Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 30, 1972, Image 13
Weather and Crop Service Starts Second Century Serving Agriculture The Weather and Crop Service supplying the Nation’s farmers, marketers, and consumers with Chops Fast and Fine-at Low Cost Per The Model 720 FORAGER makes high quality haylage and silage chopped the way you want at a cost that II help your profits on your livestock From multiple position hitch to adjustable deflector spout, the 720 is designed for efficient economical forage harvesting and fast changes from one crop to another 6' pickup attachment handles heavy windrows with ease does a clean job in picking up green forage, wilted hay cured hay or straw Pick up fingers comb the stubble and feed material to the auger in a steady stream save more of the leaves Row-crop attachments match your row width guide stalks into chopper with three gathering chains per row Two row attachment adjusts for row spacmgs from 28 to 42' one row attachment bar vests rows of any width Grumelli Farm Service QjuarryviUe, Pa. Nissley Form Service Washington Boro, Pa. 5 information agriculture, niversary in about weather and mark its 100th an- November. 720 FORAGER FIELD HARVESTER ZA ALLIS-CHALMERS Cylinder center pivot maintains constant relationship between gathering unit and feed rolls for even feeding Feed roll springs are adjustable to give you the proper tension for any crop Reversing mechanism lets you reverse rotation of feed rolls and gathering unit from tractor seat for fast clean out Eight cupped tungsten carbide knives on cylinder cut and throw crop in a single fast, smooth operation There s no need for a power consuming blower Scissors action of curved knives against shear bar produces a fine cut Shear pins protect cylinder drive and drive line for long life Built in sharpener lets you put fresh keen edge on knives without removing them from the cylinder The Service, then under the direction of die Army Signal Service, collected and published weekly weather summeries for agriculture starting November 16,1872. Today the Weather and Crop Service is the cooperative effort of the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Statistical Reporting Service and the Commerce Department’s National Oceanic and At mospheric Administration. The Service relies on in formation from some 3,000 county agents, 13,000 volunteer weather observers and thousands of crop reporters. The official reports based on these local growing conditions and crop developments help stabilize the market and limit rumors that might affect agricultural prices. These reports influence decisions 'about production, inventories and ultimately the food supply and prices consumers pay. Harness Racing Funds to be Sent Earlier to Fairs The 101 state and county fair associations in Pennsylvania will get their 1972 share of harness racing revenues earlier and easier. Secretary of Agriculture Jim McHale directed that a new, simplified form be devised that would permit the associations to receive 90 percent of their allotment about five months ahead of schedule. The early payment was made possible by having the various agricultural associations and societies file an estimated return. The balance will be paid following the annual audit. Last year’s disbursement from Shear bar is reversible and replaceable, with hardened edges for clean cutting Delivery chute rotates for side or rear delivery into truck or wagon can be positioned easily from tractor seat Deflector spout adjusts from tractor seat for full wagon loading Multiple position hitch adjusts easily to match tractor drawbar height Heavy 6" tubular steel frame is built to withstand the jolts and jars of operation over rough fields Optional axle extensions change harvester tread to match row widths High flotation tires are available if field conditions require them L. H. Bruboker Lancaster, Pa. Roy H. Buck, Inc. Ephrata, R. D. 2 the harness racing revenues to the fairs came to $1.3 million. Additionally, $250,000 is distributed to nearly 120 county Future Farmers of America and 4-H groups, and $41,000 is given to eight state-wide organizations to help them present agricultural competitions and educational activities. “Not only do the county fairs stimulate interest in CALL US FOR PROMPT SERVICE ON LIMESTONE - FERTILIZER - PEANUT SHELL Bookings Are Available for Sept. & Oct. Delivery. Book Now For LOWEST PRICES. on ORGANIC PLANT FOOD CO. 2313 NORMAN ROAD LANCASTER, PA. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 30,1972 — Vfeatherfi Crop Service 1872-Cc US. Department of Commerce US. Departments Agriculture NOW! PREPARE FOR SEEDING Trailer spreaders or custom truck spreading. AVAILABLE IN BAGS OR BULK PLAN NOW TO USE PRO-SIL In Your Silage Program This Fall. I \ agriculture,” said McHale, “but they also make an important contribution to the local economy. This is why we felt it was important to get the fan funds into their treasuries earlier in the year.” Try A Classified Ad It Pays! Truck Spread Fast Service Available in bags, bulk Ph ; 397-5152 13