pa. 17582 John Bowman Phone*: (717) B*2-5491
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