Hog Prices Vintage Auction Saturday, September 23 Hog Market not received in time for publication. Tuesday, September 26 HOGS: Barrows and Gilts 25-50 lower. BARROWS AND GILTS: US 1- 2 200-240 lbs. 30.75-31.00; Few head US 131.00-31.10; US 2-3 195- 255 lbs. 30.50-30.75. New Holland Auction Monday, September 25 HOGS 1038: Barrows and Gilts steady to 25c lower. US No. 1-2 200-240 lbs. 30.50-31.50; US No. 1-3 200-245 lbs. 30.00-30.50; US No. 2-4 240-270 lbs. 29.00-30.00; US No. 2-4 170-190 lbs. 28.50-30.00. Sows: US No. 1-3 300-550 lbs. 24.00-26.00. Boars: 23.00-24.50. Lancaster Auction Wednesday, September 27 Barrows and Gilts 25-50 lower, weights over 240 lbs. steady. BARROWS AND GILTS: US 1 225-235 lbs. 30.75; US 1-2 200-235 lbs. 30.00-30.35; US 2-3 200-240 lbs. 29.35-30.00; US 2-3 240-255 lbs. 30.10-30.35. Lebanon Valley Auction Tuesday, September 26 • 185 Head of Hogs Barrows and Gilts 25c to 50c lower. BARROWS AND GILTS: U.S. 2-3 200-225 pounds 30.00-30.35; 2-4 (few lots) 210-235 29.75-29.85. SOWS: U.S. 1-3 350-500 pounds 25.25-26.25; 3-4 400-600 24.75-25.25. BOARS: (few) 22.75-23.00. Lancaster Market Monday, September 25 Barrows and Gilts 25-50 lower; Sows scarce. BARROWS AND GILTS: US 1 200-2351b5. 30.75-31.25; US 1-2200- 240 lbs. 30.25-30.50; US 2-3 190-255 lbs. 29.75-30.00. WIN POWER WORLDS LARGEST mfg.of \ r TRACTOR-DRIVEN I ALTERNATORS INSIST on a FREE INSURE YOUR WINPOWER DEMONSTRATION FARM OPERATIONS . vmm Carm AGAI NST POWER at YOU R Farm OUTAGES. HAVE Before You Buy ANY Tractor EXPERIENCED PEOPLE Driven Alternator cTii now' CE L. J. EDWARDS FARM SALES, Manager IP electromec LP-NATURAUQAS ■j—l electromechanical service diesel I ENGINE GEN. mMr* ROUTE 222. EPHRATA. PA. 17522 sets to 200.000 WATTS HLJ PHONE (717) 733-7911 ELECTRIC MOTOR • GENERATOR • POWER TOOL SPECIALISTS Peoria Auction HOGS: 3500, moderately ac tive, mostly steady US 1-2 200-240 lbs. 29.25-29.50; about 200 head 29.60; 1-3 200-270 lbs. 28.75-29.25. Indianapolis Auction HOGS: 3500, steady to strong, moderately active US 1-2 210-240 lbs, mostly 29.50 around 50 head 29.75; 1-3 200-250 lbs. 29.25-29.50. St. Louis Auction HOGS: 6000 full steady US 1-2 210-230 lbs. 29.50-29.75; 1-3 200-240 lbs. 29.25-29.50. New York Dressed Meats Thursday, September 28 Fresh meat prices mostly unchanged for steer and heifer beef, veal, calf and lamb. Pork loins, picnics and hams steady, butts and spareribs $1 lower. Trading generally dull with demand for all classes fresh meats generally moderate. Chuck cuts of railstocks very slow but beef rounds moderate active mostly for delivery into next week. Steer Beef Prime 600 - 900 pounds 57.50 - 59.00; Choice 600 - 700 57.00 - 58.00; 700 - 800 56.75 - 57.50; 800 - 900 56.75 - 57.50; Good 500 - 800 54.00 - 56.00. Heifer Beef Choice 500 - 700 pounds 54.50 - 56.00. Calf (Skin Off) 150-350 Pounds Choice 78.50 - 82.50; Good 85.00 - 90.00; standard 68.50 - 72.50. Veal (Skin Off) Choice 90 - 150 pounds 93.00 - 101.00; Good 60- 90 85.00 - 90.00; standard 60 - 120 72.00 - 75.00. Lamb Choice Spring 30 - 65 pounds 65.00 - 68.00. Choice Beef Cuts Hinds (Steer) 145 - 190 pounds 66.00 - 69.50; Arm Chucks 90 -105 PTO Units Available From 7 KWto 60 KW 20 Year Warranty POWER WHEN YOU NEED IT MOST 1800 RPM Omaha Cattle (Continued From Page 2) cent and feeders near 20 percent. Liberal percentage Choice steers and heifers with moderate volume High-Choice and Prime. Fed cattle trade continued to operate in an atmosphere of stability even in the face of a bearish carcass trade through midweek. Weekly average cost of_ steers has varied only 24c per hundredweight over past tHree week period. Supplies fairly well distributed over period. Feeder buyers continued to offer strong support on Good to low-Choice 950-1050 pound shortfed steers suitable for short turn in feedlot with more than 160 steers weighing over 900 pounds going on feeder account first three days. Also good demand for two way heifers. STEERS: Nine loads High- Choice and Prime 1050-1175 pounds 3-4 35.85-36.15, moderate volume same grade 1025-1274 2-4 35.50- Choice 975-1275 2-4 34.50- Mixed Good and Choice 950-1225 34.00-34.50. Good 32.50- 2-3 1100-1250 pound Holsteins 32.50-33.40. Standard and low-Good 31.50-32.50. Average cost slaughter steers first three days 34.95 average weight 1124 pounds as compared 34.76 and 1111 pounds previous week and 31.93 and 1096 pounds a year ago. HEIFERS: Ten loads High- Choice and Prime 943-1128 pounds 3-4 34.50-34.65 early, same grade 952-1038 34.00-34.40 late. Choice 800-1025 2-4 closed mainly 33.00- Mixed Good and Choice 750-975 32.25-33.25. Good 30.50- Small lots Standard and Good 29.50-30.50. COWS: Utility and Commercial 26.00- few Utility Dairybreds 27.75-28.00. Canner and Cutter 23.00-26.00, mixed Cutter and Utility 26.25-26.50. BULLS: Utility, Commercial and Good 28.50-32.50, Com mercial 1-233.00-33.50. Cutter and low-Utilitv 25.00-28.50. FEEDERS: Trading 48.00 - 50.00; Ribs (7-rib) 34-40 66.00 - 74.00; Loins (trmd) 50-70 84.00 - 86.00; Rounds (Steer) 70 - 95 66.00 - 67.50; Full Plates 32.50 - 33.00; Hinds (Heifer) 120 - 170 64.00 - 66.00. Fresh Pork Cuts Loins (regular) 8 - 14 pounds 65.00 - 68.00; 14 - 17 64.00 - 67.00; Picnics (regular) 4 - 8 39.50 - 41.50; Boston Butts 4-8 55.50 - 57.00; Spareribs 3 pounds down 59.00 - 61.50; Hams (skinned) 14 pounds down 59.00 - 61.50; 14 -17 55.50 - 58.00; 17 - 20 54.00 - 56.00. Kosher Market Kosher steer beef and lamb: mid week trade active. Prices steady. Quotes unchanged. U. S. Inspected Livestock Slaughter Estimated Daily Livestock Slaughter Under Federal Inspection Week to date Same period last wek Same period last yr. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 30,1972 Futures Trading (Closing bids as of Thursday, September 28) October November December January ‘73 February 38.15 28.60 March April May June July August October Trend - Cattle ? re higher, Hogs are higher, Potatoes are lower, and Eggs 'ire lower. a-asked b-bid n-normal Markets provided by Commodity Dept., Reynolds Securities Inc. Charlottesville, Virginia Wednesday, September 27 There were 1,461 head sold. Steers Choice and Fancy: 300 - 400 pounds 49.50 - 51.50; 405 - 500 48.00 - 53.00; 505 - 600 46.75 - 52.00; 600 - 680 43.25 - 47.50. Good: 300 - 400 pounds 49.50 - 50.75 ; 405 - 500 46.25 - 49.00; 505 - 600 45.00 - 49.25; 600 - 680 42.00 - 47.00. continued active under very aggressive demand, prices strong to 50c higher. Out shipments from regular market trading approximately 3,100 head as compared to 3,200 previous week. Outgo included more than 1,600 steers over 900 pounds most of these of fleshy two-wav variety and many logdlots carried considerable percentage Choice grade for slaughter. STEERS: Several loads Choice and Prime 510-675 pounds 48.00- 50.00, few consignments Choice 616-726 45.00-47.00. Choice 905-1100 35.50-36.50, short load 926 pounds 37.00. High-Good and Choice these weights 34.50-35.50. HEIFERS; Three loads Choice and Prime 522-613 pounds 43.75- 45.00. Load Choice 436 pounds 44.00, load Choice 642 pounds 36.85. High-Good and Choice 743- 899 33.00-34.75. Few Good and Choice stock cows 27.50-30.00. CATTLE HOGS SHEEP 500.000 1,290,000 171,000 506.000 1,271,000 171,000 501.000 1,379,000 160,000 Chicago Chicago New York Cattle Hogs Maine Potatoes 36.00 29.40 37.20 29.15 37.65 25.70 4.37 37.50 26.47 26.42 37.35 23.20 Feeder Sale Medium: 405 - 500 pounds 44.00 - 44.50; 505 - 600 44.75 - 46.25; 600 - 800 41.00 - 47.00. Short 42.50. Choice and Fancy: 300 - 400 pounds 40.00; 405 - 500 40.50 - 43.00; 500 - 600 37.50 - 39.50. Good: 300 - 400 pounds 40.00 - 41.50; 405 - 500 39.50 - 41.75 ; 500 - 600 35.25 - 35.50. Medium: 300 - 400 pounds 39.00 - 39.50; 405 - 500 37.00 - 40.00; 500 - 600 30.00 - 36.75. Short; 414 - 535 pounds 38.50 - 40.50. Abingdon, Virginia Tuesday, September 26 There were 1563 head sold. Steers Choice and Fancy: 500 - 700 pounds 41.75 - 45.50; 700 - 800 38.75 - 40.10; 800 - 1000 34.80 - 37.50. Good; 500 - 700 pounds 41.20 - 45.00; 700 - 800 38.90 - 39.40; 800 - 1000 33.50 - 35.25. Medium: 500 - 700 pounds 38.50 - 42.75; 700 - 800 37.20 - 38.60; 800 - 1000 33.50 - 33.80. Common: 500 -700 pounds 36.00 - 38.25; 700 - 800 34.25 - 35.00; 800 - 1000 32.00 - 33.50. Tuesday, September 26 There were 711 head sold, Steers Choice and Fancy: 300-400 pounds 51.75-52.00; 405-500 49.50- 50.50; 505-600 47.00-49.00 ; 605-700 41.75-44.50. Good: 300-400 pounds 50.00- 50.50; 405-500 48.50-51.75 ; 505-600 45.00-48.00; 605-700 41.00-43.25. Medium: 300-400 pounds 44.50- 45.00; 405-500 46.00-46.75 ; 505-600 39.50-44.50. Choice and Fancy: 300-400 pounds 39.50-40.00; 405-500 41.00- 42.25 ; 505-600 39.00-41.00. Good; 300-400 pounds 40.00 ; 405- 500 40.00-42.00; 505-600 36.25-38.50. Medium: 300-400 pounds 40.00; 405-500 39.75-40.50. MANURE PITS 24-36 ft, 48 ft. & 60 ft. Diameter 12 ft. Deep circular precast concrete with Gumte coated in terior. ZIMMERMAN INDUSTRIES, INC. . R.D No. 1 Ephrata, Pa. 17522 mmmimmm Chicago Fresh Eggs 35.45 37.00 40.55 40.50 40.00 4.15 39.50 5.12 35.35 365 - 660 pounds 38.00 - Heifers Orange, Virginia Heifers 3
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