Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, October 07, 1972, Image 1
oT Agriculture Vol. 17 No. 46 The grand champion steer at the New Holland Fair was shown by Twila Snader of East Earl R 2. The steer sold after the show for $l.OO a pound. Ten-year-old Jeanie Martin took the grand champion hog prize on Thursday afternoon at the New Holland Fair. It was Jeanie’s first year of competition, and she won with a 210 pound crossbreed. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 7, 1972 New Holland, Ephrata Fair Winners Named Lancaster County’s fair season went into its third week with the New Holland Fair which began on Wednesday Last Friday and Saturday saw the closing events of the Ephrata Fair. The Manheim Fair begins on Wed nesday, October 11, and will close out the season. Earl Stauffer entered his last dairy show on Friday night at the Ephrata Fair, and finished his career of FFA competition with a sparkling performance Stauffer turns 21 soon, the mandatory retirement age for FFA com petition He won both the grand and reserve Holstein Cham pionships at the Junior Dairy Cattle Show, third place in senior calf competition, first in junior yearling, first and second in three-year-and-over, and grand champion showman Other Holstein winners were; Russell Kline, Reinholds, junior calf; Jay Zimmerman, Ephrata Rl, intermediate calf; Richard Bollinger, Lititz R 4, senior calf; Ken Groff, Leola, senior yearling; Russell Kline, two year-old. Ken Groff was the junior champion, Yvonne Stauffer was reserve junior champion. Farm Calendar Saturday, October 7 8 p.m. State Grange talent elimination, Kutztoivn Grange Hall. Sunday, October 8 1-5 p.m. First annual Apple Festival, Menges Mill. Monday, October 9 7:30 p.m. Lancaster County Soil and Water Conservation District board meeting, Farm and Home Center. Fulton Grange meeting, officer installation, Oakryn. 8 p.m. Lancaster County Poultry Association meeting, Farm and Home Center. Tuesday, October 10 10 a.m. Soybean meeting, Southeast Research Farm, Landisville. 1-3 p.m. Lancaster County Gourmet Cooking Workshop, Farm and Home Center. 8 p.m. Farm and Home Foundation board of directors meeting, Farm and Home Center. 45th National FPA Convention, Kansas City, Mo., October 10- 13. Wednesday, October 11 Manheim Farm Fair, October Il ls. Chester County sewing course for Men’s Fashions, Paoli Presbyterian Church. North American Dairy Show, (Continued On Page 27) Flashing a beaming victory smile, Mrs. Harold Stuber of Schoeneck stepped into the winner’s circle at Friday night’s Ephrata Fair. She'd just pulled her way to a resounding victory in the annual cow milking contest, beating out three men in the process. Winners in the Guernsey competition were: Connie Balmer, Lititz R 4, intermediate calf; John Miller, Manheim, senior calf, Dennis Nolt, junior yearling, Jesse Balmer, Lititz R 4, senior yearling; Cindy Balmer, Lititz R 4, 2-year-old, Jesse Balmer, Lititz R 4, 3-year and-over Jesse Balmer showed the junior champion, and the senior and reserve senior champions which went on to take the grand and reserve breed championships Ayrshire winners were: Ray Martin, New Holland Rl, senior calf, Daryl Martin, Stevens Rl, junior yearling, Dennis Martin, Wolgemuth Bros. Fighting Pa. Sales Tax Imposition Wolgemuth Brothers, IncT, Mount Joy feed dealers, are fighting a sales tax case that’s being watched carefully by poultrymen all over the state The Bureau of Taxes for Education is a part of the Penn sylvania Department of Revenue. The Bureau is responsible for collecting and disbursing all the sales taxes in the state Back in April of this year, Wolgemuth Brothers were informed that their contract broiler operation was not really within the realm of farming. Therefore, the Bureau said, the company had to pay a six percent sales tax on all feed, fuel and litter bought to feed chickens being grown by farmers under contract to Wolgemuth. “This whole thing is really a matter of definition,” Guy J. DePasquale told LANCASTER Manheim Fair Schedule Wednesday, October 11 2:30 p.m. Sheep and Swme Show 5 p.m. 4-H and FFA Baby Beef Show 7 p.m. Parade 8 p.m. Tractor Pulling Contest following Baby Beef Show Thursday, October 12 6 p.m. Baby Parade 6:30 p.m. Dairy Show Friday, October 13 10 a.m. FFA Tractor Driving Contest 2 p.m. Adult Tractor Driving Contest 8 p.m. Market Hog Sale 8:15 p.m. FFA Beef Sale following Market Hog Sale $2.00 Per Year Stevens RI, senior yearling, 3- year-old, Daryl Martin. Daryl Martin took grand champion honors with his 3-year-old cow, and Dennis Martin took the reserve champion ribbon. In Brown Swiss competition, Donald Wenger showed the top junior yearling, two-year-old and three-year-old, and took both reserve and grand champion honors. Kerry Boyd had the top senior yearling At the New Holland Fair, grand champion honors in the baby beef competition held on Thursday went to 17-year-old Twila Snader of East Earl Rl. (Continued On Page 30) FARMING in a telephone in terview. “We say that if a company contracts with a farmer to grow that company’s chickens, then the company isn’t engaged in farming. They therefore aren’t entitled to a farming exemption from the sales tax. If the farmer bought the feed, he wouldn’t have to pay the sales tax, because he’s obviously farming. But how can a company that doesn’t even own any farmland claim to be far ming’” Jay Wolgemuth said that his company hasn’t yet begun to pay the sales tax “We’re waiting until the Bureau’s decision is reviewed by a tax board. If the board rules against us, we’ll take it to court. I don’t see how the tax people can get away with it.” Asked if he knew of any other poultry operations threatened by the sales tax, Wolgemuth said, “Not as far as I know. I think we’re their guinea pig.” Kenneth Longacre, president of H. W Longacre, Inc., and the Pennsylvania Poultry Federation, said that he feels a six percent tax on feed could drive the poultry industry out of Pennsylvania. “Right now,” he said, “I think we’ve got about 85 percent of all the chickens in the state being grown under con tract. If the companies doing the contracting get socked with a big cost increase, they’re going to have no choice but to move out.” The sales tax law has been in effect since 1962, and this is the first time the revenue depart ment has gone after contract farm operations. If they succeed with the poultry industry, it will wipe out a source of earning for many small farmers throughout the state. One industry spokesman said he feels that other firms which contract for the growing of hogs and grain crops will also be threatened. Industry leaders seem to feel generally that the state has a pretty weak case. But as one poultryman said, “We can’t count on winning.”