Team Sees An egg marketing study team report which indicated industry might need to seek standby legislation to stabilize prices and -DEUTZ Interest Waiver Plan Available Buy your Deutz tractor now, No Interest, and No Payment until March 1, 1973 The Strong Green Line of Deutz tractors is available in 32-38-55-65-85-105-125 HP sizes. Air-cooled Deutz diesel engines have proven to be far more flexible than other diesels and last twice as long besides. Their constant torque pulls you through more tough spots without shifting. STAUFFER DIESEL, INC. 312 W. Main Street, New Holland, Pa Phone: (717) 354-4181 THE ZIMM-O-MATIC HYDRAULIC SHUTTLE STROKE BARN CLEANER This Barn Cleaner is built to clean gutters from 14” to 20” wide any length desired. Almost any de sign cow barn or layout can also be used in hog houses and chicken houses. The Bam Cleaner and Bunk Feeder with the (PatenO Hydraulic Reciprocating Valve which makes it a shuttle stroke movement. One Power Unit can be used for both Bunk Feeder and Barn Cleaner and is available with a 3 or 5 hp motor. Feeder will Feed any kind of feed such as frailchop, haylage, silage or any kind of pulverized feed. This feeder is build for Bunks any width up to 4' wide and up to 200' long. Bunks can be con structed of wood or concrete. A 6 1/2’ stroke Cylinder shuttles rods back and forth. The paddles and runners is a combination which is patent. These are so designed that they can be used on either side to push any direction. No left or right they fit both sides. i lr r Need for production was released recently by Secretary of Agriculture Earl L. Butz. Other key provisions of the ’tU March 1, 1973 Paddle and Ruiyiei;,,, Laws To Stabilize Egg report recommended: that the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the egg industry support legislation to authorize the collection and expenditure of checkoff funds that would be used to determine and publish base price quotations, support cash trading mechanisms, establish com mittees to aid in price deter minations and develop new data series. a unit be established within USDA to provide advice, guidance and help to family-sized egg laying operations. Jurisdiction for regulating egg trading practices should be transferred from the Federal Trade Commission to USDA’s Packers and Stockyards Ad ministration. In considering the possibility of legislation to stabilize egg price and output, the team report emphasized that it would be on a standby basis and that alter native programs need indepth study to help decide what ap proach to select. The egg marketing study team was set up early this year with the purpose of trying new con cepts to get more creative and innovative approaches to solving egg industry problems. Since then, team members have conferred with State and Federal officials and all segments of the industry—producers, packers and distributors. In releasing the report today at a conference of industry leaders, team members and USDA of ficials, Secretary Butz pointed out that while consumers have benefited from high quality and Regular Bunk Feeder Paddle 22 1./2" long 31/2" high K * u - For Sale and Service call CLYDE C. LUTZ R D 1 DENVER, PA 17517 PHONE (215) 267-2132 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 7,1972 low prices relative to many other foods, the producers have suf fered from cyclical fluctuations and a prolonged period of low prices. Other major recommendations included: improvement in the job of informing the public on the in dustry accomplishments and problems and of working with other Federal agencies whose programs affect the egg industry. working with the Internal Revenue Service to jointly develop guidelines for gradually moving the egg industry toward full accrual accounting support by industry and USDA of the principle of the proposed national checkoff legislation for egg promotion, advertising and product development and increased emphasis by government agencies on all programs that would increase or stabilize the demand for eggs. revision of data series to reflect changes in industry characteristics and needs and better industry support of the need for accurate input data and changes in reallocating resources available for data programs. Other selected recom mendations touched upon grades and standards, rates on feed ingredients, rail line aban donment, feed additives, pollution abatement, production and marketing costs, producer bargaining, coordinating Federal lending programs, and futures trading. Single copies of a summary of the “Egg Marketing Study; A Useful Seed The huge purple seed oi the avocado has several uses It is a source of an oil used in cosmetics; contains a red indelible stain useful as ink in primitive circumstances; and ground up and mixed with meal, it serves as rat poison. FREE Plastic Bucket MILK REPLACER^ With each 100 BEACON From now until October 14th we are giving one 12 qt. heavy duty plastic bucket with each 100 lbs. of Beacon Calf Milk Replacer.* These products go into suspension easily, stay in solution. Clean pails show the calves get all the nutrients. Gains are rapid and efficient. THE BEACON DEALERS OF LANCASTER COUNTY H. Jacob Hoober 0. Kenneth McCracken Intercourse, Pa. £qH Manheim, Pa H. M. Stauffer & Sons, Inc. Leola, Pa. * Offer expires October 14,1972 Industry Team Report” are available free of charge upon request to the Office of Information, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C., 20250. A patented FERMENTATION CONTROL PROCESS . . . proven by Only Silo Guard directs and controls natural fermentation in your HIGH MOISTURE CORN AND ENSILAGE CROPS Retains nutrients, color and palatabihty of fresh cut forages Forms propionic acid which adds high food energy, prevents excess heating, virtually eliminates butyric acid with its unpleasant odor Assures increased milk production or weight gams. Proved by 12 years of success by top dairymen in the US and Canada Documented in our Customer Evaluation Reports at a lower cost. ROY H. MILLER International Stock Food Earl Sauder, Inc. New Holland, Pa BEACONFEEDS IfIUHK performance. CONTACT 55 S. Grant Street Manheim, Pa. 17545 Phone 665-5213 Corp Waverly, N.Y. 14892 17
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